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Vasili Gian

Learning online with games, simulations, and virtual worlds - Clark Aldrich - Google Books - 1 views

    Jossey-Bass Guides to Online Teaching and Learning Learning Online with Games, Simulations, and Virtual Worlds Strategies for Online Instruction Clark Aldrich Learning Online with Games, Simulations, and Virtual Worlds The infusion of games, simulations, and virtual worlds into online learning can be a transforming experience for both the instructor and the student.
Vasili Gian

Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education - 0 views

    SITE, the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education, is an international association of teacher educators (and affiliated organizations) who create and disseminate knowledge about the use of information technology in teacher education and faculty/staff development. SITE promotes research, scholarship, collaboration, exchange, and support among its membership.
Vasili Gian

The Complete Guide to Simulations and Serious Games- Clark Aldrich - Google Books - 0 views

    presenter was referencing a passage from this book that is available online called The Complete Guide to Simulations and Serious Games by
Vasili Gian

P2PU | A Virtual Worlds, Games and Education Tour | Sign-Up - 0 views

    Anyone can follow a course on P2PU. Participating is the next level of engagement. The sign-up is a space where interested individuals can express their interest and background in the topic and commit to working with the rest of the participants.
Vasili Gian

Feed (Anderson novel) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    link was provided in local chat to view the contents of a book the presenter was referencing and currently reading, a dystopian novel set in a cyberpunk background with dark satire, the internet and computer floods the minds of citizens with messaged advertising and messaging
Vasili Gian

Cognition, Affect, and Learning - a knol by Barry Kort - 1 views

    Cognition, Affect and Learning. The Role of Emotions in Learning. This website was dropped in a local chat as they had done a research project in it
Vasili Gian

Virtual Outworlding: Kit: Logs of local chat and IMs --Store - 0 views

    Store logs of local chat and IMs: Many people in Second Life set there preferences to keep logs of their communications . Informational Blog. A helpful link given in local chat at a Poster Session
Vasili Gian

Sushi Bar Solving Polynomials from Data - 0 views

    From K-12, solving basic math to calculus using virtual constructs and builds. SQUID analytics and numerical problem solving. Google Doc provided at the Math Sushi Bar 3 Part Seminar
Vasili Gian

3D GameLab Guildsite - Let the journey begin! - 0 views

    3D GameLab, a quest-based online learning platform shifts into open beta on April 2, as we kick off with a 3 week online spring camp for teachers and instructional designers. We provide you the tools and the training to turn your class into a living game!
Vasili Gian

Cynthia Calongne's (aka Lyr Lobo) Presentations on SlideShare - 0 views

    Read and download presentations by Cynthia Calongne (aka Lyr Lobo) 2012 VWBPE Presentation: A Cloud Topoanalysis Montage for Learning in Virtual and Cloud Computing Spaces II
Vasili Gian

Autumn 2012 | Virtual Worlds Certificate | Web | UW Professional & Continuing Education - 0 views

    a presenter submitted into local chat this link to a Certificate in Virtual Worlds program, showing program specs and curriculum overview, this is done through University of Washington and is done Online
Vasili Gian

#UnschoolingRules: Are books white bread for the mind? - 0 views

    presenter dropped this blog into the local chat when they were talking about Clark Aldrich and referencing his methods and theories being used
Vasili Gian

Mark Wickentower Machinima Youtube Channel - 0 views

    presenter SL name Mary Wickentower Machinima videos film and recordings main Youtube page
Vasili Gian

Flickr: VWBPE - 0 views

    the 2012 VWBPE General flickr page -sign up and submit your photos or happily peruse the many photos while tagging and remembering a great conference
Vasili Gian

Flickr: VWBPE Social - 0 views

    the 2012 VWBPE Social flickr page -sign up and submit your photos or happily peruse the many photos while tagging and remembering a great conference
Vasili Gian

Flickr: VWBPE Poster - 0 views

    the 2012 VWBPE General flickr page -sign up and submit your photos or happily peruse the many photos while tagging and remembering a great conference
Vasili Gian

AgileBill's Blog Agile Dimensions | Travel Less. Do More. - 0 views

    This is a typical discussion on the merits of tools for distributed collaboration, and which tool to use. I made a block diagram of agile. I include business analysis, planning, lean execution, and feedback. Former IBM engineer.
Vasili Gian

Memonic - the Twitterverse visualization tool Youtube Video - 0 views

    Memonic -It is a data display presented in virtual space, that looks for keywords in geo-tagged tweets, and displays their relative location and time of occurrence across a virtual geographical landscape. Link shared during a presentation by Lyr Lobo
Vasili Gian

AgileBill's meetup page and online schedule - 0 views

    AgileBill's personal meetup page and online schedule provided during his presentation, Experience in Applying Virtual Worlds to Training in a Business Environment in the Rockcliffe Rotunda on Friday
Vasili Gian

Learning Solutions Conference 2012: Home - 0 views

    Learning Solutions Conference & Expo is for anyone focused on identifying, deploying, and managing proven technology-based learning solutions - as well as those leveraging more traditional training modalities and all manner of blended learning solutions. So whether you are leading your organization's training & development efforts, managing a transition to eLearning, or building world-class solutions, no other event offers you more of today's solutions...
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