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Marijo Emond

Templestowe school in a class of its own - 0 views

    "Students are largely responsible for their own learning..." "From the end of their first year at the school students will study at whatever level is appropriate for them." "Dr Zhao, a Mitchell Professorial Fellow at Victoria University, believes fostering creativity should be a priority because many jobs will soon be done by machines." "They're not looking at test scores. They're looking at the non-cognitive abilities or capacities like resilience, creativity, innovative spirit, entrepreneurial thinking and social emotional wellbeing." "...schools should strive for "personalised learning" programs tailored to each student..."
Marijo Emond

Le blogue de Nancy | Parce qu'il ne faut jamais cesser d'apprendre - 1 views

    "Notre Centre d'animation, de développement et de recherche en l'éducation pour le 21e siècle (CADRE21)"
Marijo Emond

New World University. Let's invent the future. - 0 views

    - Idea Board: Share your dreams about education - Think Tank: Leaders of education share their vision - Make Space: Collaborate to design New World University - Hack Island: Let's deconstruct today's education
Marijo Emond

Le top 10 des outils utilisés par les éducateurs en 2015 - École branchée - 4 views

    Partage de Catherine
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