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Jim K

Three more thugs arrested for racially motivated mob attacks in Warner Robbins, GA - 2 views

  • If the races had been reversed, this would be a major national news story. There is absolutely no doubt that national media would be in a frenzy right now. About thirty black teenagers, in Warner Robins, Georgia, celebrated a snow day by rioting and committing racially motivated hate crime mob attack. Five white adults were brutally attacked by the mob. One of the victims was a woman who had an infant baby with her. The thugs posted the this photo (right) on the internet to gloat about the attacks. The thugs screamed racial slurs during the assaults. The total number of arrests has increased to five. Since the perps are all juveniles, there will be very little repercussions for their actions. From Macon Telegraph… Three more teens were arrested Friday for their alleged involvement in an attack at Warner Robins High School last week when the school was closed for snow. D’Angelo Montell Roquemore, 17, of Warner Robins, has been charged with aggravated assault in the Jan. 29 brawl, according to a police news release. In addition, a 15-year-old boy from Warner Robins and a 14-year-old boy from Warner Robins were each charged with aggravated assault, the release states. Police did not release the boys’ names because they are juveniles. Two teens already were arrested in the incident, bringing the total number of arrests to five. Shymalik Raekwon Mitchell, 17, of Warner Robins, was arrested Wednesday an
    • Jim K
      Something not fair is how if this were the other way around, this would be very major. It seems like media today is still racist.... just now to white people
    • Sam B
      It's a good topic but this does not apply to racism in Memphis.
    3 black thugs called a white awful racial slurs, and brutally beat him.
    In the article I feel like it is one sided. We didn't here from the black point of view, what if the 5 white people threatened them? I feel like you need to add to the tags. For example, assault. Also, you highlighted almost all of it and Mr. Cummings said not to. Also, Georgia isn't in our community. We need to find the other side of the story, like what caused the black kids to kill them. What were the white people doing to provoke the blacks to kill them?
    I agree with Sam it really doesn't apply to Memphis because every night on Action News 5 you always see that someone either kidnapped someone or murdered someone. It is also black people and white people. So it wouldn't really be a big deal if a white guy murdered someone randomly. This happens every day in Memphis either a murder, abuse, or kidnapping, its not a big deal white or black.
Devin M

Racist attacks against Ole Miss student - Mid-South News, Weather, Traffic and Sports |... - 4 views

  • Mary Woods says it started on Aug. 24 with racial slurs written on her son Jamal's dorm room door at Ole Miss.Jamal is a freshman at the University of Mississippi in Oxford.
    Ole Miss student attacked by racist peers. Racial slurs keyed onto his truck. Words like the nword and more demeaning words of African-Americans. Student afraid to sleep in dorm. He will be attending a different next semester.
Robert D

Federal investigation finds discrimination in Shelby County juvenile justice ... - 23 views

