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thanaads Thanaads Noo

Sawasdee iPhone 3G! | iPhone News Updated - 0 views

    Well, it official. The iPhone 3G is legitimately coming to Thailand. In a recent interview, I had stated that I had some doubts that the iPhone would come to Thailand so soon, citing that they did not have any confirmed deals for content, which is what really rakes in the money in the whole iPhone money machine. But soon after that interview, there were some events which hinted towards a Thailand launch. It now looks like the baby brother in Thailand's trio of major phone operators, True Move, who is often over looked or forgotten, has sealed the deal with Apple. Commenting on the question of what happened to their rumored deal, AIS has stated that the deal with TrueMove is nonexclusive, leaving the door open for speculation that AIS is still in negotiations with Apple.
Pooja Runija

Artificial Intelligence, Is the Future of New Age of Smartphones - 0 views

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a leading technology concept. It is not just something coming in the distant future, AI systems are everywhere around us, it already involved in our daily life in the form of virtual environment.
thanaads Thanaads Noo

AIS iPhone dream still alive | iPhone News Updated - 0 views

    Thai Operator says it's still looking to cut a deal with Apple after earlier talks stalled.
Toshiro Shimura

iPhone 3Gで使える! ブックマークレット大辞典 - 1 views

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thanaads Thanaads Noo

iPhone 3G coming to Thailand, Taiwan, which may signal China release | iPhone News Updated - 0 views

    Apple has taken a bit of a break following the last round of iPhone 3G releases in late September, but the iPhone 3G may appear in a few more countries before the end of the year. Late last week and over the weekend, two carriers announced that they have signed deals with Apple to distribute the iPhone 3G. Specifically, carriers in Thailand and Taiwan said that they have signed deals with Apple, although the details differ somewhat.
thanaads Thanaads Noo

Thai True Move to launch 3G iPhone on Jan. 16 | iPhone News Updated - 0 views

    True Move PCL, Thailand's third largest mobile phone firm, said on Wednesday it planned to sell Apple Inc's 3G iPhone in Thailand from Jan. 16, a key driver which should boost revenue next year.
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