This time the lucky Blackberry phone to get an OS update is the Blackberry Storm 9500, after a while ago his brother Storm 9530 got an OS update a few days ago.
It seems that many people were a bit disappointed with the Verizon's Blackberry Storm OS performance. I have found an interesting article over at the internet that might be an answer needed for those seekers. Yes, the new Blackberry Storm OS update have leaked!
The Blackberry storm (formerly known as the Blackberry Thunder, the first ever touchscreen device from Blackberry) has gotten official as the company announced it two days ago. It is said from the press release that you will be able to see this handset in the market next month via Verizon and Vodafone. Here we provide you with several aspects of the Storm, including features, specs, and even a link to virtually try the phone
News about the Blackberry Storm (also known as the Blackberry Thunder) have been around for quite some time now, and the latest news will make all of iPhone users bite their fingers. Yes, the Storm will support a cut, copy and paste functionality!
Recently I found a great Blackberry Storm contract offer from Amazon. They will cut the Blackberry Storm's price from $499.99 to $99.99 if you apply for a 2-yr contract on Verizon.
To help you decide which one you should choose, I found a comparison reviews over at the internet in a video format between Blackberry Storm, Blackberry Curve and Blackberry Bold.
dedicated client usually will bring you much richer experience and that is what exactly Google is doing right now. So according to my source, Google has released a free YouTube client for BlackBerry Storm,
I'm gladly announcing that there's a new Blackberry Storm freeware available, called Blinko. Basically Blinko is a chatting-for-free software, with several other cool features.
Lately Blackberry have attracted all of us with their new handsets, which are the Bold and the Storm. I believe that many people who are common to these things are wondering what are exactly the differences of these gadgets.
I have found a post over at the internet that provides you and all of those Blackberry Pearl users out there with themes that can change your Pearl into Bold or Storm!