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Doug Peterson

Description - Traveling Santa Problem - Kaggle - 2 views

    "Solve ye olde traveling salesman problem to help Santa Claus deliver his presents"
grant hutchison

Pair programming (great explanation) - 2 views

    This article about Pair Programming is an excellent description of the process and how it can improve productivity. The company, Xtreme Labs, has set work hours and they are still very productive. Xtreme Labs is a mobile app developer primarily from Toronto that is growing extremely quickly.
tech vedic

How to make symbols ¢☂¿☀♥☮☆♛♬✂☯ and more using your ALT button? Description - 0 views

    Symbols have remained as the most important aspect of communication. Thanks to the Alt button provisioned with the computer keyboard. Using this you can convey your message easily across people and organizations in a quick and easy manner.
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