    This article is about how black teens and young Adults have been proved guilty due to there color of there skin. Brooks file a DOJ in 2007 for the alleges misstatement of juveniles based on race.
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    This is one of the many cases found in our culture where there have been racial decimation. I believe that this is not the only case that could be found. There are many more.
    There is good detail on your summary, but there are no questions in you ladder of feedback.
    I think there is potential in this article and that. Most of the article is true and has good meaning to it.
    This article is great, because it gives us a clear description of what is going on in our community that is a violation of what we are trying to resolve.
    I do agree with you Robert. Because of certain events where black people have been proven guilty, it seems like people always seem to blame the black people for everything. Two words for you: Racial Profiling.
    You should clarify what DOJ means. I see this article going far as long as some more detail is added. Maybe some more background. Did you mean to add some more detail? I suggest to make it a little more clear and then you will be fine.
    This is a somewhat bias article. It leans more toward the African-American side. One lady claimed that the race doesn't matter. Every situation is different, so there really isn't a real way to write down something and say it's true. I like how this is up-to-date and in our community. I suggest that you find a different article that has a two-sided opinion, or another article that back up the other side of this complication.
    This article gives great detail about what the real issue was, but it kind of got off track a little bit about what it is supposed to be like. Other than that this article explains a great deal of racial discrimination in Shelby County jail and prison systems.
    This article gives very in-depth detail into how whites are treated better than blacks, but why does it use a lot of information from a couple years ago like 2009. Overall, it is a good article that has plenty of meaning to it.
    I feel like it is a good paragraph, the information was good and it was mostly up to date. This could lead us into bigger topics around not just our community, but around the nation.
    Nice job finding this article. It informs well how we have a unjust system in our court and encourages us to try to give every race a fair trial.
    I think this link is full of useful information. It tells a lot about how black people are persecuted in court.
    I value that you choose this article because it is a great example of racism in Memphis, and I think that we can elaborate on this in our class discussion and it will cause more questions and make us think. Maybe you could clarify what the DOJ means.
    Since a lot of the judicial system is African-American why don't they help the kids? This is important because it shows that racism in the judicial system is still unfair towards African-American kids.I don't get why the African-American judges socially profile people.
    This sounds like a good start to our research, most of the info is up to date and has great detail.
    This article is great in showing the racism in Memphis and is a great article our group can collaborate on.
    I think this article might be biased or made up. These days, people are so untrusting of the government that they'll make up anything to make it look bad. With this, it is entirely possible that it is made up. However, it is still possible that this is all true.
Henry B

On This Day: Martin Luther King Jr. Assassinated - 17 views

    Martin Luther King was in Memphis, when he was assassinated. The racial discrimination in the city killed Martin Luther King. The whites didn't like him and beat him and arrested him and tortured him. When he was at this motel, he was killed due to the racial discrimination in Memphis.
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    I thought this was interesting because it shows the racism in Memphis. This problem can get bigger and bigger if it is allowed. This crime was done because Martin Luther King was black. This is a big part in racial discrimination.
    "and beat him and arrested him and tortured him" is a run-on sentence. The crime was not done just because he was black. The attack was done because he was supporting blacks. Also you need to list this under history.
    I think this is to long ago and it won't really give lots of information about today society.
    I argue with Hewes because it was formal and gave recent information ABOUT THIS TOPIC.
    Although this article gives specific information about Memphis' history, the information is not recent nor important for today's situation.
    I agree with Hewes, It was a long time ago. You need to find a website with recent info.
    Memphis is a big city for civil rights in America, but I think you could find something that relates to today, and effects our society.
    Are there any facts backing theses conspires, and what causes them to be so compelling?
    This is not important because it is to old for our question.
    While this does go over the racial discrimination I think this more one sided and is only about Dr. Martian Luther King.
    How does this relate to us reducing racism in our community ? I like how you used facts to back up the problem. I don't think that this doesn't really relate to us reducing racism. I suggest that you find an article that does realet to our issue.
    This is a good topic and I think that it will help in our group discussion, but I think that you need something more recent.
    Why is this important today if it happened in 1968?I like the historical reference.I'm concerned with it's outdated info. I suggest you find something more current.
    Although this happened many years ago, I think this article can help us in this proses of how we can reduce racism in our community.
    This may be a little one-sided. The passage talks about the outrage and distress after King's death, but not the feelings of racist people in the country.
    I do not think this is biased. However, I would question whether or not it is relevant to what we are studying. Your question was, "Where/how do we address the problem and change things?". The upcoming days of Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination aren't relevant to that question.
Seth R

