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tech vedic

ow to Enable Built-in Facebook Messenger and Social API in Mozilla Firefox? - 0 views

    Here is good news for Facebook lovers. If you are a Mozilla Firefox user and spend most of your time on Facebook then the latest Firefox version is coming with a new feature called "Social API" which is helpful in accessing social networks like Facebook, Twitter, etc. As per this new feature, you can add social network buttons and sidebars in Firefox window so as to chat with your friends, checking messages, notifications, etc. get quick and easy.
tech vedic

How to get Windows 8 Blue Login Screen for Windows 7? - 0 views

    Personalizing the Windows look has always remained in agenda for users, no matter which versions they are running on their computers. Windows 8 brought a new UI,i.e. "Metro Tiles", which received wide acclaimation from computer fraternity. Provoked by the new look, experts at Techvedic thought differently. And, they came with the same UI on Windows 7.
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