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Contents contributed and discussions participated by David Corking

David Corking

NSFW: The Physical Impossibility of The Future in the Mind of Someone Trapped In Chicago - 3 views

  • just sitting here, staring out of the window at the snow, I can think of a dozen more technological advances of the past decade that it would be impossible to imagine the world without. Google. The iPod. Facebook. Skype. YouTube. Online banking. ATM check processing. Celebrity sex tapes. Snopes. GPS mapping for all on cellphones. The Kindle. Trip Advisor.
    Funny blog about the 00s in tech
David Corking

The Debatewise Blog - The Global Youth Panel - Nov 2009 - 0 views

    Large scale trial of Google Wave for collaboration of under-35s , December 2009 (1000 invites)
David Corking

Why I don't use Google Reader anymore - scobleizer's posterous - 6 views

  • I find that everyone I want to follow is on Twitter and brings in their stuff there.
    • David Corking
      I don't follow people who mostly link their own blog posts in Twitter
David Corking

A Summary Of Today's Big Facebook Platform Changes | Oct 28, 2009 - 2 views

  • Facebook is going to make user email addresses available to developers. This is a HUGE update from Facebook.
    • David Corking
      Is this good or bad? I don't like it, as the less scrupulous will say something like "to read a message from a friend, click 'Allow'"
  • Ethan says they’ll provide validated email addresses.
    • David Corking
      OpenID does this pretty well (as an option), doesn't it?
    Like the new Facebook or not - there is good and bad here.
David Corking

How to tell you have a problem - jarober - 2 views

    Social media realism (from the author of a well-known news aggregator or feed reader)
David Corking

Checking Twitter/Facebook: the new post-coital cigarette? - Ars Technica - 2 views

  • there are situations in which doing so just doesn't seem like it will ever become socially acceptable, but that may change as the Facebook generation gets older and sets the new standard for what's normal to do during a date—or after sex.
    • David Corking
      What a terrifying vision of the 21st century.
David Corking

BBC NEWS | Technology | Tweeting mouse trap and window | June 2009 - 0 views

    'The house that tweets' This 2 minute video interview with Andy Stanford-Clark is much more entertaining than the YouTube interview I bookmarked earlier. Lots of action shots of home telemetry, Andy's Java midlet on his phone, and what I think is a GNOME desktop showing his home's web interface.
David Corking

Twitter / spam's Favorites - 0 views

  • spamGiving out your username and password to a 3rd party site promising you more followers: not a good idea! Please be safe!6:22 AM Jun 7th from web     spamGeneral tip: don't retweet a spammer's message. You might get suspended accidentally, and that's no good.
    Useful tips that apply to any social networking service
David Corking

WOW: Facebook Launches a Twitter App |Mashable | August 2009 - 0 views

  • owever, I wouldn’t expect this functionality to be extended to user profiles anytime soon, which would clearly be a bigger win for Twitter than Facebook.
    • David Corking
      Why not? Surely Facebook would be glad to discourage you from logging into Twitter, and spend more time on their own site.
  • by giving users the ability to update both services via Facebook, they’re clearly hoping that the Facebook Page will become the first stop for admins.
David Corking

Twitter is Not a Conversational Platform - O'Reilly Radar - June 2009 - 0 views

  • It's not that conversation doesn't occur, it's that I don't think that networks of conversations are the best way to understand the Twitter information ecosystem. A long-tail distribution of information sharing entities (accounts) co-creating knowledge is better, I think.
    Serious essay by Mark Drapeau. Perhaps that explains why so many Twitterer are over 40: its demographic doesn't seem to be anything like myspace, youtube or orkut
David Corking

Offline Gmail is Almost Like the Real Thing - PC World - 2009 - 0 views

  • We also try not to dowload uninteresting conversations. This process is done heuristically and as with any heuristic can and will miss things. We'll continue to tune things up, but more importantly, we'll eventually provide a UI that will allow you to change the settings.
    • David Corking
      I look forward to this feature.
    review and tutorial
David Corking

WikidBASE | Nick Blundell - Projects - 0 views

    combines the functionalities of a database system and a wiki web application
    I am very excited about this 2007 project. This could save ordinary computer users a lot of money, and give those without much resources access to a lot of database power. Data is still complicated, and some people will still reach a limit where they need an expert in wrangling tables. I am very worried about the privacy and data security issues - how many club membership databases will end up on the web as a result of this?
Steven O'Sullivan

A Mining News Site Offering Web 2.0 Functionality - 23 views

web 2.0 mining mine mining news news
started by Steven O'Sullivan on 28 Apr 09 no follow-up yet
  • David Corking
    Interesting to see your site has worldwide news, not just Samoa.
David Corking

More Mikeyy worm madness on Twitter | Graham Cluley's blog | April 13 2009 - 0 views

  • To be hit by one cross-site scripting worm may be regarded as a misfortune, to be struck three or four times over a weekend looks like carelessness.
    "To be hit by one cross-site scripting worm may be regarded as a misfortune, to be struck three or four times over a weekend looks like carelessness." This 3 years after the services was launched. How many other trendy web apps are vulnerable to this kind of childish but criminal nonsense
David Corking

Don't use Marketing 1.0 techniques in World 2.0 - Morriss Partee - 2009 - Soc Media 101 - 0 views

    Short article
David Corking

Almost Viral: A Hybrid Acquisition Strategy | Jesse Farmer | April 2009 - 0 views

    Avoid "servers on fire" without spending all your savings on PPC ads - perhaps
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