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Thank You for Downloading the Evolution of Advertising | Inbound Marketing Assessment |... - 1 views

    presentation from Hubspot on the evolution of advertising

Marketing's Next Five Years: How to Get From Here to There | News - Advertising Age - 0 views

  • By 2017, 85% of the world will be covered by 3G mobile internet and half will have 4G coverage, according to Sony Ericsson. Three billion smartphone users will contribute to data traffic that's 15 times heavier than today's. For more and more consumers, the most important screen will be the tiny one in their pocket.
  • To put it bluntly, there needs to be more ad spending on mobile, which now comprises only about 1% of budgets, according to a recent study from the consultancy Marketing Evolution. Based on ROI analyses of smartphone penetration, that figure will be about 7%. In five years' time, that number will need to be in excess of 10%.
  • USER EXPERIENCE IS THE NEW 30-SECOND SPOT User-experience design is too often thought of as a digital-marketing task, ensuring that website and app development meet and ideally exceed usability standards.
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  • The proliferation of digital interfaces when we interact with brands offers a perfect metaphor for how the industry should be thinking about brands. Agencies of all stripes need to think about how they can integrate big-thinking experience designers into their creative and strategy offerings. Inspirations include startups such as Uber, whose brilliantly designed mobile app and fleet of friendly drivers, is taking the pain out of ordering and paying for car service in urban environments.
  • Experience Design practice uses nontraditional, interdisciplinary teams whose shape depend on the brand in question. "This hyper-bundled approach helps us disseminate experience design and other thinking throughout all kinds of projects."
  • A recent Association of National Advertisers study delivered a grim finding on how agencies get paid: "New methods of compensation like value-based remuneration that rewards performance have not taken hold globally. Only 4% [of respondents] reported utilizing them." That's a depressing stat. Now here's a ridiculous one from a 4A's study: Agencies bill mobile developers at a rate less than half what account-services directors receive. The compensation crisis has been on the industry's radar screen for years. The decline of the cushy, reliable 15% commission, coupled with the rise of procurement, has led to downward pressure on agency margins and widespread complaints about agencies losing their status as partners to become lowly vendors. Assuming we're not going to ditch the very flawed charging-for-time model, the fix is clear: a shift to performance-based compensation agreements that reward effectiveness and not time sheet completion. Underwear purveyor Jockey International and its ag
  • ency, TPN, offer an excellent model based on, as Jockey CMO-exec VP Dustin Cohn described it, "earned profits and payment on work output." Agency and client work together to determine the scope of work and metrics that determine the entire profit markup. Said Mr. Cohn: "Putting all of their profits on the line validates that the agency really believes in the client-brand and what they can do to move it forward." Steve Blamer, former big agency CEO and compensation consultant, said it's up to agencies to become honest about profit margins and income levels. "I'm astonished at how reluctant agencies are to provide transparency around their costs." At the same time, client marketers need to be willing to pony up for deserving work. And some are not.
    Imagine five years out. It won't hurt, we promise. Even the worst-case forecasts have our economic malaise nearing an end by then, a dreaded lost decade coming to a blessed conclusion and a true recovery taking shape with low unemployment and revitalized consumers. Once again the ad business will be growing. But a new media and marketing order will be taking hold. In measured-media terms, in 2016, the furthest year forecast by eMarketer, TV will still own the biggest piece of the marketing pie (36%), but just barely. Online advertising, at 31%, is sure to be hot on its heels. Further behind but growing fast will be mobile, whose share will have jumped from about 1% today to 5% as marketers chase a wholly mobile consumer reveling in constantly improving gadgets and services (see chart below). The rise of mobile, coupled with an evolving, more web-like TV market will present a vastly different communications landscape. Rising to the challenge will entail many changes in old processes, from compensation to measurement. Whether you're ready depends in part on what you do now.

Advertising Week - EVENTS CALENDAR 2010 - 22 views

  • 11:00 am - 11:45 am NASCAR: Life in the Fast LaneNASCAR team owner & Hall Of Fame NFL coach, Joe Gibbs, joins owner & driver, Michael Waltrip, & Driver, Carl Edwards in examining how NASCAR drives brands & loyalty.
  • 11:00 am - 11:45 am Fast Company Global CEO SummitCreative, digital & media leaders from around the world. Moderator: Robert Safian, Editor, Fast CompanyWayne Arnold, Founder & Global CEO, ProferoChuck Brymer, President & CEO, DDB WorldwideBob Lord, Global CEO, RazorfishPeter McGuinness, Chairman & CEO, GothamNigel Morris, CEO, Aegis Media
  • 11:30 am - 2:00 pm Advertising Week Kick-Off Luncheon:The Advertising Club's 2010 Stars of Madison Avenue Honors BroadwayAnnual Kick-off luncheon shines a spotlight on Broadway as we honor American Express, Macy's, Panasonic, Playbill, and Time Warner as great brands that support theater. Presented by The ADVERTISING ClubIn Partnership with Microsoft Advertising, Rainbow Communications, USA TODAY and Yahoo!
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  • 11:45 am - 3:00 pm NASDAQ OMX Social Media Leadership ForumJoin us as we hear from experts at industry leading organizations who have redefined marketing success using social media and social innovators as they discuss the next wave of social trends
  • 12:00 pm - 12:45 pm Advertising Week Bloomberg RoundtableLeading luminaries in a free spirited discussion on the most pressing issues facing the industry. Moderator: Burt Helm, Editor, Bloomberg BusinessweekBob Greenberg, Chairman & CEO, R/GABrian France, Chariman & CEO, NASCARMarialuisa Francoli, CEO, Havas/MPGJon Kamen, Chairman & CEO, @radical.mediaJosh Sapan, President & CEO, Rainbow MediaRussell Simmons, Chairman & CEO, Rush Communications
  • 3:00 pm - 3:45 pm Designing An Agency for the Digital AgeIf you were to build an agency from scratch, how would you do it? What would you make that would keep in step with consumer's changing media habits? Who would you select from the talent pool?Presented by R/GA
  • 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm Advertising Week Leadership ConversationThe intersection of media, content and brands are woven together by the inimitable Stuart Elliott. Moderator: Stuart Elliott, Advertising Columnist, NY TimesGreg Coleman, President, Sales, The Huffington PostJacki Kelley, President, North America, Universal McCannArlene Manos, President, Sales, Rainbow MediaPatrick McKenna, Manager, Marketing Communications, BMWPio Schunker, SVP, Integrated Marketing, Coca-Cola
  • 5:00 pm - 5:45 pm Mediatavern Discussion: Foursquare UnlockedMediatavern's Josh Newman talks with foursquare co-founder Dennis Crowley and Director of Business Development, Tristan Walker on how brands can leverage innovation.
