Polling sucks. We think a decentralized pubsub layer is a fundamental, missing layer in the Internet architecture today
a fundamental design that looks like this: This picture leaves out multiple publishers and subscribers and the subscriber registration process, but you get the basic idea
fine for server subscribers (like, say Google Reader) but not for client subscribers (like, say TweetDeck).
the only way to enable client subscribers to play in this async messaging world is via some type of relay service
In this approach, the client subscriber makes an outbound connection to some type of relay infrastructure
technically feasible
Yes, having to relay messages sucks. But the question is
The natural state of audio and video signals is analog. When digital technology was not yet around, they are recorded or played back in analog devices like vinyl discs and cassette tapes. The storage capacity of these devices is limited and doing multiple runs of re-recording and editing produced poor signal quality. Developments in digital technology like the CD, DVD, Blu-ray, flash devices and other memory devices addressed these problems.