Bringing Back Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech - 23 views

    This article is about Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream and how it has affected America so far (like Obama) and how we need to pursue his dream.
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    I think that a speech at a famous landmark in Memphis would be the best way to get the word out. I'm piggybacking off of Martin Luther King Jr.
    I think that this website could help in our group discussion, and I like how you used history and this can help us find out what people have done in the past to fix the problem.
    I think that this will help our project because I might lead us to something different.
    I feel like there is a little more information to be used in this paragraph, I feel like it was formal though. I suggest using a little more recent site.
    I personally think that this is full of information that is good, but is more of an opinion.
    A good link showing how our country has decided to embrace change in our presidential decisions on who to lead the country. Soon we will probably have many different races and even genders of people as leaders of the country.
    I think you also need some more background in this. There just isn't enough information in what you said to be sure of the real problem. Where is the problem? All you are saying is we need to pursue Obama's dream. No problem is stated.
    Are you saying that we need to bring back Martin's idea? Yes. I am. I like how you had the idea of using something that has already happened and worked to spread the word about racism. This is a reliable link because it is from a University, but this seems to have very many opinions in it.
    It is great what Martin Luther King has done to unify us. I wouldn't have some of my friends today if it weren't for him. I try to live by: Judge a man by his actions; not the color of his skin. I think it would be great to make a celebration for him. I think the article was good, I just think you could find a deeper one.
    Is this link valuable? Sure it compares Lincoln to king and king to Obama, but that is not affecting our community.
    I like how it asks questions and then answers them in detail. I also like how it compares old racism to new racism.
    This article is great talking about how the "I have a Dream" speech has brote this country together.
    Why is this important now? This is important because of its history and heritage. What drove MLK to give this speech. We should consider following MLK's ways of leadership and awareness.
    I don't think that this is biased. However, I don't think it's very valuable either; it's an interview with someone who wrote a book that connects Abraham Lincoln to Obama to Martin Luther King Jr.
    This page is quite one-sided. The side supporting Martin Luther King's speech. The answers to these questions are said by one man rather than a group or groups of people. Imagine what a somewhat racist person would say to some of these questions.
    I think we need to focus more on what his dream could have done to racial discrimination more that just look at it and say, " Man that is a great dream."
Devin M

Anti-racist forces in Tennessee say no to Klan, 'American Renaissance' » In t... - 27 views

  • Jefferson Davis and Nathan Bedford Forrest were leading figures in splitting up the U.S. during 1861-65 in that failed war to maintain the economic system of slavery. Davis was president of the Confederate States of America, 11 states that seceded from the Union
    This article consists of the KKK marches in our general area. KKK tried to save Nathan Bedford Forrest and Jefferson Davis legacy by not allowing Memphis to rename the racist parks.
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    Please check if other people had posted it before you post.
    This article is great because this shows the other side of the fight. Some African Americans have made some bad choices, but so have many whites as we have seen with the KKK, church bombing, and many others that exemplify the cruelty that both sides have done to push for there cause.
    If the park is named after a racist, that does not mean that the park is racist.
    I think that the only way people who are racist like the KKK are getting their power is because of the reaction they get. I mean does someone complain when none of the people they are talking to care what they say.
    I agree with Jack. I think racist groups like the KKK get their power is because so many people talk about them and do news articles on them.
    Most articles only talk about African Americans and stuff they did, but this article is one of those rare ones that talks about bad stuff white people do. I agree with Robert.
    I like this because it is a little different like Jerry said, but I see that you highlighted this and I don't think it said everything you really wanted to say.
    I also agree with Robert. I think that all of these people put a lot of lives in the way for a problem that could have easily been solved. It also shows how the blacks had to struggle for their rights and freedom. This article also looks at not just the black side of this problem (because that is the side that we always look at) but how that African Americans also made some bad choices and how some of them effected the problem as well.
    This event shows how Memphis has a bad racist history and that it wasn't a good idea to name the parks the name of racists in the first place.
    This is very questionable. I would like to see the originator of this park. Perhaps a KKK leader created it? This is a big problem and I'm glad they're fixing it.
    This is a great article to help us get more information about our city's black history. This is a great article for our group to collaborate on and discuss.
    How does this develop our learning? It's really just about a park named after someone. I like how this is up-to-date and uses facts and history.
    This does not give us any further information about racial discrimination. It has nothing to do with helping it either.
    This points to how the KKK is getting weaker despite the ongoing of the clan and how some of them are even in Memphis.
Graham W

Tate County School District seeks dismissal of racial discrimination suit » T... - 22 views

