Sharing a snapshot - 31 views
#1 iamelliot on 03 Jan 10I took a snapshot of 3 different pages on a website, and Diigo stores them all under one link. The question is, now that I've taken snapshots and screenshots, how do I share the screenshots? Since the webpages I've Diigo'ed are temporary, they don't show much, but the screenshots are perfect. So, again, how do I share them on my blog? Thanks much!
#2 iamelliot on 04 Jan 10Anyone have an idea how to resolve this question? I have just been using the snapshot image's absolute path on my blog, but I'm worried that the path might expire at some point.Then again maybe I should just host the images on my site directly, but that kind of defeats the purpose of ussing Diigo...
#3 iamelliot on 05 Jan 10I'm a bit surprised that I haven't had any reply to this issue. Does nobody else attempt to SHARE a snapshot?