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thanaads Thanaads Noo

Musicians 'Tap Tap' iPhone | iPhone News Updated - 0 views

    If you own an iPhone (or iPod Touch), chances are you've played Tapulous' "Tap Tap Revenge," a touch-screen and motion-controlled riff on videogaming's booming music genre. Apple recently revealed that "Revenge" is the third most popular free application on its App Store, and Tapulous Chief Executive Bart Decrem says half a million people play it every week since it debuted last summer.
thanaads Thanaads Noo

Review: Done for iPhone | iPhone News Updated - 0 views

    To delete your completed tasks in Done, the to-do app from Chilli X, you have to rotate the iPhone to landscape view. This turns the screen into a single, giant orange button. Tap that button, and your iPhone or iPod touch emits a laughably loud laser-like zapping sound. Your completed items have been obliterated, sci-fi style.
thanaads Thanaads Noo

Google phone not quite an iPhone | Mobile Phone News Update - 0 views

    Real competition to Apple's iPhone is coming in the form of the G1 from T-Mobile and Google, which will be released next week, and the BlackBerry Storm, on tap for November.
thanaads Thanaads Noo

iPhone and games | iPhone News Updated - 0 views

    Sitting in a computer lab at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, the 22-year-old taps away at his iPhone's glassy touch screen, testing the software applications, or apps, he wrote for the device.
thanaads Thanaads Noo

Facebook Connect Debuts For Apple iPhone and iPod Touch | iPhone News Updated - 0 views

    Facebook Connect allows Apple iPhone and iPod Touch users to enable third party applications through its social networking platform. The new app has debuted today which expands normal services to be mobile and on the move.
thanaads Thanaads Noo

Here I Am for iPhone | iPhone News Updated - 0 views

    When it comes to simplicity, it's hard to beat an app with just one button. Yet, as stripped down as it may appear, Here I Am from Arboretum Software deserves a place on your home screen.
thanaads Thanaads Noo

The iPhone needs a native Gmail application | iPhone News Updated - 0 views

    The iPhone needs a native Gmail application. There, I've said it. Every time I bring this up with iPhone users, I get one of the following questions:
Toshiro Shimura

iPhone Copy and Paste Coming to an App Store Near You - 0 views

  • No, Apple hasn’t changed their tune and decided to push the feature to the top of their priority list. Rather, a third-party company has submitted an app that promises to finally deliver Copy & Paste functionality to iPhone users worldwide, and we’ve got dibs on a first look. The program, a rich-text editing tool, lets iPhone owners select text by highlighting with a double-tap and drag motion. From there, users can not only Copy & Paste, but change the text in a variety of ways, including: 5 different font sizes 6 different font choices 8 different color choices bold, italics, underline, and strike-through
thanaads Thanaads Noo

Crash Bandicoot Nitro Kart Most Popular Paid-For iPhone Game | iPhone News Updated - 0 views

    Apple has revealed that Crash Bandicoot Nitro Kart is the most popular paid-for video game on the iPhone and iPod Touch.
thanaads Thanaads Noo

Smile! Flickr has an official iPhone app | iPhone News Updated - 0 views

    Better late than never? Following in the footsteps of countless third-party efforts, Flickr has finally made its official debut in the App Store.
thanaads Thanaads Noo

TARI introduces FlyBy 1.0 for the iPhone, iPod touch | iPhone News Updated - 0 views

    TARI has introduced FlyBy 1.0, a 3D flying game for the iPhone and iPod touch. It's available for US$0.99 at the Apple App Store.
thanaads Thanaads Noo

Miranda Writes: iPhone tips & tricks: Secrets of the iPod | iPhone News Web - 0 views

    With so many apps available at the iTunes App Store, it's easy to forget how good some of the built-in Apple apps are.
thanaads Thanaads Noo

Delicious for iPhone | iPhone News Updated - 0 views

    Mobile client for managing Delicious bookmarks suffers from flaws
thanaads Thanaads Noo

Miranda Writes: 10 troubleshooting tips for iPhone 3.0/3GS | iPhone News Updated - 0 views

    As with any computing system when it gets a major overhaul in its operating system (OS), the iPhone 3.0 has some remarkable features but there are some little things that need adjusting, even moreso if one has upgraded to the iPhone 3GS.
thanaads Thanaads Noo

iPhone 3G S announced: $199 16GB, $299 32GB, June 19th | iPhone News Updated - 1 views

    As endlessly predicted, Apple's unveiled a new iPhone today at WWDC, the iPhone 3G S - the "s" stands for speed.
thanaads Thanaads Noo

Rock Band comes to iPhone/iPod Touch | iPhone News Updated - 0 views

    The mobile division of Electronic Arts recently launched a Rock Band for iPhone/iPod Touch App without much fanfare. We thought we'd be treated to a host of pre-release hype, but no, none of that.
Precious Smith

Water Filters For Safe Drinking Water - 1 views

I can never be sure of the quality of the tap water that my family is drinking. With that, I need to take the extra mile of pre-caution to be safe. So I heard about Body Guard Water Systems that pr...

Water filter Philippines

started by Precious Smith on 10 Oct 11 no follow-up yet
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