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Cindy Marston

Deep Reading - - 12 views

    Jan 2011 article about research into the nature of reading - print v online and our need to explicitly teach how to read online
Todd Finley

Overview of Bob Broad's Dynamic Criteria Mapping (2005) - 3 views

    [DOC] Instructions for Classroom Dynamic Criteria Mapping Instructions for Classroom Dynamic Criteria Mapping © 2005 Bob Broad Dynamic Criteria Mapping (DCM) is a process by which you and your students can discover what you, the instructor, value in student work. DCM yields a more empirically grounded, more detailed, and more useful account of your values than traditional rubrics can. The process is a streamlined form of grounded theory (as summarized by Strauss and Corbin in Basics of Qualitative Research, Sage 1998). Here is a brief set of instructions by which you can try classroom DCM. Read What We Really Value: Beyond Rubrics in Teaching and Assessing Writing by Bob Broad (Utah State University Press, 2003). The book offers historical and theoretical background on DCM, a detailed example of DCM in action, and more specific instructions on how to undertake the process at both the classroom and programmatic levels. Collect data. Once you have handed back to your students two or three substantial sets of responses to their work, ask your students to gather together those responses and bring them to class on the appointed day. Ask students to prepare by noting specific comments you made, in response to specific aspects of their work, that show something(s) you value. Note: you show what you value both in those qualities whose presence you praise and in those qualities whose absence you lament. On the appointed day, ask students to work together to generate a long list of qualities, features, or elements of their work that you have shown you value. Ask for illustrations or quotations that demonstrate each value they identify. Ask for passages or excerpts from their work that demonstrate those values. Analyze the data. After you and your students have created a large "pile" of evaluative statements and indicators, it is time to analyze the data to create a representation ("map") of your values. The key is not to rush this
Caroline Bachmann

Teacher Resources for Spelling and Vocabulary - 0 views

    Welcome to the articles and resources section of our site. On the left, you'll see a list of links with useful information about how to better use Vocabulary and SpellingCity at home and in the classroom. Also, there is an extremely useful section of the forum where Vocabulary and SpellingCity users are sharing their lists. Dolch Words Compound Words Literature-Based Words Sound Alike Words Homophones, Homonyms, and Homographs Research and Articles about the importance of spelling and reading
Dana Huff

Interrogating Texts: 6 Reading Habits to Develop in Your First Year at Harvard - Resear... - 13 views

    Harvard explains critical reading. Via Jim Burke.
John Atkinson

Lexipedia - Where words have meaning - 0 views

    Beautiful thesaurus / dictionary / demonstaration of words' relationships.
Angie Moehlmann

Online Conference Library 2.0 - 1 views

  • Smart Objects on the Cheap: DIY Interactive Digital Exhibits
  • Professor The Evolution of Book Reviewing Practice: New Directions in the 21st Century
  • ntroduction to Digital Game-Based Learning in Libraries
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • Get started circulating eReaders!
  • Professor Project-Based Learning in Higher Education: Developing Information Literacy Skills and Global Competency in Research and Technology Course
  • Digivolution: Meeting eReading & App-etite Needs in Uncharted Territory
  • Toddlers, Touch Technology, and Family Learning at the Library
  • Blogging - a possible solution for readin
  • The Unmined Potential of Ebooks: Create Passionate Patrons & Promote your Library
  • High School Book Clubs in a Digital Age
  • Book Club 2.0: How to Start and Run a 21st Century Book Club
  • Ebooks: Do They Use Them? Do They Care
  • Incorporating Digital Storytelling Into Your Instruction: A Toolkit
  • Live the Literature: Digital Storytelling with Bookcasts
  • Today's Libraries and the Self-Checkout Technology
  • QR Codes in the Classroom
  • Making and Sharing Book Trailers
Ms. Nicholson

Africa: Names And Nations Of Note | Free Lesson Plans | Teachers | Digital textbooks an... - 0 views

    • Ms. Nicholson
      Look at the names in Things Fall Apart.  
  • Now divide the class into groups of four, and have each group select an African nation to investigate. Explain that each group will be creating a poster on its country. The poster should be divided into four sections, with a small map of the country (with the capital labeled) in the center. The group will be responsible for creating the map, but each member of the group will provide information for each of the four sections: Name origin and information Colonization information Current data and statistics Significant historical events
    • Ms. Nicholson
      Regions of Nigeria for Things Fall Apart. Regions in South Africa for Cry, the Beloved Country.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • Each student should research the information for his or her section and complete the poster. Use the evaluation rubric to clarify your expectations before the students begin working.
  • Discuss and define some of the factors involved in colonization. Why do people colonize other places? 2. Throughout history, colonization has had both positive and negative effects. Consider and discuss these in light of the countries you have studied.
  • What are some of the problems that could arise for a country after it achieves independence? What are some of the consequences and responsibilities resulting from independence?
  • What should the role of the United Nations be in supporting and including nations that have achieved independence in the latter part of the 20th century? 7. Compare colonization in Africa with colonization in other parts of the world.
  • Spotlight on Africa Have students imagine they are producers for a news show called This Week in Africa . Ask the students to follow news about Africa for one week and develop a 30-second spot of about 60 to 75 words. Have them "present" their spots to the class. Africa Online provides an effective daily resource for this information (see Internet sites under Materials). After their presentations, categorize major news stories according to whether they show positive or negative aspects of the influence of the nations' colonial pasts.
    • Ms. Nicholson
      CCSS Speaking and Listening, Writing, Nonfiction texts.
  • Education, Intrigue, and Enjoyment! Ask your students to create travel brochures inviting other high school students to join an expedition to an African country. Explain that their brochures must be interesting and informative to both students and parents. Students should highlight geographic, cultural, educational, and entertainment features this expedition would offer.
  •    imperialism
  •    ethnocentric
Cindy Marston

Choose the Best Search for Your Information Need - 0 views

    Great site for finding right search engine - groups them and gives examples of what they do
Patrick Higgins

The Impact of Electronic Communication on Writing - 0 views

  • Whether one views these changes as positive or negative depends on how closely one believes writing should adhere to the conventions of formal writing we have hitherto accepted, and how much one supports the goal of establishing the student's authority as a writer. Some writing instructors philosophize that since e-writing tools and e-language will continue to change, they must teach what will not change: the connection between thinking and writing and the ability to articulate what one knows (Leibowitz, 1999). This standpoint will certainly encourage teachers to continue seeking more effective ways of using the e-tools in writing instruction.
    Should your students be writing in electronic formats? I think so.
Cindy Marston

21st Century Information Fluency - Citation Wizards - 0 views

    Citation Wizards - different styles
Jenny Gilbert

eyePlorer - 0 views

    just type in a keyword!
Rick Beach

Does Digital Media Make Us Bad Writers? » Spotlight - 6 views

    digital writing is changing the nature of writing
t jaffe-notier

Free Downloadable Books - 0 views

    Full texts useful to teachers of writing
    Peter Smagorinsky hosts this web site and populates it with links to exceptional, full texts, useful to teachers of writing. Here you'll find George Hillocks' "Observing and Writing," Johannessen, Kahn, & Walter's "Designing and Sequencing Prewriting Activities," and many other works. It's a gold mine.
Todd Finley

Mac Based Codingseed - 2 views

shared by Todd Finley on 15 Apr 10 - Cached
    Free tool for following the work of your favorite researchers. Requires download.
Todd Finley

Challenges to Common Assumptions about Diverse Learners - 6 views

    Contains research summaries and videos that dispel myths about diverse learners. A great resource for online or hybrid professional development
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