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Home/ The Apple Group/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Richard Sheppard

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Richard Sheppard

Richard Sheppard

Caching Apple's Signature Server - Jay Freeman (saurik) - 1 views

Richard Sheppard

HowTo: Make Ubuntu A Perfect Mac File Server And Time Machine Volume [Update6] - 1 views

    Tutorial for connecting Mac OS X Leopard with Ubuntu and using your Ubuntu machine as a backup volume for Time Machine
Richard Sheppard

rentzsch's clicktoflash at master - GitHub - 0 views

    WebKit plug-in to prevent automatic loading of Adobe Flash content. I've been using this for about a week or two, and my Mac is sooo much happier as it doesn't have to thrash itself just to show superfluous Flash garbage.
Richard Sheppard

MacTubes - 0 views

    This page isn't very exciting, but the MacTubes program you can download here seems to be about the best of the three I've tried to day for downloading YouTube videos for playback on my iPhone.
Richard Sheppard

Windows Live Sync vs. Live Mesh vs. SkyDrive: Which is Right for You? - 0 views

    A good comparison of the three Windows services which do some of the things MobileMe does. For free.
Richard Sheppard

THENE 706 1 Font | - Font, Fonts,Photoshop font tool,Designer,Webmaster font... - 0 views

    Loads of fonts - could be of suspicious provenance, but there you go...
Richard Sheppard

Getting Started with launchd - 0 views

    Some good historical stuff about init, cron, xinetd and why launchd is the way of the future.
Richard Sheppard

easier instructions to install Tiger's - 0 views

  • sudo ditto -Vx --noqtn /Volumes/X11\ Update\ 2006/X11Update2006.pkg/ Contents/Archive.pax.gz /
    • Richard Sheppard
      The space between "...2006.pkg/" and "Contents/..." shouldn't be there. It's: sudo ditto -Vx --noqtn /Volumes/X11\ Update\ 2006/X11Update2006.pkg/Contents/Archive.pax.gz HTH
    How to install and configure Leopard to run Tiger's X11 (which is less buggy) yet still keep the Leopard version. Also includes instructions to reverse the configuration.
Richard Sheppard

QLPlugins - Quick Look Plugins - 0 views

    Quicklook plugins
Richard Sheppard

Installing Denyhost 10.5 | All, DenyHost | Kyle Taylor's Website - 0 views

    How to install denyhosts on Leopard
Richard Sheppard

iHTTP - 0 views

    I can't fully vouch for this, but it looks like a cheaper alternative to MAMP. Maybe less intrusive? I'll probably try it out when I upgrade Gabrielle's iBook to Leopard
Richard Sheppard

Pwnage Tool : FAQ and TUTORIAL For Unlocking/Jailbreaking! [1.1 Mac][Win RC1!] - Mac Fo... - 0 views

    Regardless of whether you use Pwnage, iLiberty+ or Ziphone, there are some great nuggets of wisdom about iPhone jailbreaking and activating here. Thanks to Neill who bookmarked it already and whose bookmarks I regularly pillage.
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