Effective way to store purchased sheet music. Though I still prefer Forscore for reading score, this has a link to the store, which is very convenient for students.. Worth to experiment!
Considering it is free, it is not bad at all. It does not seem to work well in a horizontal way with iPad, but it does a job beautifully, and it is simple to use.
It is a list of Dropbox compatible apps. Dropbox updates the list always. If you use Dropbox for your main source of backup files, it would be great to have this to get other apps to connect to it.
This is a great news-reading app. You can RSS your favorite piano pedagogy blogs, news, and even your facebook in one layout. Efficiency is a key for using a technology and 'Pulse' does its job beautifully. Definitely it is worth to check it out.
Are you a faithful Diigo user already? Try this on Safari. A great way to use Diigo on the iPad! The video instruction is very helpful. I love to use Diigo in this way to organize different webpages in one place, and even share with others.
A great task management program for Mac, iPhone, and iPad. It is a great way to organize tasks, responsibility, projects, due dates and to-do lists. The best feature for the program/app is to be able to customize it and its simplicity. It is a great to-do app that will make your busy life more organized. It utilizes the ideas of David Allen, Getting Things Done, in your iPhone or iPad. It is a bit pricy for the other compatible apps though, especially if you wan to have it in your computer as well.
It is a simple app that any one can create songs in a rock style. Built-in drumbeats, and chord progressions are excellent to make music with any level of students. Electronic guitar sound adds an instant rock feeling into the song.
This is one of the best application to create a cool sound and music for free. It has a great value to make music and it is very sophisticated in its functionality. You can edit multiple layers of sound and instruments individually and customized in your creative way.
This is a piano teacher's blog. The article listed apps that she wish she had. It also has great links to other piano teacher related blogs and websites. It seems like lots of piano teachers are following her blog.
It is a game for reading music not only for piano, but also guitar, bass. It reinforces both letter names and solfege. User settings and nice design is a good plus.
A free apps for classical composers. The apps shows one composer a day for their one sentence biography on their birthdays! There is a link for sample music in iTunes.
It includes lots of functions in one app, such metronome, recording, music theory reference, web browser and note tool, transpositions and more. One of the best feature of it is being able to highlight and markup their PDF music or any other music document. ($14.99)
No more to worry about memory of your device, or keep e-mailing yourself a file to have an extra copy in other location. This is a great solution for anyone to keep a file in one place and be able to access and share with others. I think this is an absolute must for your computer and your device.