Juniper boosts the speed of economy « Used Juniper - 0 views
It's always better online - 0 views
There is still a major fraction of industry that refuses to accept the full efficiency and economy of the Internet. Sure, they might be using email and Google search, but that's about it. I'd like to create a list that spans various cross-sections of industries that are still missing the big picture. Feel free to chirp in with any other examples.
Motorola ROKR ZN50 Touchscreen Slider Music Phone - 0 views
Top 5 Green IT Companies « Green Network Hardware - 0 views
I'd like to point out some of the eco-friendly 'do-gooders' in the IT sector: information technology and computer hardware companies across the country that are helping to alleviate our global climate crisis. Some of these tech companies are building cutting edge green data centers, constructing next-generation energy smart grids and implementing hyper-efficient recycling programs.
The Word As We Knew It - 0 views
The internet and it's unique ability to rapidly share information across the planet has created a sort of 'hot-bed' for the evolution of language. New phrases, words, acronyms and slangs have been given the ability to virally evolve and disseminate to new populations within a matter of days. Definitions are born, morph, and die based on the evolving collective consciousness of humanity.
Enterprise Server Solutions - A Quick Guide - 0 views
Businesses across the country are searching for various ways to cut costs, while maintaining a robust, reliable and fast network infrastructure. Very often the key to success can be the research that goes into picking the correct data-center server solution brand. There are so many different solutions out there- how does a small business decide on one?