    A 63 year old black custodian. Was accused of stealing the white teachers phone, and was accused by the white teacher. Soon they found out that the white teacher actually had never lost the phone out of her possession.
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    I think that you should add you latter of feedback to your summary.
    When was this?
    This is a very though case. Until we see some more facts, it cannot be clearly determined if this was an act of racial discrimination.
    This is am one growing problem with discrimination of blacks. This is key because people still blame African Americans, weather this was true or the teacher did it. There is an unfair trails with blacks.
    Yes, I mean he could have been lying but there is definitely a lot of racial discrimination that the lady had only blamed the 63 year old black custodian worker.
    I think that this case definitely has some racial discrimination involved. However, I don't think if you looked at the security tapes you could pin the custodian. He has to go into every room to clean it.
    This is definitely racial discrimination. A white teacher claims to "lose" her phone so she blames a black worker. Also, the only people questioned were black. There is definitely racial discrimination at that school.
    I like how you knew what the real problem was and you were very clear about it too. Was that the comment or the description though?
    This is a good example of racial sterotypes. I thought this problem was only with police, but I guess it has spead to every one. Are there any other records of this like this happening?
    This can show how people are quick to judge someone just by their color. This also can lead us to employees being wrongly accused of something they didn't do just because of their skin color.
    This article talkes about the racial discrimination in our community. Although, it didn't have enough information/evidence. Because of this we need further evidence but I think this will help us in our process of racial discrimination in our community.
    I agree with Sam. There really isn't enough facts or proof to really call it racial discrimination. I'm sure the teacher though that he stole it because he has access to any room when he wants to go in.
    Is this really going to take us into further detail about our project and if how can we pursue?
Henry B

KKK Imagery, Offshore Drilling May Have Tilted Tennessee Primaries - 1 views

    Racism in Tennessee is shown on this topic. There are possibilities for problem with the KKK in Tennessee.
    Some sub-topics to this can be, attacks because of racism, KKK Trouble, Tennessee's Threats
Jim K

FBI, police investigating noose found on James Meredith statue at Ole Miss - 0 views

    "A statue honoring James Meredith stands at the heart of the University of Mississippi's campus, not far from the the Grove and a short walk from the football stadium. Meredith enrolled in classes on Oct. 1, 1962, integrating the school known as Ole Miss, but was only able to do so after deadly riots erupted in Oxford, Miss. The statue of Meredith, unveiled in October 2006, depicts him entering the campus. This week, university police found a rope noose tied around the neck of the statue as well as a Georgia flag from before 2003 (the year that state adopted a flag without a Confederate battle sign)."
Ben S

Mexican-American boy's national anthem sparks racist comments - - 25 views

    This article is about a 11 year old "Mexican" boy who sings the national anthem and most of the Americans were complaining why they let a Mexican sing their countries anthem.
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    This will help us elaborate on racial discrimination.
    I do not know what is all of the craziness about a Mexican boy singing the national anthem.
    I dont see how it is wrong for an Mexican kid to sing and american anthem.
    I like how you are bringing up something new on Mexicans instead of just Asians. I am confused if this is all to the story. There are lots of people that may not be American that do these kinds of things. What is the big deal about it? Clarify that.
    I don't know why this is such a big deal. A Mexican boy sang the national anthem, so what? This article proves that racism isn't limited to African-Americans.
    This points out how stereotypes can sometimes even be hypocrites. I am glad he refused to be discouraged by these people remembering the critic doesn't count.
    I don't really think that this in our community but that is one opinion and it is sort of one sided.
    I think that this article is good because it shows how people are racist to others and not just black people.
    This is a problem, but it seems that that this was solved and the people who did it are now coming to there sences. I think this was a one time deal.
    I don't see why people are complaining about a Mexican boy singing the national anthem we African-Americans sing it as well and people don't complain. That's discriminating only to Mexicans.
    When I said we I meant when.
    This is a great topic about racial discrimination, but it needs to be in our area .
    This shows that stereotypes aren't always what you think they are.
    This is a good article that shows us all the stereotypes there are. The boy was an American citizen so he should be able to sing the national anthem like other American citizens.
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