  • 5:00 pm - 5:45 pm The New Consumer Engagement ModelTo effectively engage millennial consumers, brands must learn to move at the speed of influence. Learn new insights, trends and strategies from the industry�s foremost aficionados in brand building, social media and digital strategy development. Moderator: Coltrane Curtis, CEO, Team EpiphanyMarc Ecko, Founder, Complex Magazine and Marc Ecko ClothingStephanie Agresta, EVP, Global Director of Digital Strategy and Social Media, Porter NovelliBonin Bough, Director of Digital and Social Media, PepsiCoGarth Holsinger, Global Sales & Business Director Director,
    • Corrie Hall
      I watched the podcast, "Billboard presents: under the hood of unstaged. I really liked the info given about the unstaged podcast which is, a curate concert series put on my American Express, VEVO, and YouTube. It creates ways to reach a younger generation. The songs are preformed not usually put on radio but do reach on Billboard charts. Many songs focus on American values and themes. It looks at the amount of people that click- and rates looking at the amount of time the audience is engaged in the stream. After the event people could listen to music, I thought this was very neat.
    Events to listen to via podcast
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    Students, On October 7th, we won't have class. In its place, listen to one of these highlighted podcasts. Post to the wiki what you listened to and when, as well as the primary points of insight you gleaned. Due by 10/18.
    Change of due date - 10/14. Thanks!
    Last comment, I promise. I've only linked to Monday's agenda. There are 5 days of AdWeek. You can choose podcasts from throughout the entire week of events.
    I was able to watch the podcast "OMMA Global" which took place in New York City on September 27th. The seminar or speech was quite interesting. It talked about the direction the advertising industry will be heading in the next 5 to 10 years. He believes that the industry is shifting to mobile forms of media and advertising. He mentioned valuable information about trends of people presently today stating there are 1.7 billion people connected and using the internet and by the year 2014 there is expected to be around 4 billion people. Other trends that are affecting the industry is the fact that consumers want things instant and more like a television experience. He believes that television and internet are going to be one in the same, practically like an interactive television. Most of what the podcast was about I believe to be true. I feel like the competitive advantage for agencies in the advertising industry is going to be which agency can adapt and change the quickest. This pertains to the agencies infrastructure and their ability to have a universal format that is compatible with all devices created. Sometime in the near future people are going to be carrying media experiences with them and are going to be connected in real time, so its critical for ad agencies to convert ad's to video form in with high definition quality. Lastly some of the advice he mentioned towards the end of the seminar could save agencies based on the direction the industry is headed. I feel the most important was the story telling aspect. For agencies to be able to inspire people and have a connection with good stories is going to inevitably attract people and build brands.
    I watched the podcast "Billboard presents: Under the Hood of Unstaged," which took place on Setpember 27th. It was pretty interesting, especially since I had never heard of Unstaged. Unstaged is a curated concert series put on by American Express, VEVO, and YouTube. They take the most relevant and well-known musicians and mix them with a great director, and then stream concerts live in HD. These concerts are created in a way that the audience can become engaged in it even though they are not present, and are meant to reach a younger generation. The songs that are performed on Unstaged are not usually played on the radio, but do rank high on Billboard charts. For example, John Legend teamed with Spike Lee and the Roots to create songs to perform on Unstaged. The songs were high on the Billboard charts even though they were not all played on the radio or the most well known songs. Because they are not on the radio, the marketers have to think outside of the box to create advertising campaigns. They focus on the songs with the best messages instead of just the most popular songs. Many of the songs focus on American values and themes. I really enjoyed the information given about Unstaged in this podcast, and I especially liked how marketing focuses on the songs with the best messages. Usually, the most popular songs are focused on, but I think people enjoy songs that have a deeper meaning and that they can relate to. Unstaged and the partnership between American Express, VEVO, and YouTube are proving to be huge successes. The success is judged by click-through rates and looking at the amount of time the audience is engaged in the stream, among other things. When this live presentation was over, there was an event where people could listen to the music live. After listening about Unstaged, I want to take a look at it myself!
    The podcast I listened to was called "Around the Dial: A Music Industry Roundtable", which took place in B.B. King's Music Club on September 30th. This free flowing conversation about advertising and the music industry consisted of many well respected individuals including: Aimee Higgins who is the VP is Pandora radio, Harvey Leeds who is the executive chief of Headquarters Management, Jesse Mann who is the GM of The Bowery Presents, Kenny Ochoa who is the VP of Sony Music, Josh Rabinowitz who is the Senior VP and Director if Music for the Grey Group, and finally rock and roll hall of famer Marky Ramone of the Ramones. Their main discussion consisted of how to unite Madison Ave. with the music industry. Advertising has proven to be a vital way to promote music. In the past few years one of the top ways to promote a band has been to run their music in an Apple television commercial. This proves that the traditional major record labels are becoming obsolete due to the low revenues in record sales and the high profit potential in internet marketing and merchandising. The traditional record store is also diminishing fast. The days of discovering new bands and artists by thumbing through stacks of records has become an enjoyment of the past. For many people, including myself, that is something I grew up doing and still enjoy to this day. Pandora radio has tried to simulate this by catering to every persons individual music taste. They also offer a better music experience because they only play an audio advertisement every 20 minutes, which is much less than the traditional radio. As explained by Aimee, Pandora is trying to become a place for music discovery and a place where new artists and bands can become noticed. Pandora reaches a wide array of people with 60 million subscribers in the U.S. alone. This is a huge number compared to XM radio's less than 20 million subscribers. Creating value in business practices between bands and brands is key for both sides.
    The podcast I listened to was called "Fast Company Global CEO Forum", which occurred at 11:00am on September 29. The Fast Company CEO Forum consisted of the creative, digital, and media leaders from around the world, who's focus is to lead the way forward for the the ad industry. The summit's moderator was Bob Safian, accompanied with a panel of global ad agency CEO's, including Rosemary Ryan, Matt Freeman, Simon Sherwood, and Larry Woodword. The main focus of the summit was how ad agencies can adapt with technology to combine traditional advertising methods with mobile, social, and digital media. One topic stressed during the summit was the notion of ad agencies belonging to larger corporations, known as holding companies, and the freedom allowed for marketers to do what they want to do to be innovative and efficient. One side of the panel argued that holding companies do not allow for innovative thoughts to adapt with technology, while the other side of the panel argued that it is not financially viable to remain independent in the global marketplace. The global marketplace is too large for one agency to specialize in all of the different media options now available with growing technology. The overall theme of the summit revolved around the fast changing marketplace in the advertisement world and how to adapt to those changes. I enjoyed listening to the arguments given and I feel it is imperative for ad agencies to allow for a free flow of knowledge, with the help of specialized partners in the industry to help adapt with technology and the growing marketplace.
    I watched the podcast "Billboard presents: Under the Hood of Unstaged," which took place on Setpember 27th. I thought it was pretty interesting because of the fact I have never heard of it before. Throughout the podcast that talk about Unstaged. Unstaged is a concert series put on by American Express, and YouTube. They take the most popular artist in today's society and team them up with the most popular and greatest directors in today's society and team them up together to stream live concerts in HD. These concerts play songs that are not usually or never played on the radio. Yes, it might be harder way to advertise these new songs, but it is a great way to get the songs out in the open to the public. These concerts are great because it gets the audience involved without actually having to pay for a ticket, and wait in traffic for the concert. The "people" are there without actually being there. In the podcast they mentioned why they don't particularly play these songs on the radio. These songs are the ones with the greatest rhythm and tune, and beat; they are the songs that portray the best message. Marketers trying to promote Unstaged have an extremely tough job because they are trying to promote something that no ones really ever heard of. And once people have heard of it they are not promoting the best songs, they are promoting the best messages. But apparently these people are doing a great job, because by the amount of clicks they are getting, and the amount of time the audience is streaming tell them that they are doing a great job. I think this is a great idea and a great partnership between American Express, VEVO, and YouTube. I would very strongly consider using this!
