Different Flavored Mango juice - 0 views
Mango Dash india on 11 Oct 14Different Flavour of Mango juice Summer is one of the only times when one can enjoy the true ecstasy of fresh mango juice. Usually bottled mango juices and mango drinks have a kind of uniform taste and flavor. But you can make fresh mango juice at home with different types of mangoes, and enjoy different flavors in mango juice. Asia in the most popular drink being the mango variety like mango drink , mango juice, Pulp mango juice. The flavor of mango fruits is constituted by several volatile organic chemicals mainly belonging to terpene, furanone, lactone, and ester classes. Different varieties or cultivars of mangoes can have flavor made up of different volatile chemicals or same volatile chemicals in different quantities. The mango is considered as one of the most delicious and healthiest fruits. The "king of the fruits" has a yellow, reddish orange or green skin and a deep yellow pulpy interior. This tropical fruit, originated in the Indian subcontinent's sub-Himalayan plains, has been cultivated in many regions of India as well as the tropical climates around the world. Mango Pulp used for making the drinks is made from choicest mangoes brought from South India which is the World's largest producer of Mangoes. Our assortment of juicy mango and other drinks offer essential minerals, antioxidants, fiber and vitamin A and C, and is an excellent way of repletion of lost potassium.'Alphonso' is one of the most popular cultivars. In 'Alphonso' mango, the lactones and furanones are synthesized during ripening; whereas terpenes and the other flavorants are present in both the developing (immature) and ripening fruits Mango juice: