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80010762 FB

Softball 2 - 0 views

started by 80010762 FB on 24 Mar 15
  • 80010762 FB

    The game of
    softball came from George Hancock. He is credited as the game's
    inventor and the inventor of the undersized bat and the ball.

    The name 'softball' was coined by Walter Hakanson in 1926 at a National Recreational Congress meeting.

    The first rules for softball were published in 1889.

    Softball has been called indoor baseball, playground softball, mush ball, and kitten ball.

    Softball has been referred to as ladies' baseball because it was generally played by women.

    There are two types of softball = slow-pitch and fast-pitch.

    Slow-pitch softball is the most commonly played and in this type of
    softball the ball must arch in the air when it is pitched. There is no
    stealing or bunting allowed.

    In fast-pitch softball the ball is thrown fast and bunting and
    stealing are permitted. There are nine players from each team on the
    field at a time.

    When playing softball the ball must be pitched underhand.

    A softball game is only seven innings instead of the nine innings in a baseball game.

    Although the game is called softball, the ball itself is not soft. It
    is larger than a baseball, usually measuring about 12 inches in
    circumference while a baseball is only 9 inches in circumference.

    The softball infield is smaller than one on a baseball field. In
    softball the bases are 60 feet apart and on a baseball diamond the bases
    are 90 feet apart.

    At the 1996 Olympics every softball game was sold out.

    The first World Softball Championship game was played in 1965 in Melbourne, Australia. It was a woman's tournament.

    Softball became a women's Olympic sport in 1991. Its debut as a medal event was in 1996 at the Atlanta Olympic Games.

    In 2006, following the Beijing Olympic Games, softball was removed from the Olympics by vote.

    The United States won the gold medal in the Olympics for softball in both 1996 and 2000.

    In 1934 the Joint Rules Committee on Softball was established and they
    standardized both the name and the rules for the United States.

    There are more than 110 countries that are active International
    Softball Federation members. The game is now played on every continent
    in the world.

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