    The podcast I listened to was "Around the Dial: A Music Industry Roundtable." This discussion took place on September 30th, 2010 during Advertising Week. This was a Q and A table discussion with some of the major players in the advertising and music industry with Madison Avenue being the link between the two. The individuals that lead the discussion were: Harvey Leads, retired from Sony Music and now consulting for Livenation, Marky Ramone- rock n roll hall of fame of the group the Ramones, Kenny Ochoa- Sony Music, Jesse Mann- GM of Bowery Presents, Josh Rabinowitz- Vp of Music at Gray Advertising, and Amy Higgins from Pandora. These are highly repected individuals and know how to intertwine music and advertising together. The overall goal is to use Madison Aveune to promote new and upcoming bands and artists. The number one way to expose a new artist is to get them on an Apple TV ad. That is one of the main places they will get noticed and get their music heard. Another interesting topic that was brought up was if radio is becoming the new advertising. And in a way it is, its helping consumers identify the artist in their favorbale ad or commerical. By observing the association between a song and a product, it promotes both the artist and the brand and make consumers aware. They will then go download that song and listen to it on the radio whenever it is played. Finally Pandora has an interesting take on music and advertising. They have tried to help build relationships between brands and artists. They try and expose a popular brand with music that will fit that lifestyle and what that advertisment is trying to convey. It fits everyones taste and can target multiple types of people at the same time. Overall, interesting posdcast!
    I was unable to find the podcasts, however I did listen to WADV radio who did an interview with Daniel Lamarre who is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Cirque du Soliel. This interview was done over Ad Week after Daniel Lamarre did a presentation on what he enjoys most about being a part of Cirque du Soliel. I found it intriguing how enthusiastic he was about his company and the creativity it brings to the world. He even said it was intimidating being in front of so many large, well-known companies and he wants to become more knowledgeable about advertising as a whole as well as exporting the creativity of Montreal and Quebec. The Stage Director seemed to be the person he praised the most because he said they are the ones who really illustrate the creativity of Cirque du Soliel. Lamarre is striving to create a belonging with the people in towns the production visits. He also said he enjoys the fact that Cirque du Soliel creates so many jobs for amazing artists and he has a mission to protect and provide these jobs and institution. I found him to be enthralled with his job and that is what makes a great company- someone who genuinely loves what they do every day.
    I listened to the podcast Around the Dial: A Music Industry Roundtable which took place on September 30th. This podcast is considered the ultimate music industry roundtable because notable music industry insiders discuss what new and upcoming in music and Madison Avenue. Some of the individuals who participated in this podcast were music industry veteran Harvey Leeds, Jesse Mann, General Manager of The Bowery Presents, Kenny Ochoa, VP of Sony Music, Josh Rabinowitz, Director of Music for the Grey Group, Marky Ramone, Rock & Roll Hall of Famer, and Amy Higgins from Pandora. During the podcast the music experts shared their information and opinions on different topics related to new music and helped promote the upcoming bands. One of the things I found interesting was how strong bonds were purposely created between bands and brands. For example, Pandora promoted a Dave Matthews Band concert and connected the band with Britta Water Company. This linked the two together and Dave Matthews Band advertised for Britta and vice versa. During the Dave Matthews Band concert free Britta water was distributed for the fans that brought water bottles. Amy Higgins explained how important the connection between well known bands and brands are in order to have successful advertising. As a result of this association, linking a band or singer with a product will result in elevated sales. I also enjoyed listening to how Pandora is developing into a discovery brand for new artists. Considering Pandora is something I use regularly it was interesting to understand the tactics behind how they influenced which artists I listened to. I learned a lot through this podcast about how important it is for brand association.
    I was able to listen to the Tim Westergren interview done on WADV September 29, 2010. Tim Westergren is the creator of Pandora, and spoke about how Pandora has come on the scene and how it will change in the future. Pandora was a huge success when it first came about, and since then they have add apps for iphone and itouch. By creating other ways to access Pandora it has opened a whole other playing field for Pandora. They are now integrating Pandora in cars and ford is now advertising the product in their ads. Tim talked about what excites him now and what will in the future, and for right now he is just excited that the users of Pandora are so excited about the product. Tim mentioned through that what excites him in the future is that this product will really help up and coming artist enter the music scene a lot easier than before. There are 90,000 artist featured on Pandora, and with the shuffle feature users have a greater chance at finding new artists they might not have ever known about. One of the last things that stuck with me about the interview was that Pandora receives up to 30,000 feedback responds in a month and Tim said that the feedback isn't really feedback but people letting them know how much they love Pandora, and how it is the wave of the future in the music industry.
    I listened to the podcast Around the Dial: A Music Industry Roundtable. It was conversation among some several influential people about what is happening in the music industry and how they are using advertising more and more to promore their music. The people in the conversation included industry leaders in the music busisness, the general manager of Bowery Presents which is a company that books bands for local venues in their area. It also included the VP of Sony, the Director of music for the grey group, a few Rock & Roll hall of famers and a representative of pandora. Harvey Leads who used to work at Sony and is now working with several people in the music industry to promote music. He tells an interesting story at the beginning about about how they were unable to get a song for the band new found glory on MTV and they read that one of the best ways to get noticed is have your song in an apple commercial. So they got their publicity in commercials for RockStar energy drink and Taco-Bell. So instead of getting the promotion on MTV he got his publicity on the commercials. Amy Higgins of Pandora tells a story about how they connected Brita the water filter company with Dave Matthews new album. They both benefited from the partnership and then started a campaign about how the band was becoming greener and doing promotions including Brita water bottles at concerts. Its a very interesting conversation, they also talk about how advertising might be the new radio, and one of the speakers talks about how 9 out of 10 songs in commercials dont actually connect with consumers, and how a song might connect on one television show but not another and the same thing happens in advertising. He speaks about even if its a great ad, its up to the label and the brand to create the publicity and support to make sure people are aware of it. They then have several small conversations about how their industry's are changing. The Marky Ramone talks about when he first used his song's
    For this response I listened to the Senior Advertising Director of SAGE's Robert Espinoza's interview on receiving the GLAAD award. I learned that the goal of the campaign was to inform people about the needs of caregiving for gay, lesbian and bisexual old persons. They ran it through publications that targeted the direct audience of people that may be in the situation to be a caregiver. One interesting thing they did to reach a wider audience was their use of spanish advertisements as well. They've moved their goals to reach passed just the people of NYC and to bring the project into the national spotlight. They're trying to generate an understanding that this issue isn't age specific, and let people know that there are older folks with this lifestyle. They've worked with national organization to further their message to generate and spread the word. The focus on there issues as well that they feel similar groups might be interested in such as HIV/AIDS.
    I listened to Around the dial : A music Industry Roundtable. It dealt with very successful and well known people in the music business talking about how important music is to advertising and vice versa. Some of these well known people include Harvey Leads who worked for Sony previously and now he does consulting with several music artist and bands. He is trying to "cross pollinate" the music industry with the advertising industry and how he can marry the both of them comfortably. A recent project he embarked in was with New Found Glory and how they were going on tour with Paramore and they wanted to create a video, even though they knew MTV wouldn't play it. And it all focused on product placement of Taco Bell, Rockstar energy drinks and a gym shoe. Based on that i realized how important it is for a brand, a product, a company to merge well with an artist because if those two merge well then they merge even better because of the fan base and the costumers they both have. They also state how in the past both business were fighting for money rather than for a good relationship which is what they are doing today. The director for grey music was also present and he mentioned how advertising has become a major part of the music industry because it helps the new coming artists to get their name out. Billboard magazine is helping getting exposure out by trying to see who is going to get the Apple TV Ad. Marky Ramone was also present and he talks about how the songs they wrote were to get exposure but now with downloading it has been a useful tool to supplement income for those bands. Amy Higgins of Pandora was there as well saying it is all about sale strategies and how to create relationships with music and products in order to make them both happy. It is about finding partnerships to make things happen ( concerts, shows...) A project she mentioned was the partnership they did with DMB and Britta. They had DMB songs on Pandora which was a big album. Then fro
    I listened to Around the Dial: A music industry roundtable. In this podcast several of the top minds in the music/advertising industry sat down to talk about how the union between music and marketing can be profitable for both parties. Each member of the roundtable, including Kenny Ochoa, Jessie Mann, Josh Robenowitz and Marky Ramone discuss their personal experiences using music in marketing and vice versa. Ramone made the comments that some artists and fans see this as "selling out", but in reality it is one of the best possible ways to get your music more recognized and reach a broader audience than you normally would. An excellent example is that being featured in an Apple advertisement was rated as one of the top 100 ways to expose yourself as an artist. Many examples of how bands and products come together to create brand recognition for both parties are explored in this podcast. One of the panelists who works for Pandora discussed how there are 60 million users on Pandora and this is a definite advantage for advertisers who want to reach a niche audience depending on which genre they listen to. An audio advertisement only plays once every twenty minutes meaning there is little overload when a marketer tries to convey their message. Another interesting thought brought up in conversation is that there is so many songs featured in commercials that consumers can find new artists and bands they enjoy just by simply turning on the tv and flipping through channels. Another panelist said this is a great way to expose yourself, but to be careful about which products bands choose to associate themselves and finding the right fit is the key. I found this podcast interesting and insightful into a avenue of marketing I see and hear everyday, yet have never really paid much attention to.
    I listened to Around the Dial: A music industry roundtable. This podcast consisted of Kenny Ochoa, a Sony Music Exec who deals with selling the music rights of Sony to ad agencies to use in their commercials. I learned from this podcast how important music can be in an advertising campaign and how brands and agencies and musical artists work together. Harvey Leads ran the promotion department at Sony. As he said he "cross pollinated" the music and advertising industries. He tells the story of the band New Found Glory made a video with product placement with products like Rock Star Energy Drink and Taco Bell. Amy Higgins talks about how when she worked for Pandora she worked with bands and their initiatives to be greener. The whole goal of this discussion was to discuss how music and advertising have started a journey together and now help each other gain popularity.
    I watched the OMMA Global Podcast from the Monday September 27th event. The overall theme of the podcast was the future of technology. The key speaker mention that today there are 1.7 billion people on the internet, and by 2014 that number will grow to over 3 billion. This will be due to the changes that will occur to the internet. The internet is expected to become faster and more instant which will allow for more growth. It is so easy to understand why there will be a major growth in the internet because we live in a mobile environment. Devices like our cell phones and i-pads allow us to view media anywhere. The key speaker also mentioned that today there are 700 million online video users that watch up to 10 minutes of video everyday. These statistics will also grow. In the next 3-5 years there will be 3 times as many viewers and they will be watching up to 2 hours of video daily. This is due to the effect the internet will have on t.v. The internet and tv will be combined and interchangeable in the future. Advertising agencies will have to stay current and be creative when trying to advertise in the future because t.v. will change and when t.v. changes advertising changes. It will be interesting to see how that change will occur because our lives will be mobile and advertising will need to be mobile too.
    The podcast I chose to listen to was Around the Dial: A Music Industry Roundtable." This is a discussion between several influential leaders in the music industry including Harvey Leads, previously with Sony Music but currently a consultant, Markey Ramone, a popular artist, and Amy Higgins, a leader in the Pandora craze. The idea that they were trying to get across in this discussion was that of the connection between advertising and the music industry. It is well known that this is one of the best way for music to promote itself, and this podcast discusses how various artists have gotten their name out and used different forms of marketing. The biggest issue that each of these leaders in the industry dealt with was how to satisfy a range of different consumers, and to keep them interested in their products. Often, bands and artists will brand themselves with different labels in order to keep an edge over the competition and create a bond with the consumer.
    I listened to the Around the Dial: A music industry roundtable. Josh Rabinowitz, Senior VP and Director of Music for the Grey Group, introduces the discussion on the union of the music industry with Madison Avenue (marketing industry) as "free-flowing." The discussion is among Amy Higgins from Pandora, Harvey Leeds from Headquarters Management, Jesse Mann from The Bowery Presents, Kenny Ochoa from Sony Music, and Marky Ramone of the Ramones. Each panelist talked about how their company was merging marketing and music. Amy Higgins said that Pandora is a marketing tool that can "help you connect to fans...and future fans in an organic way." Not only does regular radio force you to listen to what they have chosen often, you are often bombarded with the "clutter" of advertising. She says that Pandora decreases the "clutter" while allowing users to choose the type of music they want to listen to. Marky Ramone relayed how many of his fans felt he sold out when he decided to do music for commercials. It seems to me, after listening to each of the panelists that the music industry and marketing are a natural fit.
    I listened to Nascar Life in the Fast Lane. It was amazing to see how far Nascar has come in just a short amount of time. The said that the first way advertising showed up in NASCAR was when the driver's use to advertise their own business on their car. It was also shocking to realize that NASCAR is the second most watched sport in USA behind football. In this Michael Waltrip says that while he raced he made sure that no matter how small or big the sticker on the car was he made that company feel like they were always the same. The reason he did this because the more he did for them, the better the chance that that company might give even more money. They also said that NASCAR fan are some of the most avid fans around. They will change their lifestyles depending on a driver's changes in some cases. Even insurance companys now sponsor NASCAR. The reasoning behind them getting into the sport is because of the 75 million fans that they can get their attention just during a race. Eventhough they are an insurance company and NASCAR is a thrill seeking sport. They feel as though they are gaining more because fans see that they will insure drivers, the it will be easy for them to enusre them as a fan.
