6 ways Fathers can spend quality time with their Kids | Budding Star - 0 views
Budding Star on 27 Feb 18A mother carries the baby for 9 months, delivers her, feeds her and looks after her. As generally mothers are the primary caregivers of their baby, fathers often feel left out of the whole bringing up the child routine. I had a confinement nanny who looked after me and my new born, post delivery, for 40 days. She taught me how to feed my baby, she massaged and gave her a bath, changed her and picked her up whenever she cried. Between her and me, my husband felt totally left out. I could see he was eager to spend time with the baby, but somehow the time was never right. That's when I decided to take the matters in my hand. I advised the nanny to leave the new parents to take care of the baby in the night time, especially once my husband was back from work. This way, my husband got some much-needed time with her new born daughter; he changed diapers, burped her, played with her tiny fingers and toes.