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Doug Peterson

Pex4fun, an online lab for APCS - Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information f... - 1 views

    Are you teaching Advanced Placement Computer Science? Are you looking for supplemental exercises that may help you students with the concepts? If so this announcement may be of interest to you. Pex for Fun has been around for a while offering coding duels in C#, F# and Visual Basic. Recently though it was decided to invest some time, money and effort to adapt some exercises specifically to help learn APCS concepts. Most students find the differences between Java and C# pretty minor at this level so most APCS students will find this doable even if they have only been taught Java previously.
Doug Peterson

Why you should NOT install 'Fun & Entertaining' Facebook applications | - 0 views

    We often have readers ask us questions about specific Facebook applications. Some apps generate an enormous amount of spam and can annoy the heck out of your Facebook friends. Others are outright scams and should be avoided entirely. For example, any application offering to show you who has viewed your profile, who your Facebook stalkers are etc., are guaranteed to be fraudulent. Facebook doesn't allow developers access to the data required to create apps like this.
Doug Peterson

Super Scratch Programming Adventure Is an Awesome Way to Get Kids Into Programming | Ge... - 2 views

    "That's why I'm so impressed with a new release from No Starch Press titled Super Scratch Programming Adventure (SSPA, for short). SSPA offers up 10 Stages (chapters) that use a comic book format to teach programming with the Scratch programming tool. Millions of kids have used it, and the simplicity of the tool is that it sneaks in real programming concepts and techniques in a fun, colorful manner."
Doug Peterson

10 reasons why this is a great time to be a developer | TechRepublic - 1 views

    "Ever since I was a kid, being a programmer looked fun and exciting. But in the last decade, the novelty of the Internet has worn off, and it seems like we've just been spinning our wheels. With an increasingly uninteresting workload and stagnation in pay, a lot of folks have either left for other pastures or have thought about it. Well, in the last year or two, things have really changed. Here are 10 reasons why now is a great time to be a developer."
Doug Peterson

Learn to code | Codecademy - 1 views

    Codecademy is the easiest way to learn how to code. It's interactive, fun, and you can do it with your friends.
Doug Peterson - 1 views

    Have fun and make games, or hack your homework using Ruby! Just tell your parents or teachers you're learning Ruby programming... ;) Free and works on any computer. Click here to see what it looks like
Doug Peterson

Pex for fun - from Microsoft Research - 0 views

    This puzzle is an interactive Coding Duel. Can you write code that matches a secret implementation?
Peter Beens

Ruby for kids - 0 views

    With Ruby, and the gosu gem you can do it. It is fairly easy to get going. And if you follow our screencasts, you can have a game going in minutes! Also, take a look at our recent Show and Tell to get some ideas of the games that can be built by beginners. Have fun!
Peter McAsh

How To Identify A Programmer's Personality By Just Watching His Keyboard Moves (Comic) ... - 3 views

    Just for fun!
Peter Beens

Project Euler - 1 views

    Project Euler is a series of challenging mathematical/computer programming problems that will require more than just mathematical insights to solve. Although mathematics will help you arrive at elegant and efficient methods, the use of a computer and programming skills will be required to solve most problems. The motivation for starting Project Euler, and its continuation, is to provide a platform for the inquiring mind to delve into unfamiliar areas and learn new concepts in a fun and recreational context.
Doug Peterson

Kids Like . info - educational games and toys; teach children programming - 0 views

    Kids Like . info is dedicated to bringing you the best, and most fun, educational resources for free. Our main emphasis currently is on teaching computer programming, math, and science. Information about business and innovation will be coming in the future.
Peter McAsh

Learn to code | Codecademy - 0 views

    Codecademy is the easiest way to learn how to code. It's interactive, fun, and you can do it with your friends.
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