Sito dedicato alla letteratura francese e francofona del 19° secolo a cura di Tim Unwin della Bristol University in collaborazione con la University of Toronto.
Île en île contient une riche documentation littéraire, présentant des centaines d'auteur·e·s francophones des îles et de leur diaspora avec des dossiers approfondis : photos, biographies, bibliographies, entretiens et extraits de textes
Versione online della Bibliographie der französischen Literaturwissenschaft altrimenti nota come "Otto Klapp" la più importante e completa banca dati bibliografica citazionale (senza full-tex) dedicata alla francesistica ......................................................................................... Facts Size of the database: 94,776 book articles, 14,8961 journal articles, 92,774 monographs and reviews, 1,420 processed periodicals Annual update of the database with approx. 16,000 titles The bibliography is "annotated", i.e. it contains notes including the following information: Notes identifying forewords and epilogues, appendices, bibliographic details, discussions etc. and authors covered, works, topics etc. Three language versions: German, English and French. The years 1956-1990 have been retro-digitised and are available as searchable PDF files.
This French-language site, designed and hosted at the City University of New York and associated with a French non-profit educational association, focuses on the history, society, and literature of various French-speaking islands located throughout the world.