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Fitness Accessories - How Safe Are Yours? - Stomp Apparel - 0 views

    "There are many different kinds of safety factors that should be adhered to when you are exercising. For instance, it is essential to warm up beforehand and warm down afterwards to prevent muscle and tendon strain and injury. It is also wise to start your exercise regime at the low end of the scale and build up gradually over some weeks, so you don't strain muscles that are weak. However, there are less obvious considerations that are often forgotten when you go off to your exercise class."
    "There are many different kinds of safety factors that should be adhered to when you are exercising. For instance, it is essential to warm up beforehand and warm down afterwards to prevent muscle and tendon strain and injury. It is also wise to start your exercise regime at the low end of the scale and build up gradually over some weeks, so you don't strain muscles that are weak. However, there are less obvious considerations that are often forgotten when you go off to your exercise class."
Peter Martinez

Yoga Pranayama Exercises to Enhance Immunity - Yoga Practice Blog - 0 views

    By Kimaya Singh Wintertime is a season of great beauty, serenity and celebration. It is also a time when many of us find that we get a number of colds and are vulnerable to catching the flu. A regular practice of Yoga asanas and pranayama exercises will help to keep you in good physical and mental health. There are also Yoga asanas and pranayama exercises that are particularly beneficial for enhancing the functioning of the immune system. The immune system is "staffed" by white blood cells that are distributed throughout the body by the lymphatic system. Exercise in general will help to increase the functioning of the immune system by increasing the circulation of white blood cells throughout the entire body. Yoga asanas that turn the body upside down are known as inversions. Inversions will substantially support the efficient functioning of your immune system through the added power of gravity to increase circulation.

How To Pick The Perfect Sports Bra - Stomp Apparel - 0 views

    One of the most important things to aim for when purchasing clothes to wear during exercise, is comfort - for women this is especially when it comes to a bra. It is true to say that just one bra may not be the ultimate choice. Much depends on your exercise regime - and your cup size.
    One of the most important things to aim for when purchasing clothes to wear during exercise, is comfort - for women this is especially when it comes to a bra. It is true to say that just one bra may not be the ultimate choice. Much depends on your exercise regime - and your cup size.
DonDevis Charlie

Most Effective Exercise for Weight Loss - 0 views

    The weight loss program can be made a very healthy one by following some of the most effective exercises for weight loss. These will include cardio some physical exercises.
DonDevis Charlie

Weight Loss Exercises Melts Body Fat - 0 views

    Weight loss exercises going to be the best way if you are serious to lose weight. This way would be a better to reduce your weight. For reducing the body fat, you should do some weight loss exercises along with weight loss tips rather than decreasing your
Peter Martinez

Power Yoga - Rejuvenate Your Mind, Body and Soul - 0 views

    By Sangeetha Saran There are numerous benefits of practicing power yoga. You can depend on this ancient exercise to help you shed off some weight. Power yoga is an effective form of exercise for caloric burn. Practicing frequently can help you improve your physical and psychological well being. Within a typical power yoga class you are performing cardiovascular exercise at a fair pace and resistance training with your body weight.

Why The Right Gym Clothes Are Important - Stomp Apparel - 0 views

    "Some people think it's okay to wear anything that's comfortable when they head to a gym. However, wearing unsuitable clothing is probably not the right way to get the best out of your exercise time or to feel the best while doing your exercises."
    "Some people think it's okay to wear anything that's comfortable when they head to a gym. However, wearing unsuitable clothing is probably not the right way to get the best out of your exercise time or to feel the best while doing your exercises."
Peter Martinez

Yoga For School-Age Kids - Yoga Instructor - 0 views

    By Rick A. Lee Not every child is good at sports and it's sometimes difficult to know how to get your children to exercise, when you know they don't enjoy competing. Forcing children into competitive situations can be damaging to their self-confidence and reinforce their dislike of exercise of any kind. When your child isn't getting enough exercise, it can be quite a problem thinking of ways to get them away from the computer or T.V. Well, I want to tell you a little about the benefits of yoga for children and how it can help them to stay physically and mentally active.
Peter Martinez

Advantages of Yoga - Yoga Instructor - 0 views

    By Michelle Buford Yoga is defined as a form of exercise by a series of different poses and breathing exercises. Yoga is done by slow and fluid motions. This exercise is not fast paced or a series of strenuous movements. Yoga is also found to be relaxing and to heighten your mental senses. It is found to be a very beneficial to your health.
Peter Martinez

About Yoga Exercises for Runners - Aura Wellness Center - Yoga Instructor Certification - 0 views

    By Rachel Holmes This session of yoga exercises for runners is a combination of beginner, intermediate and advance techniques that will aid and boost the runner. Yoga for runners is proven to enhance the abilities of the runner through meditation, techniques on how to breathe and exercise techniques.
Peter Martinez

Intermediate Pranayama Exercises for Trauma Survivors - 0 views

    By Bhavan Kumar One of the key elements to using Yoga as a therapeutic tool to heal traumatic memories is to remember to breath throughout your Yoga practice. If you forget to breath, you are still somatizing and freezing the feelings, memories and emotions in your muscle tissues. Somatization is often an unconscious protective mechanism for many trauma survivors. Unfortunately, it keeps the traumatic memories just below a conscious level and perpetually recycling in the mind and heart of a trauma survivor. Yogic pranayama exercises that teach you how to breath fully and deeply are very important for trauma survivors. Intermediate pranayama exercises that purify and energize the entire body/mind system are also very effective tools for releasing traumatic memories.
Peter Martinez

