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larry trasciatti

immac - 0 views

shared by larry trasciatti on 03 Apr 21 - No Cached
jackmamba liked it
Daniel Gauthier

Selected Writings of Rev. Msgr. Vincent Foy - 24 views

    A priest over 100 years old who still says his Mass!
Elena LaVictoire

Marigolds for Mama: A Peek in Mary's Garden ... - 23 views

    • Elena LaVictoire
      Wonderful colors. Very beautiful and inspires me to start my own garden!
Sean Widmer

Passionate Paist - 12 views

    This is a blog I recently started to discuss various topics in Catholicism, and how we can apply the Catholic faith to daily life - not just Sundays.
Elena LaVictoire


  • Twas the night before Christmas And packed was the Mass. Not a creature was stirring? Not even a chance. The cars were all parked In imaginative places For in the small lots There were no more spaces And many a wife To her husband thus talked “We parked so far away We could have just walked” All the people were stuffed 10 or 12 to a pew Perched 2 to a chair Such a crowd the Mass drew. Each grown up was fussing With some consternation Trying to follow The new Mass translation.
    Father V. had a wonderful homily for the children's mass this year.  Here is a part of it but head on over to Adam's Ale to read the rest.  When (and if) it gets posted over on the church web site, I'll link it here. 
vic mortelmans

Kerknet | Nieuws - 4 views

    • vic mortelmans
      Moet ik nog noteren dat ik zo'n activiteiten binnen de kerk verspilde energie vind?
Daniel Gauthier - 4 views

    John Pridmore is doing some excellent work! Sharing his faith with those who quite often, have lived very similar situations as his (prior to conversion).
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