    I viewed What Actually Drives Content Consumption and Why You Should Care. AOL leaders talked about many ways content is received online. AOL is not only preparing to lead the way forward today but also coming up with ways in which to lead the way forward tomorrow. Consumers are a bit off on how they are actually viewing content. Over half the time spent online is spent consuming information while the other half is spent communicating(email, social networking, etc.). I was shocked to find out that seventy percent of users have less than 20 sites in their core mix that they view and almost fifty percent have only 10 sites! Many users do not realize that the the main way they seek information is search focused. Users look for content that is credible, trustworthy, recent, relevant, and brand authoritative. They go through trial, discovery and loyalty phases. Online trial process is mainly about access, such as being quick and delievered when you want it in the way you want to recieve it(consumerspace). The trial phase shifts to content and deals with relevancy. Loyalty is almost always concerned with brand appeal. In order to increase loyalty the brand must have certain attributes. It need to not only be recognized but also have uniqueness and quality. One such way that AOL gave to increase this quality was to invest in authors/ editor who are respected as influential. This increases the chance that the consumer will react to the ad. Also strong visual appeals engage the customers as long as they are relevent and useful. Consumers have come to accept advertising as content. This is great for marketers, so long as they know the correct ways to deal with the emerging web based content and consumer interests. "Integration has to be more imaginative" online in order to stand out today and tomorrow.
    I listened to the Carolyn Everson interview, she is the vice president for global ad sales and strategy for Microsoft. It was interesting to hear how hectic her schedule is but how much she enjoys what she does. She mentioned how she will be traveling to China and Europe both three times in the next ninety days and even thought most people would fine that stressful and too much to handle, she was genuinely excited and looking forward. She also talked about her previous experiences with other companies such as MTV and Disney and she says her background with the importance of brands will help her in her new role as VP of global ad sales and strategy.
    I listened to Designing an Agency for the Digital Age. This podcast discussed how the advertising that we have been working with in the past isn't working like it used to. I learned that the beginning of advertising came from politics. During elections people used to take a train all around the country and promote themselves. At one point William McKinley couldn't travel because he had a sick wife. That is the first time buttons and pins were used. A man name Sam Lloyd came up with a puzzle game which had things about McKinley on it and 20 million of these games were given out. When the television came out it transformed advertising. For a long time using mass media meant increasing sales, however in the recent years clients have been informing agencies it is not working like it used to. There are three reasons why agencies need to transform digitally. One is that mass media is not as effective as it once was. Two is the context. Within context there are ten things that have been developed to help sales. 1. information (google: getting information to information seekers) ; 2. Transaction ( ability to customize) ; 3. participation (Facebook) ; 4. Conversation (Twitter) ; 5. Application ( Driod and Iphone Apps) ; 6. Location (mapping technologies) ; 7. Diversion (Hulu) ; 8. Distribution ( Youtube) ; 9. Visualization (showing data) ; 10. Interruption ( Banner Ads). The third reason to transform is to Innovate. We need to move away from commodity and towards Innovation. Companies need to invest in ideas and not media. There are three ways to transform. The first is to transform the brand. You can either force it into the consumers life or let the consumer put themselves into the company. The best way is through storytelling. Agencies can use metaphors to evoke an emotion so they act a certain way, use a demonstration, Apple for example does demonstrations, or a Game where the user generates the story by being engaged. The second is to transform th
    I listened to the interview with Tim Westergren who is the founder of Pandora internet radio. Pandora was founded in the early 2000's and has grown into one of the largest radio platforms in the world. Tim mentioned how in the first several years after just having opened up shop, the company received much fortune. However, after the company launched the iphone application and "got into people's cars", it exploded within a short amount of time. Tim says that the users/audience have made Pandora what it is. Tim also says that "big is good in the media world." Tim realizes that music plays a personal role in people's lives so he aims to meet the needs of the average listener by meeting them in their living rooms, cars, on their phones, and mobile devices. He even shared how people have shared their personal moments with the company. Some people have named their children after Pandora and have used Pandora during special moments like birth and weddings. Tim says that he is excited about people's excitement and about what Pandora will do for the working musician. Pandora has a listening population of 60,000 people and growing. This means that with Pandora the platform for independent musicians is at their doorstep.
    I listened to Carolyn Everson who is corporate vice president global add sales and stratedy for Microsoft advertising. Obviously like most organisations in this field much of the advertising and products that are created are very unique and innovative. She recalls her first 90 days within the organisation and what schedule she has in the environment of advertising. She started her week at Canns advertising festival, which is a prestigious festival known worldwide, mainly social networking and meeting clients. This lead to her giving a conference in front of over 1000 people where she performed a rap dance. The next few months will see her traveling a lot, visiting on a number of occasions Asia and Europe. Her main role throughout her time travelling will be meeting clients and other team members. Throughout her time in advertising working for organisations such as Disney and MTV the most vital aspect she has learned is the importance of brands and content. In addition to the importance of brands and content she strives to reinforce that it is importance to bring it to a digital environment.
    I listened to the interview with Carolyn Everson, corporate VP of global ad sales and strategy for Microsoft advertising. It was interesting to hear her talk about how often she is engaging in contact with customers of the company. She has to travel to all of these places, finding out what the company is doing right, or doing wrong, in order to improve on their products and services, which is very important in any industry. Many companies don't consider the great importance of continual improvement, and how their choice to do so, or not, will affect old and new customers. I think it is a good thing that Microsoft is getting their employees to do personal visits to its customers because when a customer sees that the supplier cares about how they are affected by their products, and ask for their input, they have a more positive perception of the company.
    I listen to the interview with Julia Boorstin of Media Money of CNBC, who seem to enjoy here career, she said that she feels confident about the industry in the upcoming year, and loved that her career gave her the opportunity the communicate with the people at the center of the transformation in the industry. Julia began her interview explain that the industry now is cautiously optimistic, in contrast to the scare of last year. Last year a lot of the ad spinning was put on hold and now it up 6% this year. Another issue that was discussed was the resurgence in traditional media, such as television and radio. Even though these are not the most up to date media, they still dominate the industry. Ad agencies are now feeling the pressure from social media ads and website like Google, where the ads are brought directly from the supplier. To adapt ad agencies need to become specialized to help the transformation of crafting the story, so that advertising can cross platforms. The message that needs to be presented in ads now is what is the "Bottom Line", being able to relate and tell a story.
