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SWIPE - 0 views

    Communication tool per la creazione di presentazioni interattive e condivisibili online su qualsiasi device

TalkBank - 0 views

    The goal of TalkBank is to foster fundamental research in the study of human and animal communication. It will construct sample databases within each of the subfields studying communication. It will use these databases to advance the development of standards and tools for creating, sharing, searching, and commenting upon primary materials via networked computers.

Voices From the Gaps : University of Minnesota - 0 views

    Celebrating and documenting the creativity of Asian, Black, Latina, and Native women, VG is one of the internet's most comprehensive and well-respected academic databases for women artists of color. We provide innovative teaching and research tools for accessing a global community of women writers of color living and dead, obscure and renowned. The site reaches backward and forward to place readers, thinkers, students, and educators on a bridge which connects the gaps that exist in literature, society, and culture. Through our student-generated profiles, essays, reviews, and interviews, you can engage with artists whose works put faces on difficult and important issues ranging from immigration to racial prejudice, gendered violence to community resistance.

The Virtual Linguistics Campus - Linguistic Courses and Course Material - Become a Memb... - 0 views

    The world's largest e-learning platform for linguistics. The VLC offers fully certified linguistic courses and course material for theoretical and applied linguistics. Furthermore, it includes a variety of linguistic tools and all the communicative facilities necessary for successful e-learning.

Video for all | Home - Video For All - 0 views

    Today is the video age, with many possibilities for integrating video in to language learning. Language learning is a multi-sensory process and video allows communicative learning skills, listening, speaking, reading and writing, with one resource. Video for ALL will be the European project that will bring together all current methodologies, ideas and innovative practices to teach and learn languages by integrating digital video. The project believes that video must be a basic tool for a more multidisciplinary approach to language teaching and learning in today's world.
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