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Herbal supplements for energy - 0 views

    It's very important that we re-learn the art of resting and relaxing. Keep your body fit with regular intake of Ayas, available at

Herbal Energy Boosters - Ayas - 0 views

    Ayas, a brand of revitalizing herbs and processed iron, is a 100 percent herbal formulation made for fighting fatigue and increase energy and stamina for a healthy life and lifestyle. One of the key ingredients in Ayas, Loh Bhasma, is prepared by heated oxidation repeated 64 times over 8 month period.

Herbal Energy Boosters - Ayas - Foods That increase Stamina - 0 views

    While certain foods can build your stamina, un-healthy foods can reduce it too. It's the quality of food that matters. Taking an example, compare your body with a car. Just like efficiency of a car depends on the quality of fuel it uses. In the same way, performance of a human body depends on the quality of food it takes. Intake of high-quality food keeps you energetic all day and hence helps in building stamina.
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