    I watched a WADV 2010 interview with Neil Glassman, social times contributor, blogger and consultant who chatted about radio, experience in branding and his perspective on whats next and more. The interview was conducted in union square park and he knew the interviewer, they had been in the same industry highway for years, just different lanes. Social media differs from radio in the following fundamental way: can't see, know or name who you are talking to and they must be able to respond without picking up a telephone. He now works in industries where he is seen, writing two blogs, one marketing video and one his personal blog, titled bisban parrow. He also does consulting for social media companies. To take radio broadcast to the future, the industry must seize the following opportunities according to Glassman: 1. in a recent blog he discussed the importance of moving from the original media platforms to more engaging methods like tweeting. 2. Two falicies about social marketing and radio include: content is king (must deliver value and be packaged in desired, value added packaging and localism- radio professionals are grasping back to local markets and new type of localism is here- connect to the internet and find radio wherever you want. The interviewer suggested the term glocal, which I find very fitting. Appreciate your surroundings and understand how they apply to your local. Advertisers have to find ways to utilize these social media outlets to try engage with their market(s). Glassman is responsible for creating the product ISDN, and learned several lessons: he had the first commercial hardware product using mp3 files which was new technology in a old market when it was first released. The zepher for a duplex cost roughly 6k and no technicians knew how to install it. From this experience, the communicates the following message about branding: most advertiser believe every brand needs a name. His boss didn't want to name the box, he did and the
    I chose to listen to an interview of filmmaker Oliver Stone which was conducted by David Carr. The discussion was based on Stone's newest project, "Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps". The film stars Michael Douglas who portrays the infamous Gordon Gecko, and opened at no.1 which makes for Stone's biggest opening ever. Oliver Stone spoke about his outlook on America and the future for the country. Often times he would relate his insight to connections in the film, with great emphasis on the relationships between characters in the movie. Stone states that he has seen four economic bubbles in his lifetime and that there will be more to come. He explains that as a country, we never took the time to recover from 2001, that we just kept going until the economy plummeted in 2008. The world faces a constant rise and fall, cyclical effect and this will continue in the future. It was noted that financial services have become a huge factor in American business today, we have profit without production, a huge portion of revenues come from moving money these days as opposed to manufacturing in the past. Moving money and leverage is what this movie is all about. Stone has created an emotional film that reflects the economic storm that we are currently facing. Here morals, karma and trust become key themes throughout the film. Each character faces moral challenges where ideals come into conflict with the power of money. Stone states that "everyone adjusts their own way, who gets out and who doesn't is the key". The power of rumors becomes relevant especially in the marketplace. Leverage is seen as a game not based on what you have but whether you are winning or losing. He does not aim at explaining the movie entirely just the key connections to make while analyzing the plot. I really enjoyed how he ended the interview by stating that he made sure to depict that the young generation is hopeful and that is what the economy needs today.
    I have really wanted to see "Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps" ever since I saw the trailer. I found that director Oliver Stone was interviewed on September 30, so it certainly piqued my interest. David Carr first speaks about wanting to interview Oliver Stone and having to go to great lengths to secure some time with him in his trailer. The film broke out to the number 1 box office hit in its first week and is the all-time biggest film in India without dubs. Stone mentions "bubbles" dealing with the crests and troughs of the American economy he's withnessed ever since the '60s. In 2001 when the economy was very low he states that we never fully recovered from that and a couple years ago in 2008 it worsened to an extreme. He quotes a statistic saying 40% of the corporate profit in the United States was through shadow banking and financial services. He is exactly right. In June of that year the shadow banking system was approximately the same size as the traditional depository banking system in the U.S. From 1986 to 2008, so 22 years, that percentage rose from 16% to 40%. This shows that more and more people are making money via services rather than producing new products. Mr. Stone states that his father once told him, "there shouldn't be profit without production." His movie shows the corrupt side of Wall Street with Gordon Gecko, who is played by Michael Douglas. Gecko served time in jail for insider trading and the film starts with him getting out of prison with a new mindset from looking from the outside, in. Listening to the full interview session absolutely made me want to watch "Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps" even more.
    David Carr and Oliver Stone begin the forum by discussing the recent politics behind the movie Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps. The premise of the movie is the greed that is apparent in Wall Street and the banks and financial institutions of the U.S. Oliver talks about whether the banks should have been bailed out and the whole "To Big to Fail" political debate. He presents both sides of the story, and doesn't really present a definitive opinion. He does mention how blue collar workers make the same as they did in 1973 when adjusted for inflation. He also mentions that there have been four bubbles of economic unrest in the past fifty years. One of them was during Vietnam, the other during the 70's, and another is today's financial crisis. Oliver Stone then goes on to talk about his movie and the significance of it regarding the amount of greed on Wall Street. I have not seen the first nor the second versions of Wall Street, but listening to Stone really made me want to. I think the American people have a very negative attitude towards those on Wall Street and this movie goes with that attitude. This is also noteworthy for advertisers as elitism has a negative connotation and may drive away potential customers in advertising. At the very end Oliver Stone talks about the relationship between his films and advertisers. He talks about in Wall Street II Dunkin Donuts and the energy drinks. He seems to have a negative attitude towards product placements in his movie. He says, "We didn't have to revert to prostituting our movie."
    TIM WESTERGREN'S INTERVIEW: The founder of Pandora, Tim Westergren chats about how Pandora has evolved, the power of the mobile platform, music discovery, the evolution of Pandora in vehicles, social media feedback and more. Pandora allows people to reconnect with music. It all started with Pandora conquering cell phones, now the next exciting thing will be Pandora intergrated into vehicles. They are now developing products with car manufacturers and after-market stereo companies such as Pioneer and others. He is currently working with Ford, Mercedes and other companies. His goal is to be in every new car that rolls off the manufacturing line. Half of the 20 million people who have Pandora on their iPhones use it in the car. But they can't promote that kind of usage because of the safety concerns involved when driving and trying to control your phone at the same time. So the future is in being able to control Pandora right from your steering wheel. Pandora will really change the music industry for the musicians as well so that the life of a working musician might get easier. Pandora will help musicians to better connect with fans. They plan on opening a mass platform (over 60 million listeners in the U.S.) so that any artist will get to participate in a level playing field. Pandora currently has 90,000 artists in their collection. Westergren also states how the company likes to hold townhalls. Townhalls are informal gatherings where they invite local listeners to get together to talk about Pandora and music.It gives them a chance to get to connect personally with people, hear their feedback, and what they like and don't like. They receive over 30,000 emails a month from their listeners. People write them poetry, send cookies, and even name their kids after Pandora! Pandora is definitely filtering into people's lives more and more every day. Music is an extraordinary powerful thing and Pandora allows people to reconnect with the music they love.

UNC Press - When Janey Comes Marching Home: Portraits of Women Combat Veterans - 18 views

    Q&A with Laura Browder on When Janey Comes Marching Home
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    Students, your assignment this week is to read about 'Janey' before our speaker on Monday, attend the talk at 3:30 on Monday in Wright auditorium, and then discuss the materials and her talk here on Diigo (by Friday at 5).
    Being a Marine, I feel very moved to go to this event. I have seen the struggles women in the military have to overcome daily and this will provide some amazing insight.
    Wow, I'm tottally bummed that I cannot make this speaker because of a pre-scheduled interview. This book by Laura Browder seems extremely intriguing. When I think about the military, a lot of times I do think about the guys that are enrolled and being front line in the fights. I never stop to think about all of the women, especailly mothers trying to support their children and how hard it must be on them to leave their newborns or teenagers for months or even a year at a time. With growing children, a month being away makes a huge difference in their lives. I can't believe the one case where her daughter wouldn't stop crying because they were deployed and she didn't recognize either parent, that is really upsetting. Many people want to give military men and women their opinion of the war, especially if they are against it. Those people would think that obviously these people are fighting for you and if you can't say a simple thank you, then you shouldn't open your mouth... even if that military man or women is against the war. I will be interested to read what everyone writes about the speech today.
