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Toshiro Shimura

iPhone 3G短期集中連載:iPhone 3Gの復元、そして電話と日本語入力 (3/3) - ITmedia +D LifeStyle - 0 views

  • わかりやすいのはフルキーボードだが、習熟すればテンキーで指をフリックするのが一番速く入力できる気がする。ワンアクションで済むからだ。慣れるまではテンキーでケータイ風に入力するのもいいだろう。 一度入力した単語は覚えていて、それが英単語であっても候補として出してくれる。なかなか物覚えはよい。「iph」と入力されてのが打ち間違いである可能性を考えて「威風堂々」なんて候補も出しているところが可愛い。  いずれにせよ、単語登録機能もないし、長文を一気に変換することもできないし、予測変換が外れると手間だし、入力してから予測変換候補が表示されるのにちょっと間がある。機能を増やして画面が狭くなるより、シンプルな予測変換で、というアプローチだ。  ただし、現在のバージョンでは「使っているうちに日本語入力がどんどん重く・遅くなっていく」という欠点がある。ついにはかなり遅くなる。再起動すれば反応速度は回復するが、根本的な解決にはならない。ファームアップによる改善を求めたいところだ、というよりは、近いうちにファームアップで改善されるのではないかと踏んでいる。だから評価は一部保留したい。  個人的にはキビキビと反応してくれればタッチパネル用入力システムとしてはかなりよく考えられたよくできた日本語入力方法だと思う。キビキビ動作しているうちはけっこう快適に入力できるし、見た目も画期的だし、意外に楽しいのである。
  • 文字入力にはフルキーボードとテンキーパッドの2種類が用意されている。さらにフルキーボードには英語と日本語の2種類があるので、一般的な日本のユーザーは日本語2つと英語1つの3つのキーボードを使うことになる。  文字入力時は自動的にキーボードが現れる。キーボードの左下にある地球アイコンが言語切り替えだ。タップするたびに切り替わる。日本語入力は変換ウインドウも変換キーもまったくなく、いさぎよい「単文節の自動予測変換」だ。キーを叩く端から候補がどんどん現れる。打ち間違いも考慮した予測変換がなされるので、なかなか楽しい。
  • 矢印キーなどがないので文節の区切り直しなどはなし。決定は変換結果をタップ。その辺の挙動は、ずらっと画面写真を並べてみたのでどうぞ。 英語のキーボード。「space」「return」と書いてあれば英語。キーを指で押すと、どれを押したか分かるよう、キーがペロっと飛び出る(写真=左)キーを長押しすると、なんと欧州で使われるウムラウトやアクセント記号がついた文字も出てくる。英語キーボードのまま欧州文字を打てるのだ(写真=中央)、地球のアイコンをタップすると、テンキーパッドの日本語入力キーボードが出てくる。ケータイと同様、文字を叩くと文字が切り替わる。まさにケータイ感覚(写真=右) キーを長押しすると、上下左右にその行の文字が現れる。5回叩かなくても長押しして指をずらして選べる(写真=左)、文字に触れた瞬間に上下左右任意の方向に指をフリックする(はねる感じ)と、その方向の文字を一瞬で入力できる。これは「な」で左に指をはねたので「に」だ。慣れればワンアクションで1文字(写真=中央)、「ABC」をタップすると、テンキーパッドの英語入力になる(写真=右) 「☆123」をタップするとテンキーパッドの数字(と記号の)入力になる(写真=左)、これは日本語のフルキーボード。英語との区別は、「スペース」と「改行」と「長音記号」だ(写真=中央)、「\」を長押しすると各国の通貨記号が入力できる。けっこう凝っている(写真=右)  いよいよ日本語入力。 「にほん」と入力すると、自動的に予測変換の候補が現れる(写真=左)、最初のリストにないときは次候補を選んでいくか、候補の右端にある「→」をタップすると、その他の予測変換候補がずらっと並ぶ。ここから選ぶべし(写真=中央)、「にはん」と入力した場合。予測変換が「濁点を打ち忘れたかも」と配慮して「にばん」の変換候補も出してくれる。けっこうよきにはからってくれるのだ(写真=右)
Mark Grey

iPhone Screen Replacement - Step by Step - 0 views

    One of the most complex repairs on an iPhone is a screen replacement repair, before you attempt this repair be sure to have sufficient time to complete the task, and have a clear working space for your iPhone and the replacement screen to sit in while working on them.For a replacement screen repair it is necessary to completely disassemble the iPhone, therefore I would suggest that prior to commencing the repair get a few small pieces of paper in order to label your parts, and I particular the origin of the screws. Label them as follows; Metal Back Screws, aluminum back case, and motherboard - lay them out on the workspace in this order with a small space between them for the other iPhone components and replacement screen to lie in.The tools and equipment required for this repair are; a case opener, a small Phillips screwdriver, a paperclip to eject the SIM tray and the iPhone replacement screen, once you have these to hand and the paper labels lined up. Be sure to have clean hands before starting the repair.
Brad Minton

Long Term Loans Canada Online: Vital Tips That Assist Lead You Towards Suitable Long Te... - 0 views

