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Koko Mani

Easy tips for winning mahjong slots ways 2 Online Slot - 1 views

To increase your chances of winning big when playing Mahjong Ways 2 slot, there are several strategies and tips you can consider. Here are some steps you can take: Understand the BOLAEMAS88 Game R...

web2.0 technology ideas education edutalk app

started by Koko Mani on 27 Dec 23 no follow-up yet
Manish Kumar

Simage Technologies a Digital Security Company introduces Secure Contactless Token device - 2 views

    Simage Technologies introduces the Secure Contactless Token, a multi-purpose device that meets the full range of ID, payments and secure authentication requirements. This all-in-one device uses multiple biometric authentication to provide highly secure methods of user verification.
Graham Perrin

New release: Faviki makes semantic tagging (almost) as easy as classic « Favi... - 0 views

  • Faviki makes semantic tagging (almost) as easy as classic
  • July 2, 2009
  • custom names for tags
  • ...30 more annotations...
  • better control over tagging
  • OpenID
  • Save API
  • defining new tags
  • several new features
  • mainly to facilitate the use of common tags
  • overcome Wikipedia’s limitations as a controlled vocabulary for semantic tags
  • common, “semantic” tags are unique, well-defined concepts
  • Is it possible to make semantic tags as flexible as classic ones? Can humans accept and love the format intended for machines?
  • Enhanced tagging interface
  • added in free form, resembling classic tagging
  • possible to use custom names for tags
  • If Faviki doesn’t understand a tag provided by a user, it will ask her to disambiguate it. It will then remember her choice
  • Faviki “learns” about user’s name of the tag
    • Graham Perrin
  • custom names for tags can also be modified explicitly on the Tag page.
  • Defining new tags
  • added the same way as Wikipedia tags. The difference is that, this time, Google search is not restricted to Wikipedia’s domain
  • only a few of the top results are allowed to be selected
  • users collaboratively create new tags
  • Users collaboratively decide the best URLs for a concept
    • Graham Perrin
      Title, URL, a little text and a thumbnail, with sources. Compare the two. Answer yes or no. Perfect!
  • Save/Edit API
  • a simple API that provides a way to save and edit bookmarks from other applications.
    • Graham Perrin
      Hurrah! I'd love to have this work with Diigo API for bookmarks…
  • OpenID support
  • uses RPX
  • Other features/improvements
  • Smarter autocomplete list
  • Converting tags
  • Spam control
  • Export/backup bookmarks
  • Tag description tooltip
    @ Diigo Let's make best use of the Faviki Save/Edit API.
    The bookmarklet for Faviki is compelling.
Sarah HL

À quoi sert HTML5 si mes clients ne peuvent pas l'utiliser ? : Ergonomie web,... - 0 views

  • la difficulté d’avoir un rendu similaire sous tous les navigateurs
  • J’ai alors commencé à lui parler du futur glorieux qui s’ouvrait à nous, de XHTML5 et des nouvelles balises qui élimineraient les problèmes de positionnement, le SIDA et la faim dans le monde, annonçant l’avènement des Standards du Web (avec des majuscules) sur cet univers autrefois livré à l’anarchie la plus totale.
  • les standards du web sont un truc de riches
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • . Ou tout au moins, un truc de chercheurs complètement détachés de la réalité.
  • Quid de la modernisation du parc machines de ces entreprises ?
  • IL FAUT ARRÊTER DE DONNER DES CHIFFRES DE W3SCHOOLS POUR PARLER DE PARTS DE MARCHÉ DES NAVIGATEURS. Relayer ces chiffres est une erreur grossière. Ces chiffres ne concerne qu’un site précis, qui vise un public bien particulier (des développeurs web, pour faire simple). C’est comme si tu donnais les chiffres relevés sur Alsacré pour décrire le marché actuel des navigateurs.
  • l’Anarchie n’a strictement rien à voir avec la situation actuelle, qui n’est que la résultante de querelles de pouvoir de sociétés cherchant à dominer le marché pour augmenter leurs profits
  • Aujourd’hui, si je dois développer un site grand public orienté “web 2”, je ferai l’impasse sur IE 6, parce que les gens qui l’utilisent encore ne sont pas mon cœur de cible
  • lorsque je développe un site pour l’intranet d’un grand groupe, site qui va être consulté depuis des implantations dans le monde entier avec du matériel potentiellement désuet, je vais clairement me concentrer sur IE 5 ou 6.
Bakari Chavanu

How to Create Screencasts You Can Be Proud Of » The Rapid eLearning Blog - 4 views

  • Record the best audio you can by using a good microphone.  You can get a decent microphone for less than $100.  And if you do a lot of recording, it makes sense to invest in a good one.   Here’s an example of two different microphones on the same laptop in the same room:  $30 headset and $72 desktop (with no pop filter or any other type of adjustment).
  • Turn off the A/C and fans.  Turn off the office machines.  Sometimes you’ll pick up some noise or humming when the microphone is too close to the computer, speakers, or other electronic devices.
  • Have some water handy.  I find that I do a lot of retakes on that opening line, so I tend to start and stop my screencasts.  This causes my throat to get dry really fast.  It’s easy for me to go from sounding like a smooth rapid elearning coach to Lauren Bacall in just a few takes.
    • Bakari Chavanu
      This is so true. My mouth gets very dry when I'm trying to do screencasts. This is a good tip.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Try to use less than 5 minutes.  Screenr gives you 5 minutes.  That doesn’t mean that you have to take all 5 minutes for the screencast.  An ideal screencast is 2-3 minutes.  If you find that the screencast is long, just break it into chunks.  
  • Sometimes I’ll change the resolution of my computer and do a full screen capture at a lower resolution.  When I bring it back up, it looks great and I was able to leverage a full screen for the capturing.  Play around with some techniques that work for you.
  • It’s easy enough to follow the mouse, but make sure to point out what they should be looking at when you change screens or focus on a new area.  This is especially true if you’re doing things they can’t see like using a keyboard shortcut.
  • If you have to do full screen videos where you show your desktop, try a product like Stardock’s Fences.  It’s free and can quickly hide your icons while you do your recording.  Here’s a tutorial to show how to use Fences to hide your desktop icons.
  • When you do screencasts from this account you don’t need to worry about hiding personal information like folders or toolbars in your browser.  I’d also make your desktop image a solid color rather than a distracting background image.  You can also try a virtual desktop.  Set one up just for screencast videos.  Here’s a demo of how to use a virtual desktop.   
  • One trick is to start with the final output.  Tell the viewer that this is what you’ll create and then jump to the tutorial and a different screen.
  • Screenr does come with some default settings that work well in your rapid elearning courses.  For example, 720×540 is the aspect ratio for a PowerPoint slide.  980×560 is perfect for videos in the no sidebar view mode in Articulate Presenter. 
  • If you find that you have to click on buttons and open other screens during your demos, then you want to use Alt+D to pause your recording between mouse clicks. 
Mamun Khan

Summer Day Dresses for The Casual Woman - 1 views

If you're looking for some casual day dresses to wear this summer Fzillion has the perfect selection. has casual day dresses online to fit your casual lifestyle. For example, Tigerlily...

ideas web2.0 Women apparel Men Apparel Fashion Style

started by Mamun Khan on 14 Mar 16 no follow-up yet
Mamun Khan liked it
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