Heh. Apple, who has so veraciously defended the multi-touch technology on the iPhone, is under attack for patent infringement by Taiwanese Elan Microelectronics.
Coors brewery has been served with a $12.5million lawsuit over its famous iPint application - with the makers of iBeer believing that a YouTube clip of their development ended up costing them money.
The director of the new documentary movie "The Cove" sued Apple Inc. (AAPL) Thursday over an application for Apple's popular iPhone that he claims uses one of his trademarked images without permission.
Two new lawsuits filed earlier this week target Apple's iTunes and App Store empires, as well as the iPhone. Affinity Labs claims that Apple infringed on its patented technologies for browsing, streaming and downloading content over wireless and cellular networks allegedly employed in the App Store and iTunes applications. Accolade Systems accused Apple of indirectly infringing on its patent by using CMOS image sensor technologies in the iPhone's camera.
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