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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Alyssa B


Prejudice Reduction Through Shared Adventure: A Qualitative Outcome Assessment of a Mul... - 2 views

    Wright, Alan N., and Jan Tolan. "Prejudice Reduction Through Shared Adventure: A Qualitative Outcome Assessment of a Multicultural Education Class." Journal of Experiential Education 32.2 (2009): 137-154. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 22 Nov. 2010. This article focuses on the importance of multicultural education in order to reduce common prejudices. Multicultural education helps students see these multiple perspectives which helps lead to the ending of social oppression. Learning about various cultures around the world would give students respect and appreciation for their contributions and is necessary to combat social injustices. Prejudice and racism is very embedded within American society that attitudes remain largely unrecognized. Prejudice reduction is a necessary component of multicultural education.

The Global and the Multicultural: Opportunities, Challenges, and Suggestions for Teache... - 2 views

    Wells, Ryan. "The Global and the Multicultural: Opportunities, Challenges, and Suggestions for Teacher Education." Multicultural Perspectives 10.3 (2008): 142-149. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 21 Nov. 2010. The potential benefits of using global themes in the classroom include a greater understanding of multicultural concepts, and a greater understanding of how global events affect multiculturalism in the U.S., and a greater understanding of the other cultures in relation toe the U.S. Today many educational programs include minimal about of multicultural education. This article also discusses ways to integrate global perspectives into studies and the challenges that educators face.

Thie Importance of Learning a Second Language in America - 4 views

    K., Lisa "The Importance of Learning a Second Language in America." Associated Content from Yahoo! - 2008 18 Mar. Web. 22 Nov. 2010. Question: What do you call a person who speaks more than one language? Answer: A Bilingual. Question: What do you call a person who speaks only one language? Answer: An American. This "joke" holds some truth because as the world shrinks and countries become increasingly interdependent, experts predict that within the next twenty years it will be necessary for everyone to speak a second, or even a third language. This is an area where the U.S. lack behind in other parts of the world. Learning another language is important in interacting with others and will help to accept and appreciate the different ways of life of people around the world.

Educating Global Citizens in a Diverse World - 3 views

    Banks, James A. "Educating Global Citizens in a Diverse World." New Horizons for Learning. Web. 16 Nov. 2010. This text discusses all the necessary reasons to become involved with global and multicultural education and obtain knowledge from the different cultures, languages, religions and racial and ethnic groups. Because of the growth of cultures throughout the world, citizenship education needs to be changed in order to educate students how to function in today's interdependent society and global culture. Student's need the knowledge, attitudes and skills required to function in their cultural communities.

Why Multicultural Education Is More Important in Higher Education Now than Ever: A Glob... - 1 views

    Ameny-Dixon, Gloria M. "Why Multicultural Education Is More Important in Higher Education Now than Ever: A Global Perspective." International Journal of Scholarly Academic Intellectual Diversity (2010). National Forum Journals. Web. 20 Nov. 2010. This article focused on the integration of cultures and the importance of interconnections among all nations as we face global issues such as human rights, nuclear weapons and terrorism. It is important to educate students especially in the higher level in order to embrace the global perspective of different cultures to remain models of a democratic society. This article also discussed the idea of United States being a "melting-pot" of different backgrounds, ethnic groups and cultures".

What kind of intercultural competence will contribute to students' future job employabi... - 2 views

    Busch, Dominic. "What kind of intercultural competence will contribute to students' future job employability?." Intercultural Education 20.5 (2009): 429-438. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 19 Nov. 2010. This article discusses the importance of incorporating multicultural issues and into education, and its importance in order to improve a student's potential employability. According to employers, a student's knowledge in intercultural issues will almost automatically increase their employability. Employers like to see applicants who have a well-founded understanding of the role of culture and cultural differences in society.

The Importance of Multicultural Education - 1 views

    Gay, Geneva. "The Importance of Multicultural Education." Educational Leadership 61.4 (2003): 30-35. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 17 Nov. 2010. This article discusses how curriculum's that contain multicultural education prepare students for roles as productive citizens and gives them a broad worldview which is important for academic success. This article focuses on the United States and the need to incorporate global education within a student's education. With domestic diversity within America and the constant flow of immigrants, gaining more insight about other cultures and ways of life is beneficial and essential when interacting with people from different backgrounds. Unfamiliar groups, cultures and languages can produce anxiety and hostility from those who don't understand or are ignorant to other cultures. This article offers several suggestions for teacher to go about incorporating global education into many different subjects.

Multicultural Literature and Young Adolescents: A Kaleidoscope of Opportunity - 2 views

    Landt, Susan M. "Multicultural literature and young adolescents: A kaleidoscope of opportunity." Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 49.8 (2006): 690-697. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 17 Nov. 2010. In this article, Susan Landt focuses on the importance of integrating multicultural literature into studies, especially at the adolescent level. Introducing multicultural literature into the classroom is necessary in providing a wider view that opens students to insights of other cultures. Landt claims that if multicultural literature were an integrated part of education teachers wouldn't be struggling to incorporate diversity and multicultural education in their classes. Several important reasons for this assimilation is to acknowledge the many cultures and their contributions to the world. It also helps to bring children into contact with other cultures and helps them to develop awareness at an early age, which will encourage respect for all peoples.

Teaching Islam to Educate Multiethnic and Multicultural Literacy: Seeking Alternative D... - 2 views

    Ho, Wai-Yip. "Teaching Islam to educate multiethnic and multicultural literacy: seeking alternative discourse and global pedagogies in the Chinese context." Asian Ethnicity 9.2 (2008): 77-95. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 16 Nov. 2010. This article focuses on the importance of the assimilation of the Islamic religion in liberal arts education. Living in a post 9/11 society, it is important to educate in order to correct global misunderstandings about the Islamic religion. The failure to teach Islam as a world religion has resulted in ignorance about the role of this religion in world history. Scholars have criticized that the misunderstandings about Islam, and present global conflicts are due to inaccurate media portrayals and the lack of education within schools. While Islam is a peaceful religion, the media has been shaping a negative stereotype of associating Muslims with violence. This article focuses on this understudied issue within Asia and attempts to incorporate this information to Chinese students in Eastern Asia.

Internationalizing the Curriculum: Improving Learning Through International Education: ... - 1 views

    Guerin, Stephen H. "Internationalizing the Curriculum: Improving Learning Through International Education: Preparing Students for Success in a Global Society." Community College Journal of Research & Practice 33.8 (2009): 611-614. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 3 Nov. 2010. This article discusses the importance of internationalization of curriculum and and its role in preparing students for a global and multicultural society. With recent events it is even more pressing that Americans today have an understanding of peoples of different cultures. Motlow State Community College (MSCC) recognizes this topic of discussion and survey's show that in its courses only 6% of its courses contain significant international content. International education especially at the college level has taken on a new importance. This article argues that despite the student's major, they should be exposed to multicultural education and this knowledge which will enhance a student's success in the global environment of the future.
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