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Leigh Newton

story star - 0 views

shared by Leigh Newton on 12 Jul 10 - No Cached
    After students have read a narrative, give students a blank Story Star. Have them fill in the key information in dot points.
Alison Hall

Grammar Ninja - 1 views

    Grammar Ninja is an educational web game where you as the Grammar Ninja must find parts of speech by throwing ninja stars at words. Correct answers allow you to continue, while wrong answers literally explode. Also available for Wii.
    I used this game for a grad school assignment in which I had to review a technology tool. It was really fun!
Dana Huff

Would Life Be Better If We All Spoke Shakespeare? : NPR - 0 views

    Shakespeare died almost 400 years ago, but if blogger Joe Muldoon had it his way, we would all still speak like the Bard. Muldoon talks about his op-ed, "We Can't All Be Shakespeare - But We Could Try to Be," which appeared in the Minneapolis Star Tribune.
Dana Huff

Hamlet: Watch the Film | Great Performances | PBS - 5 views

    David Tennant and Sir Patrick Stewart star in this new version of Hamlet broadcast on PBS.
Todd Finley

WritingFix: The Sentence Fluency Hompage - 15 views

    6 Traits Writing
Todd Finley

How To Use An Apostrophe - The Oatmeal - 12 views

    A comic with lots of attitude.
Todd Finley

Text analysis, wordcount, keyword density analyzer, prominence analysis - 8 views

    "Welcome to the online text analysis tool, the detailed statistics of your text, perfect for translators (quoting), for webmasters (ranking) or for normal users, to know the subject of a text. Now with new features as the anlysis of words groups, finding out the keyword density, analyse the prominence of word or expressions. Webmasters can analyse the links on their pages. More instructions are about to be written, please send us your feedback !"
Leigh Newton

MyRead Guide - Three Stages Of Reading - 11 views

  • The Three Stages Of Reading strategy involves teaching students to delve into text. The Before Reading stage provides a scaffold for new concepts and vocabulary, promotes engagement and provides a means for prediction. The second stage, During Reading, allows students to integrate the knowledge and information they bring to the text with ‘new’ information in the text. The last stage, After Reading, allows students to articulate and process their understanding of what they have read and to think critically about the validity of the text.
  • Before Reading Stage
  • One of the purposes of Before Reading is to acknowledge the different experiences and background knowledge that students bring to a text, influencing how they will read and learn from a particular text. By knowing what students bring to a text the teacher can provide students with appropriate scaffolds to make links between what is already known and new information presented in a text.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • During Reading Stage
  • During this stage of the reading process students need structured means to integrate the knowledge and information they bring to the text with the ‘new or unknown’ within the text. They are processing the text and self-monitoring.
  • After Reading Stage
  • During the After Reading stage students articulate and process their understanding of what they have read and think critically about the validity of the text. Two tools that can be during this stage are Paired Reviews and Story Stars.
    "The Three Stages Of Reading strategy involves teaching students to delve into text. The Before Reading stage provides a scaffold for new concepts and vocabulary, promotes engagement and provides a means for prediction. The second stage, During Reading, allows students to integrate the knowledge and information they bring to the text with 'new' information in the text. The last stage, After Reading, allows students to articulate and process their understanding of what they have read and to think critically about the validity of the text."
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