    Long Term Loans No Credit Check are the effective monetary deals that assist people to get the small cash help to tackle any unexpected monetary urgency. It allows salaried folks to take away any small amount against their coming salary with the terms that suits their situation and enjoy the right lending scheme. for more information related long term loans -
Rebecca Clayton

Cash Advance Online Loans- Quick Money Support With Short Term - 0 views

    Cash advance online loans are mostly designed to help for salaried individuals to convene all small unexpected expenses straight away. Apply now and get cash easily, when you need it.
Hilary Hadein

Outstanding Features To Enjoy With 6 Month Loans! - 6 Month Installment Cash Loans - 0 views

    Facing financial trouble and need quick cash assistance? Looking for the small cash advance with easy payment option? Yes, put end on the research as 6 month loans provide you the right solution to...
    Facing financial trouble and need quick cash assistance? Looking for the small cash advance with easy payment option? Yes, put end on the research as 6 month loans provide you the right solution to...
thanaads Thanaads Noo

Report: Apple Charging $1 Million for iPhone Mobile Ads | iPhone News Updated - 1 views

    If you own a small business and want to run an ad in an iPhone app, hold onto your wallet-or at least wait until the initial excitement dies down.
Pooja Runija

Why small business owners choose phonegap for mobile app development? - 0 views

    PhoneGap is a mobile app development framework that is based upon the open source Apache Cordova project. By using Phonegap, developers can develop native mobile applications for any mobile devices by using CSS, Java Script and HTML without losing the features of a native app. PhoneGap Build offers cloud based service that is built on top of the PhoneGap framework.

Feature Rich Apple iPad Pro Device: Feature Packed, Stunning, and Hugely Expensive - 0 views

    Apple says that Apple iPad Pro is a game changer. It is simply a competitor to the MS Surface Pro but that doesn't mean the Apple iPad Pro is not stunning and fantastic. It is, with lots of unique features and tech and in some ways Brand may have redefined modern portable computing with this device. The feature rich iPad Pro may spell difficulty for the old small laptop, including MacBook Air of Apple, especially for people who simply do minimal computing. It will also help the aspirations of Apple in business and with IBM in place expect Apple to truly drive this gadget to companies around the Globe.
Sherrill Didymus

What Are The Top Advantages Attached With Long Term Installment Loans? - 0 views

    It is quite a challenging task to find the loan matching your financial needs and circumstances. If you had a bad experience with short term external finances due to its restricted lump sum repayment method within small duration of a month, you need to get to know about Long Term Installment Loans.
Brad Minton

Long Term Loans Canada Online: Key Reasons That Make It Wise To Opt Long Term Loans Can... - 0 views

    Long term loans Canada online allow one to grab the small amount and pay it back through installments that are easy to handle. But before making the final decision, it is wise to consider the final terms carefully to make sure your lending decision favor your situation.
Michael Russell

Loans For Pensioners: Perfect Option For Pensioner To Make Money In No Time - 0 views

    Loans for pensioners are exceptionally easy to avail from any place suitable to you. These are small period funds which are meant to complete your demands. You will receive the amount you need right away through an easy application process. Thousands of pensioners who are afraid about their awful credit score can effortlessly arrange money to come out of hectic circumstances.
md.bondhon mia

An Inception to eBusiness - 0 views

    When they nevertheless operate these purposes, they also provide extraordinary demands and ventures, distinctively for small companies. Regarding possibilities, the several exhilarating developments for the firm is the launch of e-commerce- digital trade on the Internet? It will be now feasible for compact enterprises to transaction systematically in exchanges which were previously accessible merely to large multinationals.
Pooja Runija

New Yahoo Mobile Development Suite for App Makers - 0 views

    Yahoo has acquired many small startups and big companies over the years but still not in a good position. Last year Yahoo acquired mobile analytics firm "Flurry" and CEO Marissa Mayer stated that Yahoo is a "mobile first company." 
Michael Russell

The Useful Guidelines To Help You Gather Details About Same Day Loans - 0 views

    Same day loans are the exceedingly reliable tool to gain swift cash support to carry out different unscheduled operating expense on time. These loans are here to resolve small cash requirement puzzles and give direct and timely money inside no time via online.
Pooja Runija

How to increase customer engagement? - 0 views

    The success of any business depends on customer engagement and that is why all Small and large enterprises are focusing to make their clients happy.
thanaads Thanaads Noo

I Love Katamari for the iPhone | iPhone News Updated - 0 views

    In 2004, a small-budget game produced by Namco called Katamari Damacy took the PlayStation 2 world by storm. Its simple-yet-beguiling gameplay, involving a young cosmic royalty who rolls up balls of found objects called "katamari," proved infectious enough to merit a series of sequels. Well, the Katamari phenomenon at last has made it to the iPhone, in the form of I Love Katamari.
thanaads Thanaads Noo

The Kenmore Countertop Microwave with built-in Pizza Oven | Your Gadget - 0 views

    If there were ever a gadget perfect for college students, this would be it. Most of us have probably gone through the phase where we eat unhealthy, yet cheap food. Which stereotypically is Ramen and pizza. Well this microwave can help out with both items. Your Ramen can go up top in the normal part of the microwave, whereas your frozen pizza can go in the small drawer underneath to be cooked by the oven. It's the perfect appliance to have around if you love pizza or for someplace that doesn't have a full kitchen set up.
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