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Aly Kenee

Assessment Carnival: More Than Quizzes and Tests | Edutopia - 0 views

    Avoiding ambiguous and meaningless grades ("quiz 5") and replacing with skills-based assessment. Heavy PBL focus.
Certificate IV Assessment

Certificate IV in Training and Assessment: The Key to New Career - 1 views

The Certificate IV in Training and Assessment is the right course for enhancing and advancing the skills of employees in our company. For those who wanted to be employed as a nationally recognised ...

Certificate IV in Training and Assessment

started by Certificate IV Assessment on 25 Oct 11 no follow-up yet
Patrick Higgins

NCTE Framework for 21st Century Curriculum and Assessment - 0 views

    NCTE framework for curriculum and assessment of 21st Century skills.
Certificate IV Assessment

Qualified Trainers with Certificate IV in Training and Assessment - 1 views

With a talent for helping others and teaching, becoming a trainer is the perfect career progression for me. To train myself and become recognised in my chosen field, I enrolled to get a Certificat...

Certificate IV in Training and Assessment

started by Certificate IV Assessment on 26 Sep 11 no follow-up yet
Rick Beach

Assessment Standards - 6 views

    standards for assessment of reading and writing that include a focus on digital literacies
Certificate IV Assessment

Qualified Trainers with Certificate IV in Training and Assessment - 1 views

With a talent for helping others and teaching, becoming a trainer is the perfect career progression for me. To train myself and become recognised in my chosen field, I enrolled to get a Certificate...


started by Certificate IV Assessment on 25 Aug 11 no follow-up yet
Todd Finley

Overview of Bob Broad's Dynamic Criteria Mapping (2005) - 3 views

    [DOC] Instructions for Classroom Dynamic Criteria Mapping Instructions for Classroom Dynamic Criteria Mapping © 2005 Bob Broad Dynamic Criteria Mapping (DCM) is a process by which you and your students can discover what you, the instructor, value in student work. DCM yields a more empirically grounded, more detailed, and more useful account of your values than traditional rubrics can. The process is a streamlined form of grounded theory (as summarized by Strauss and Corbin in Basics of Qualitative Research, Sage 1998). Here is a brief set of instructions by which you can try classroom DCM. Read What We Really Value: Beyond Rubrics in Teaching and Assessing Writing by Bob Broad (Utah State University Press, 2003). The book offers historical and theoretical background on DCM, a detailed example of DCM in action, and more specific instructions on how to undertake the process at both the classroom and programmatic levels. Collect data. Once you have handed back to your students two or three substantial sets of responses to their work, ask your students to gather together those responses and bring them to class on the appointed day. Ask students to prepare by noting specific comments you made, in response to specific aspects of their work, that show something(s) you value. Note: you show what you value both in those qualities whose presence you praise and in those qualities whose absence you lament. On the appointed day, ask students to work together to generate a long list of qualities, features, or elements of their work that you have shown you value. Ask for illustrations or quotations that demonstrate each value they identify. Ask for passages or excerpts from their work that demonstrate those values. Analyze the data. After you and your students have created a large "pile" of evaluative statements and indicators, it is time to analyze the data to create a representation ("map") of your values. The key is not to rush this
Melody Velasco

10 Technology Enhanced Alternatives to Book Reports - - 9 views

    The most dreaded word in school reading for students: book reports. Teachers assign them, viewing them as a necessary component of assessing reading comprehension. So, how can we as teachers continue to monitor our students understanding of reading material without killing the love of reading? Enter technology.
Caroline Bachmann

Greek and Latin Roots - Resource Room: Reading Comprehension - 0 views

    Here are some word parts and practice exercises to use as part of vocabulary instruction. The first ones incorporate review of the previous words, because vocabulary should be assessed cumulatively (and because practice makes permanent :)).
Rick Beach

IRA Radio - 2 views

    IRA Reading Radio interview with Peter Johnston about assessment standards related to digital literacy learning
Andrew Spinali - 0 views

    • Andrew Spinali
      Rubric for PARCC writing assessments. 
lea magne

Evaluer - Assessment - ESL Resources - 0 views

  • "Éducation.... Évaluation Ce portail présente les différentes facettes de l'évaluation des compétences des élèves et des jeunes menée en France." - Évaluations diagnostiques - Évaluations bilans - Évaluations internationales
  • Une attestation de compétences pour les élèves - Règlement d'usage de la marque B2i - Référentiels 2006 - Ressources pour la mise en oeuvre - B2i : les sites académiques - Outils de gestion et de suivi du B2i
    essentiel à la construction de séquence
Cindy Marston

How to Create Nonreaders - 11 views

  • all a teacher can do – is work with students to create a classroom culture, a climate, a curriculum that will nourish and sustain the fundamental inclinations that everyone starts out with:  to make sense of oneself and the world, to become increasingly competent at tasks that are regarded as consequential, to connect with (and express oneself to) other people. 
  • I once sat in on several classes taught by Keith Grove at Dover-Sherborn High School near Boston and noticed that such meetings were critical to his teaching; he had come to realize that the feeling of community (and active participation) they produced made whatever time remained for the explicit curriculum far more productive than devoting the whole period to talking at rows of silent kids.  Together the students decided whether to review the homework in small groups or as a whole class.  Together they decided when it made sense to schedule their next test.  (After all, what’s the point of assessment – to have students show you what they know when they’re ready to do so, or to play “gotcha”?)  Interestingly, Grove says that his classes are quite structured even though they’re unusually democratic, and he sees his job as being “in control of putting students in control.”
  • The first is that deeper learning and enthusiasm require us to let students generate possibilities rather than just choosing items from our menu; construction is more important than selection. 
    Fall 2010 article by Alfie Kohn about things that don't work, and things that do for encouraging a real LOVE of reading. Includes some challenging comments about motivation and traditional methods for teaching reading.
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