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Anne Bubnic

Digital Citizenship: Using Technology Appropriately - 0 views

    This web site was developed by Mike Ribble, co-author of Digital Citizenship in the Schools. He covers the 9 areas of Digital Citizenship that are outlined in the book and offers many examples of how educators can begin the process of teaching their students how to use technology more appropriately. These resources can be used by any anyone who is interested in helping students or others better understand appropriate technology use.
Anne Bubnic

NCDC Digital Citizenship Survey Results released - 5 views

    NCDC conducted a survey of International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) members last April to gain insight into educators' understanding of digital citizenship and classroom needs. Results were released this week and are summarized here. Also see the Microsoft digital citizenship curriculum site at:
Margaret Moore-Taylor

Five-Minute Film Festival: Teaching Digital Citizenship | Edutopia - 7 views

    This playlist is intended to offer tools to make the case that it's critical to teach digital citizenship. There are links to videos that can be used when teaching digitalcitizenship
    thanks you.
Anne Bubnic

BrainPOP | Learn about Copyright - 2 views

    Tim and Moby teach students the basics about copyright law. A subscription is required to access this material. Note: Some of the other modules are free, including Online Safety, Information Privacy, Digital Etiquette, Cyberbullying and Blogs. See:
Dean Mantz

10 Interactive Lessons By Google On Digital Citizenship - Edudemic - 12 views

    Nice collection of interactive lessons addressing digital citizenship for schools to use to meet federal requirements. 
Dean Mantz

academyofdiscovery - Internet Safety - 8 views

  • I will never post any information more personal than my first name nor will I post pictures of myself. I will not plagiarize, instead I will expand on others' ideas and give credit where it is due. I will use language appropriate for school. I will not insult my fellow students or their writing. I will only post pieces that I am comfortable with everyone seeing; other pieces I will keep as drafts. I will not be afraid to express my ideas, while not overgeneralizing or making derogatory/inflammatory remarks; any posts or edits on controversial issues must either be submitted to Mr. Wilkoff prior to posting or be a part of a classroom project/question which addresses controversial issues. I will use constructive/productive/purposeful criticism, supporting any idea, comment, or critique I have with evidence. I will take all online content creation seriously, posting only things that are meaningful and taking my time when I write. I will try to spell everything correctly. I will not use my public writing (blog posts, comments, discussion topics, wiki edits) as a chat room, instead, I will save IM language for private conversations. I will not bully others in my blog posts or in my comments. I will never access another student's account in order to pose as them or look at their personal content, but I will advise them when they haven't logged out of their computer from my own account. I will be proactive in monitoring the comments that others leave on my blog, utilizing the comment blacklist if necessary. I will personalize my blog and keep my writing authentic, while taking responsibility for anything blogged in my name. I will not provoke other students in my blog posts or comments. I will use my online content as an extension of the classroom, and in doing so, I will leave anything that unsaid in the classroom unsaid online. I will only post photos which are school appropriate and either in the creative commons or correctly cited. I will not spam (including, but not limited to meaningless messages, mass messages, and repetitive messages) I will only post comments on posts that I have fully read, rather than just skimmed. I will respect the public nature of online information, and in doing so, I will respect the wishes of my fellow students for keeping their information (full name, compromising stories, etc.) private.
Dean Mantz

Curriculum: Understanding YouTube & Digital Citizenship - Google in Education - 3 views

  • even MORE awesomness from google team #gctreboot2013
Margaret Moore-Taylor

Online safety & civility | - 4 views

    A blog that is focused on giving information regarding online safety and civility. Many good resources on this blog.
Colette Cassinelli

Our Space: Being a Responsible Citizen of the Digital World | The GoodWork Project - 12 views

    Our Space is a set of curricular materials designed to encourage high school students to reflect on the ethical dimensions of their participation in new media environments. Through role-playing activities and reflective exercises, students are asked to consider the ethical responsibilities of other people, and whether and how they behave ethically themselves online. These issues are raised in relation to five core themes that are highly relevant online: identity, privacy, authorship and ownership, credibility, and participation
Megan Black

Define the Line - 11 views

    Cyberbullying resources from the Faculty of Education - McGill University
Megan Black

Teaching and Modeling Good Digital Citizenship | MindShift - 17 views

    Great article on Digital Citizenship resources to use. 
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