Cyberbullying: Using Virtual Scenarios to Educate and Raise Awareness
[Research Paper: Discussion]
Vivian Wright, The University of Alabama with Joy Burnham, Chris Inman and Heather Ogorchock
Monday, 6/29/2009, 8:30am-9:30am WWCC 159, Table: 1
This session will teach educators how to use student feedback and reactions to scenarios created in Second Life to educate and raise awareness on cyberbullying prevention techniques.
For too long librarians have been seen as "copyright cops," impeding the use of copyrighted materials by students and staff. This presentation suggests we redefine our roles, helping those we serve take maximum advantage of fair use provisions, finding authorities with a "user-centric" view of copyright enforcement, and teaching others to consider not just the legal, but moral side of intellectual property acquisition, use and re-use.
Attendees at the 2009 National Educational Computing Conference (NECC) will examine what it means to live in a digital world, and will discuss the best ways to prepare students to become global citizens.
"How do we prepare students for living and working in a global society and increasingly complex world? What new knowledge and skills are needed for productive collaboration in the 21st century? And what types of learning environments foster the development of those skills?"
Attendees at the 2009 National Educational Computing Conference (NECC) will examine what it means to live in a digital world, and will discuss the best ways to prepare students to become global citizens.
To help spark ideas and stimulate discussion following the release of the President's cyberspace policy review, last Friday we teamed up with the Center for a New American Security to bring together a panel of experts representing government, military, and industry for a Google D.C. Talk, "Developing a National Cybersecurity Strategy."
SUP228 Best Practices in Fair Use for 21st-Century Educators - Renee Hobbs, Temple University, Media Education Lab with Katie Donnelly, Kristin Hokanson, Michael RobbGrieco and Joyce Valenza\nSunday, 6/28/2009, 12:30pm-3:30pm WWCC 145 A