Yoga For Seniors - A Healthy Alternative - Yoga Instructor Blog - 0 views

    By Lisa Bradford As we age, our bodies go through numerous changes. Senior citizens often face health challenges such as arthritis, which affects the joints and decreases flexibility. Also, bone density decreases and energy levels may not be what they used to be. All of that can affect fitness levels and limit the types of exercises in which they can take part in. High impact activities, such as jogging, might be replaced with walking or swimming. Another great activity for seniors is Yoga training. The gentle postures (asanas) and slow, centered movements of Hatha Yoga are the perfect way to loosen tight joints and relieve pain. Low impact exercise (and the right type of exercises) is crucial for staying healthy - not just physically but mentally and emotionally as well.
Peter Martinez

Yoga Teacher Training: Gaining Strength With Kids Yoga - 0 views

    By Amruta Kulkarni, CYT 500 Adults from all walks of life and varying physical abilities are discovering the many benefits of practicing yoga and they're not alone. Children as young as three can do simple yoga exercises; in addition to helping a child improve balance, coordination, and body strength, yoga exercises are something that parents and children can do together. In addition to a calming, pleasant exercise, yoga provides opportunities for parents to provide instruction and build trust and communication bonds with their children. And yoga is not just appropriate for small child/parent groups within the home. Larger groups of children respond well to yoga in both classroom and studio settings.
Peter Martinez

Yoga Teacher Training: Gaining Strength With Kids Yoga - 0 views

    By Amruta Kulkarni, CYT 500 Adults from all walks of life and varying physical abilities are discovering the many benefits of practicing yoga and they're not alone. Children as young as three can do simple yoga exercises; in addition to helping a child improve balance, coordination, and body strength, yoga exercises are something that parents and children can do together. In addition to a calming, pleasant exercise, yoga provides opportunities for parents to provide instruction and build trust and communication bonds with their children. And yoga is not just appropriate for small child/parent groups within the home. Larger groups of children respond well to yoga in both classroom and studio settings.
Peter Martinez - 0 views

    By Rachel Holmes Praised for years as perhaps the best physical and spiritual exercise, yoga has become known almost as much for its benefits as a mental exercise. Along with reducing stress, yoga also increases concentration and clarity of thought in a person's professional and home life. In fact, some studies have suggested that yoga techniques may improve concentration and thought not only in adults suffering from stress, but children as well.
Peter Martinez

About Yoga Exercises for Runners - Aura Wellness Center - Yoga Instructor Certification - 0 views

    By Rachel Holmes This session of yoga exercises for runners is a combination of beginner, intermediate and advance techniques that will aid and boost the runner. Yoga for runners is proven to enhance the abilities of the runner through meditation, techniques on how to breathe and exercise techniques.
Peter Martinez

Daily Yoga Exercises to Improve Your Practice - Yoga Practice Blog - 0 views

    By Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500 We often talk about the benefits of Yoga we enjoy in our daily life "off the mat." However, there are also plenty of Yoga techniques we can do off the mat to make sure our practice improves! Here are some easy to incorporate exercises that will help deepen your daily Yoga practice.
Peter Martinez

Cardiovascular Benefits of Power Yoga - Yoga Teacher Training Blog - 0 views

    By Gopi Rao Regular exercise helps to build strength and stability in our muscles. Cardiovascular activity helps to strengthen our hearts and therefore, our bodies. Power Yoga combines the concepts of strengthening muscles and the cardiovascular system. Although strength training is very important, cardiovascular workouts can help take our fitness levels to higher levels. They can help to burn calories and build endurance levels. Walking and running are just two of the many examples of cardiovascular exercises. The cardiovascular benefits of Power Yoga include the ability to burn calories, improving the mind-body connection and helping to maintain a healthy weight.
Peter Martinez

Yoga for Obese Children - Yoga Teacher Training Blog - 0 views

    By Gopi Rao Childhood obesity is a condition that is becoming far too common. Parents and healthcare practitioners often wonder what can be done to alleviate the issue. Yoga for obese children could be a natural starting point when facing the problem. It is widely known that moderate exercise and healthy eating habits are just a few of the ways the childhood obesity can be treated, or better yet, prevented. However, overweight children might not have the strength or energy levels needed for many different types of exercise. Yoga, however, can be used to help kids get up and start moving.
Peter Martinez

The Importance of Warm Ups in Yoga - Yoga Teacher Training Blog - 0 views

    By Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500 What is the importance of warm ups in Yoga Classes? Yoga asana practice, like all other physical activities, requires the practitioner to challenge and stretch the muscles, while creating safe space in the joints. Since an integral part of most physical Yogic practices includes meditation and breathing exercises, many practitioners feel that Yogic exercise provides a "gentle workout" and skip the vital warm up session to tackle more challenging postures as soon as possible. This can be very dangerous, since warming up the body before attempting these more challenging postures can prevent injury.
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