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101 Free (or Free-to-Try) Online Collaborative Learning Tools - 0 views

    Today's student generation is Internet-savvy. Docurated provides a list of the best 101 101 Free (or Free-to-Try) Online Collaborative Learning Tools
rocio sun

proyecto de comunicación on line - 0 views

    Ed tech blogger and speaker Leigh Zeitz presents a personalized research project that allows students to address all six of the ISTE Standards for Students while they learn how to use online collaborative tools.
    Ed tech blogger and speaker Leigh Zeitz presents a personalized research project that allows students to address all six of the ISTE Standards for Students while they learn how to use online collaborative tools.

10 herramientas básicas para AbP - 0 views

    Top 10 Essential Web Tools For Project-Based Learning
    Blending the traditional textbooks with innovative web tools that inspire collaboration will be the wisest thing you've ever done for your students.

How to use Google tools in Project-Based Learning - Daily Genius - 3 views

    When you think about some of the key features of Project-Based Learning (PBL), what do you think of? PBL should be student-driven, with a real-world connection. It should be core to learning, include structured collaboration, and have a multifaceted assessment. Giving students a real problem to solve, getting them engaged in their work, having them work with […]
Ana María Maxiá Jiménez


    Deeper learning is a set of learning outcomes for students that include: *Mastery of core academic content *Critical thinking and problem solving *Productive collaboration *Effective communication *An ability to direct their own learning and exhibit a strong academic mindset.
Esther GM

What is PBL? | Project Based Learning | BIE - 0 views

    What is PBL? In Project Based Learning (PBL), students go through an extended process of inquiry in response to a complex question, problem, or challenge. While allowing for some degree of student "voice and choice," rigorous projects are carefully planned, managed, and assessed to help students learn key academic content, practice 21st Century Skills (such as collaboration, communication & critical thinking), and create high-quality, authentic products & presentations.

Five Keys to Rigorous Project-Based Learning - 1 views

    * Establishing Real-World Connections in Projects * Building Rigorous Projects That Are Core to Learning * Structuring Collaboration for Student Success . * Facilitating Learning in a Student-Driven Environment * Embedding Assessment Throughout the Project
    Cinco claves para el ABP. Videos. By edutopia

Project Based Learning: Explained. - YouTube - 0 views

    Project Based Learning: Explained.
  • ...2 more comments...
    The Buck Institute for Education commissioned the cutting-edge advertising agency, Common Craft, to create a short animated video that explains in clear language the essential elements of Project Based Learning (PBL). This simple video makes the essential elements of PBL come alive and brings to light the 21st Century skills and competencies (collaboration, communication, critical thinking) that will enable K-12 students to be college and work-ready as well as effective members of their communities.
    Vídeo en inglés que explica el método del ABP
    Vídeo en inglés que explica el método del ABP
    ¿Qué es el aprendizaje basado en proyectos?
M.jó HP

TICtirití: Podcasts a través de GDrive - 1 views

    POdcast con Google
    POdcast con Google
Manuela Sard

untitled - 1 views

    Para trabajar en proyectos colaboramos

Designing a High School for Collaborative, Project-based Learning - 0 views

    Diseñando el Instituto con ABP
    Diseñando el Instituto con ABP
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