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Edwin Vieira, Jr. -- Obama Must Stand Up Now or Step Down - 0 views

  • America is facing potentially the gravest constitutional crisis in her history. Barack Obama must either stand up in a public forum and prove, with conclusive documentary evidence, that he is “a natural born Citizen” of the United States who has not renounced his American citizenship—or he must step down as the Democratic Party’s candidate for President of the United States
  • And if each of the General Government’s powers must be proven (not simply presumed) to exist, then every requirement that the Constitution sets for any individual’s exercise of those powers must also be proven (not simply presumed) to be fully satisfied before that individual may exercise any of those powers.
  • Now that Obama’s citizenship has been seriously questioned, the burden of proof rests squarely on his shoulders.
    America is facing potentially the gravest constitutional crisis in her history. Barack Obama must either stand up in a public forum and prove, with conclusive documentary evidence, that he is "a natural born Citizen" of the United States

Crime victims - 0 views

    nyefrankracing frank's List: Crime victims - Updates and resources

Famous Prototype Builder Nye Frank Racing, - 0 views

    nyefrankracing frank's List: Famous Prototype Builder Nye Frank Racing, - Lee Frank 72 year old witnessed her 68 year old husband being jumped on while even being passed out by 27 year old Ty Reddish.

Oath Keepers » Oath Keepers - Guardians of the Republic - 0 views

    Military, Veterans, and peace officers who will honor their oaths to defend the Constitution, will NOT "just follow orders."

The Culmination of Liberal Incrementalism - 0 views

    The opening words of H.R. 3200, Mr. Obama s solution to the manufactured health care quot;crisis quot; in the United States reads: quot;A Bill to provide affordable, quality health care for all Americans and reduce the growth in health care spending, and for other purposes. quot; I haven t yet heard comment by the president or by the leaders of C

Philip Berg Attorney Demanding Obama Prove His Qualifications For POTUS - 0 views

shared by liveinfreedom . on 25 Jan 09 - Cached
  • Hawaii also issues Certification of Live Births to children born abroad upon the registration by a family member of the birth.  A Hawaiian Certification of Live Birth is issued to children who are United States “natural born” citizens as well as “naturalized” citizens, who did not qualify for “natural born” status.  Take for instance, Maya Soetoro, Mr. Obama’s half-sister who was born in Jakarta, Indonesia in 1970, she too has a Certification of Live Birth, however, she is not a United States “natural born” citizen. 

Picasa Web Albums - Tag results - 0 views

    Homicide autopsy states natural cause of death, Coroner Mark Fajardo Riverside County Coroner

Michigan Law Review Constitution - 0 views

  • Congressional power to withhold citizenship from children of U.S. citizens is not hypothetical; for decades, it was law, and to some extent still is. The Tribe-Olson Opinion proposes that “[i]t goes without saying that the Framers did not intend to exclude a person from the office of the President simply because he or she was born to U.S. citizens serving in the U.S. military outside of the continental United States . . . .” However, the Seventh Congress, which included Framers Gouverneur Morris and Abraham Baldwin among others, did precisely that. In 1961 in Montana v. Kennedy, the Supreme Court construed an 1802 statute to mean that “[f]oreign-born children of persons who became American citizens between April 14, 1802 and 1854, were aliens . . . .” Thus, children of members of the armed forces serving overseas, and diplomats and civil servants in foreign posts, were not only not natural born citizens eligible to be president, they were not citizens at all.
    The citizenship of those born in the Canal Zone in 1936 is a legal question, not a question about one's views of Senator McCain's candidacy. U.S. citizenship law is not simple or intuitive.

Obama is a MUSLIM and citizen of Indonesia Says Arab world campaign contributions 'may ... - 0 views

    Sen. Barack Obama\nis a Muslim of Kenyan origins who studied in Islamic schools and whose campaign may have been financed by people in the Islamic and African worlds, Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi said during a recent televised national rally.

Barack Obama vows to 'change the world' - Telegraph - 0 views

    The supremely confident demeanour and exalted rhetoric of the Democratic nominee at a New Hampshire event betrayed that he is a man convinced he is poised to make history.

News: O.C. suspicions over Obama's citizenship continue | obama, born, poll, republican... - 0 views

    the senate is to have said that they confirmed McCains birth to be in line with the Constitution. Allegations about the Democrats' birth certificate haven't gone away despite the widespread acceptance in both parties that his documents are valid.

LegalNewsline | Obama citizenship question goes to U.S. Supreme Court - 0 views

    The former deputy Pennsylvania attorney general who challenged Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama's qualifications to be president has appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

YouTube - Obama Supporting Islamic Terror Regime in Kenya - 0 views

    Obama supports the radical Islamic in Kenya called Odinga

Michigan Law Review: Explanation of Legal Process to Obtain OBAMA BIRTH information . - 0 views

  • The Justiciability of Eligibility
  • “[j]udicial review—if any—should occur only after the electoral and Congressional processes have run their course.”
  • here is no bright-line rule for ascertaining whether an injury is sufficiently imminent to satisfy the injury-in-fact prong, but the Court has said that an asserted right to have the government act in accordance with the law is not sufficient.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • and Berg probably lack Article III standing.
  • Understood in this way, prudential standing presents formidable difficulties for these plaintiffs and, indeed, for anyone seeking to challenge a presidential candidates’ qualifications in federal court.
  • The Warth-Newdow language suggests that federal courts should be especially reluctant to find standing in cases asserting a “structural” constitutional violation—like the prohibition on members of Congress serving in the executive branch or the requirement that a president be a natural born citizen—as opposed to the violation of individual rights.
    It is doubtful, however, that they are justiciable in lower federal courts. Standing requirements and the political question doctrine make it unlikely that a federal court will reach the merits in cases of the type filed to date. Justiciable means can the case be heard in a court or not? It is believed that this issue is more properly addressed by the political process and NOT the courts.

Barack Obama is not Barack Obama and HE SHOULD NOT BE A PRESIDENT EITHER - 0 views

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