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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Brad Belbas


update on Warner Music (UPDATED) (AGAIN) (Lessig Blog) - 0 views

    This is a video of a talk that Lawrence Lessig (Professor, Stanford Law School) gave for an unnamed organization. In his talk, Lessig provides a powerful and piercing analysis on the impact that legal restrictions on the re/use of media resources has on creativity and cultural production. During his talk, Lessig shows some remarkably creative mash-up videos on YouTube to exemplify the kind of creativity/cultural production that is possible through ubiquitous digital media, yet is considered copyright violation, for example, in the eyes of Warner Brothers Music Group. Ironically, the organization that hosted the talk received a notice from Warner Bros Music after posting a video of the Lessig's talk on YouTube, which, according to Lessig's blog, "objected to its being posted on copyright grounds." Warner Brother Music Group has implemented content-id algorithms (i.e., technology that detects the digital "fingerprint" of corporate-"owned" copyrighted works) through media hosting services, including YouTube, FaceBook, and others. When the video of Lessig's talk was posted, it was 'dusted' for fingerprints of WBMG copyrighted works. The detection system identified the soundtracks in the YouTube videos Lessig showed, as materials to which they held copyright. Both the video of Lessig's talk and the blog conversation regarding WBMG's objection are must-see resources.
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