    I thought Laura Browder's presentation was great, it definitely made you think about and appreciate all the sacrifices women in the military have to make. Although I thought the speaker and content were great, I thought that we would hear about just a few women and really get into their stories and their experiences, not just get a brief overview of around twenty women.
    I too was unable to attend the presentation, but in reading the article it really did make me think twice about women in the service. Recently, my boyfriend returned for Iraq, I was really hard on the both of our family. What really bother us was the unknown. In the article they discuss mothers that came home to childern they did not recognize and childern that didnt even know their mothers. Even though this same situation happens with males, in my opinion there is nothing like a mother in your life. On the other hand, of course these mothers are doing what they know is best for their families.
    I was fortunate enough to be able to attend the presentation. I thought it was interesting of how she introduced all of the women she had done work with. I was shocked at all the PTS that the women had, not because of the war that they saw, but because of them having regret of leaving their group. It shows that women show emotions from war just the same as men.
    I was unable to attend the presentation, however I feel that I did get a lot out of interview that was posted. It was very interesting to see the experiences of women in the military because often, you only hear about mens views and experiences. It seems that choosing between the military and their family was one of the more challenging situations that presented itself during their duty and deployment. I agree with Jazzaneta that the mothers are doing the best for their family. The right choice is often the most difficult one to adjust to and accept. The women did seem happy with their choice of joining the military and even after their deployments, knew that they did the right thing and made the right choice. I enjoyed the interview and wish that I could have made it to the presentation today, but I still learned a lot about women in the military and what they experience.
    I was unable to attend the presentation, however I felt like I received a strong message from her interview. It is sad to say but it is true, when I think about American war hero's I only think of men. This might be because when studying history back in high school and college they only talk about male hero's because woman were not aloud to take part in war combat. When reading her interview it was an eye opening experience, especially when she was talking about the woman's roles. For example, if a single mother joins the war, they are being courageous my leaving there child/children behind, they are being courageous by joining the war itself. It's not like the olden days where they have "behind the scenes role," they are in the heat of all the action. Her book should open peoples eye's, about how women and man both deal with great struggles regarding the war, it's not an easy process for anyone. I respect and give great honor to those men and WOMEN who have served our country.
    I thought Laura Browder's presentation was excellent, and I loved the way she presented each woman's story with a picture so the audience could really picture what the women must be like. Laura brought up many points about women and mothers in the military that I have never thought of before. I was surprised to find out that many of the women were torn between staying with their family or being deployed, because I would have assumed that they would rather stay home with their family. I was also shocked that many of the women were reluctant to come home due to the fact that their unit was staying overseas and they felt they should be, too. I thought the childcare plans that many of the single mothers had were interesting, as well. Many of the children who had mothers being deployed stayed with people other than family, such as daycare providers, which is astounding to me. That must have been very emotional for the children, as well as the mother. The amount of pride and devotion the women in the military have for their unit and the military itself is astounding and very admirable. They do not feel like they deserve special treatment because they are women, and they work harder to prove that they belong in the military. Laura did an excellent job of giving insight about what the women in the military are like, thus changing many stereotypical views.
    I was able to attend the presentation because I had to go to it for my international class as well. This presentation did catch my attention because my cousin is in the navy and she is a women. She has been bashed so many times because she is a woman in the military and being able to hear more about it made me understand where she was coming from. There are many strong women out there and I believe they can fight combat and can be just as good or even better than men in times. How she described these women piece by piece left me in surprise to hear about all they had gone through and how they will not let anything stand in their way. They were telling about how they felt they were there for a purpose. They wanted to be in Afghanistan to support their fellow troops even if they were not a fan of bush or the white house. One woman even chose being in the military than staying with her husband and ended up getting a divorce. These women are strong, and I will support them all the way.
    I wasnt able to go see Ms. Browders presentation. But from what I have heard from other classmates today and from what I have found in articles online, i believe she is a great "womans" speaker. She really gets to know the true story behind all of the woman's lifes. She shows how strong these women have to be to go though being a military wife. From what i have heard people that went and listened to her speak really enjoyed hearing her. How she gave background on the war and she showed a picture of each woman as she talked about her. You could tell that she really got to know each lady she talked too.
    I was able to attend Ms. Browder's presentation yesterday at Wright auditorium. I felt like the presentation was extremely insightful because it gave several perspectives of women in the military. Being that the military is dominated mostly by men it was interesting to hear how women were treated and how they reacted to adversity. Most of the women that Ms. Browder interviewed severed several tours and were extremely dedicated and proud to be a part of the U.S military. Many of the women accomplished a lot and held significant titles amongst ranks. I remember her mentioning that there are 240,000 women currently serving in the military which came as a shock to me because I thought that women in the military were still a new idea. I found it fairly amusing when she told the story about the women who got into a bar fight and almost broke someone's nose. Although she was reluctant to interview, she eventually did and according to Ms. Browder she was tough as nails. The one thing that didn't surprise me was how most women struggled leaving their kids when they were told they were going to be deployed. Mothers have a close close bond with their children, not to take away from a fathers bond with a child. Lastly she mentioned that the military still has a stereotype towards women but considering where we started from til today I feel like the United States military has made great strides.
    Wow! I never knew that the number for active military women is so high! That is really awesome. I'm sure much of the women are extremely proud to be serving their country, despite the fact that they arn't as recognized as the men serving our country.
    I was unable to attend Laura Browder's presentation, however after reading the interview that was posted online I have a better insight into the important role women play in the military. It was very interesting to learn about the experiences that women have in the military and how recently they have been able to fully contribute and be recognized for their achievements. I was surprised to learn that women had a similar outlook on the military as men, meaning that the military was "absolutely central to their identities" because I too felt as though women were marginal within the military. I have a number of female friends currently enrolled in the marines and I am curious to know what their outlook on women in the military is.
