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Pinhopes Job Site

Why an interview is a lot like going on a first date | Pinhopes - 0 views

    Going for an interview is like going for a first date. You want to look and behave your best at your first date/interview, to grab your potential date/employer's attention. Like in a date so in an interview, you get only one chance to create an impeccable first impression, to prove why you are the perfect match for the job.
Pinhopes Job Site

Climb up the career ladder faster | Few useful tips for Interview | Pinhopes - 0 views

    Reaching your work goals may look like a daunting task at first. With careful planning and implementation of right strategies, you can step up the career ladder quicker than you thought of. Here are few tips on how to get promoted at work quickly:

    Continue learning

    Learning is a lifelong process. To grow in your career, it is imperative that you keep accumulating knowledge across industries' trends, challenges and insights. Staying updated about your domain knowledge enables you to tackle challenges at work more efficiently and higher your chances of getting noticed by employers.

    Lead when required

    To take charge in a work environment doesn't always require you to be in a top position. You can assume a leadership role when circumstances demands at workplace. Exhibit your leadership skills while solving a critical problem at work by effectively communicating, motivating and working in coordination with other team members. Also start taking responsibilities a level in advance to show that you are ready for the next role.

    Give your best

    When you give your best in your work, you stay visible for your passion and performance. If you want to add more value to your work, then go t

How to Prepare Aptitude Test for Competitive Exams - 0 views

Practice as many questions before your assessment. The more psychometric aptitude test questions you practice the more your speed, accuracy and confidence will improve. Improving these factors will...

Aptitude Test Online

started by puzznbuzzus on 23 Feb 17 no follow-up yet
Jason Smith

3 Things to Consider for an On-the-Spot Technical Hiring Test | eTeki - 0 views

    A coding test may lead to interesting experiences as a programmer. Most candidates wind up with the recruiting manager telling them that they'll be in touch.
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