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Ching Yi Chan

When Runtime.exec() won't - Java World - 0 views

    使用 java 執行外部程式的注意事項
Benx Shen

Java object queries using JXPath - Java World - 0 views

  • Java object queries using JXPath Query complex Java object trees using the XPath expression language
Benx Shen

Luke - Lucene Index Toolbox - 0 views

  • Luke is a handy development and diagnostic tool, which accesses already existing Lucene indexes and allows you to display and modify their contents in several ways: browse by document number, or by term view documents / copy to clipboard retrieve a ranked list of most frequent terms execute a search, and browse the results analyze search results selectively delete documents from the index reconstruct the original document fields, edit them and re-insert to the index optimize indexes and much more...
  • ...2 more annotations...
    Luke 是一個 GUI 的 Lucene index 的瀏覽工具,很不錯!
Ching Yi Chan

Java Tip 17: Integrating Java with C++ - JavaWorld - 0 views

    Chinese new year animals horoscope2016
    Happy Chinese new year 2016 messages & quotes
    Happy new year 2016 greetings for Chinese
    Chinese new year 2016 funny poems
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