    I found the information disclosed in the interview or author Q & A from UNC Press and the Janey Comes Homes website very insightful. Until reviewing the information provided by these sources, I was unaware of the front line role women play in our military forces today. I have to admit, this was a bit surprising to me since I am female, but I attribute this lack of knowledge to the media I encounter. I cannot remember the last time I saw a military or government ad featuring a woman solider. Modern media constantly bombards young and old alike with classic, "old world" images of men serving in the military and focus on the evolution of their service throughout history. I find it astonishing that Browder was able to break though these cultural norms and unearth a rare find- women involved in modern combat operations who were brave enough to share their personal stories with their peers all over the world. This is previously unchartered territory and I find her work groundbreaking and exciting. The very nature of the military and our social structure makes such work taboo, specifically sharing this information on a global stage, where perhaps, ideals about gender roles are even more traditionally rooted than ours. The Q & A question regarding how women typically have been portrayed in war photography and images illustrates my point about Browder's work taking on traditional gender roles. Historic photography has focused on the classic gender roles with "men as heros and aggressors and women as children and victims. Her images have proved to "unsettle our fixed ideas about Americans at war". It is important to note we as a society must shift our fundamental ideas about gender roles to truly grasp her message but must also shift our view of these women soldiers as "novelties" but "as real soldiers". I can immediately see how we must carefully encode such messages, based on the pre-developed associations and receptive process(es) of our audience(s) to make s
    I also was not able to attend the lecture by Laura Browder, but looked up some different intrerviews and articles pertaining to her presentations and book. I found them very interesting and enlightening. I never realized how big a role female soldiers played in our military. I think what she is doing in her book as well as through her preseantations is great and very well deserved and much overdue. I think the women who put themselves in this position in which they enter such a male dominated workforce, may face at times a harsher enviroment than their male counterparts. With the amount of sexism and lack of acknowledgment they receive I believe it makes them unseen and unheard heroes. I also found it interesting that they are referring to the current Iraq conflict as the womens war, because of the increased participation of women in the "danger zone". Duties which include IED sweeps, convoy gunners, and home searches. I was also very surprised to hear about how mothers in the military felt about being redeployed, or renlisted in the military. They had the same answers as the males, and were just as likely to continue their duty to the United States despite being a mother, which again I found extrememly surprising. Again I think everything she is doing is great and much overdue.
    I too wasn't able to make the presentation. I checked out her website and the interview conducted on her, and I definitely read some things that I've never thought of or realized. I can't imagine how much strength and passion women in the military have. I'll be the first to admit that I couldn't do half of the things that they are committed to. On top of the constant combat awareness they are obligated to, it's hard to think they have are presented with an altered state of mind away from their family. I could see how much this must affect these women, and how bittersweet it could be to come and go on such an unreliable basis. The fact that these women are convoy gunners, explosives technicians, and many other dangerous jobs, is incredible. I wish I could have made this presentation to get a more personal and realistic perception on the lives of our military women.
    I was unable to attend Laura Browder's presentation. However, I found the interview with her to be very interesting and insightful. For starters, I felt Mrs. Browder chose the right direction of neutrality throughout this project. By doing so, she allowed for both war supporters and anti-war supporters to grasp the topic at hand, without feeling it was biased. Bringing this topic into the public spotlight, however, is very important towards educating American's about the importance of women in our military, and the hardships they go through. The ultimate theme of motherhood I felt was a proper theme to show how the women in the military sacrifice a whole lot to protect our nation. I will say that after reading this interview, the topic of women in the military is more interesting with many more questions that come to my mind. The personal stories she discussed really brought a more personal aspect to this topic, and I was taken away by some of the experiences and trials and tribulations the women in the military told her about.
    I was unable to attend the event on Monday, but I find the interviews that I read online to be very interesting and I would love to read the book or see the documentary she is working on in the future. I believe that women should have the option to go into combat in the armed forces as long as they are willing and able. I know many women who are just as strong, if not stronger than men. These women have made a significant commitment to our country and they shouldn't be denied any help or service they would like to give. Unfortunately, the world is still filled with stereotypical opinions and judgemental behavior. I'm embarassed to admit it, but sometimes I caught myself reading about the mothers and thinking 'how could they leave their children?' However, we don't usually think that about the men that are soldiers. Why does society think it is more important to have a mother at home than a father? Why do we believe men are better at fighting wars? Why do we think women aren't strong enough? These are all questions that I hope Laura Browder will make people think about and attempt to answer through her interviews.
    I was also unable to attend the presentation on Monday, but the information that I did read about her and her book were quite interesting. I like how society gets to see a womans perspective of being in the military and how it effects them and what they go through. Woman should have equal rights when they choose to fight for our country and I think they are just as capable as any man would be. It takes great sacrafice to take time off and leave your children to do what you think is right. I give these woman major credit and respect them because I would never be able to do that. I liked how Laura Browder really tried to capture each womans message and make the public think differently about woman in the military. I'm glad I read the interviews because it was an interesting topic that I had never thought about.
    Laura Browder had officially opened my eyes to an entire world that I have yet to truely consider, prior to Monday's Presentation. When my brother joined the Marine Corps. in 2003 I began my very own relationship with the U.S. Military. I have always been quite impressed with the level of commitment that soldiers and their families invest in our government and security as a nation. For the first time, I have begun to think about specifically and honor the women that are involved. The presentation was an eye opener, not because there are hundreds of women in combat situations, but because of their stories being told back at home. I am suprised by the way that Laura has researched and depicted these women. It is wonderful. Being a woman is not easy yet a woman in the military faces a multitude of challenges that the public tends to ignore. Shockingly, majority of the mothers that Laura mentioned face a conflict between supporting their children during there early years of development and deploying for war overseas. Most of which felt more obligated to their fellow soldiers and felt guilt for being seperated from them while returning home. I would expect for them to feel more compelled to stay and see their families. This event has done a great job getting the general public involved in appreciating the women of the military and the families that support them.
    I was not able to see the presentation on Monday but by visiting several websites and looking at pictures I wish I had not missed this presentation. I think what Laura Browder has done is such an inspiration to all women. It is an inspiration to the women that are currently or have fought for our country because they deserve credit and recognition for all they have done and will continue to do. It is an inspiration for girls that are thinking about joining a service because they might be hesitant since they are females and Browder's stories and pictures might help give them that extra push to do what they believe in. For people like me, that does not know much about women and the army this was very eye opening and inspiring and makes me have so much for respect for these women and what they have done. Hopefully she will come back and speak again!
    Though I was unable to go to Laura Browder's presentation, I found that her interview was very informative and helped give some insight as to what female soldier's have to go through. A part that was difficult to think about was when the parents of the child were both deployed at the same time and the child didn't recognize them when they return. The psychological drawbacks are often the most difficult to cope with when a soldier returns home. It is also interesting the way the female and male roles as soldiers are becoming closer and closer to being equal. Some women even found it offensive when asked how they were different or how they felt about being a woman in the military. Brower gave a lot of insight and I hope that she can make it back to ECU to speak again.
    I was also unable to attend Laura Browder's presentation on Sunday. However, her interview and the website definitely gave me a different outlook on the role of women in war. To show how little I knew, the first sentence on the homepage of the website shocked me. I had no idea women were barred from combat. I guess it is common sense, but I honestly didn't know. But, like the website exclaims, this is irrelevant in the Iraq war since there are no front lines. One of the interviews with a veteran really struck me. We don't always think about soldiers having another career when they come home from war. But, one of the women talks about having Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and how this is a career-ender for her. Her ability to live the life she had hoped for has been diminished by her experiences while serving her country. A lot of times we think of veterans as older and ready to retire anyways, but she was young and had a lot of life ahead of her. All of the stories really touched me, especially those that told the effects on thier families. I really just can't imagine what it would be like.

Damn, Skippy! A Guest Post by Lisa Proctor - 0 views

started by Tracy Tuten on 21 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
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