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Vasili Gian

Virtual Outworlding: Kit: Logs of local chat and IMs --Store - 0 views

    Store logs of local chat and IMs: Many people in Second Life set there preferences to keep logs of their communications . Informational Blog. A helpful link given in local chat at a Poster Session
Vasili Gian

Feed (Anderson novel) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    link was provided in local chat to view the contents of a book the presenter was referencing and currently reading, a dystopian novel set in a cyberpunk background with dark satire, the internet and computer floods the minds of citizens with messaged advertising and messaging
Vasili Gian

Autumn 2012 | Virtual Worlds Certificate | Web | UW Professional & Continuing Education - 0 views

    a presenter submitted into local chat this link to a Certificate in Virtual Worlds program, showing program specs and curriculum overview, this is done through University of Washington and is done Online
Vasili Gian

Cognition, Affect, and Learning - a knol by Barry Kort - 1 views

    Cognition, Affect and Learning. The Role of Emotions in Learning. This website was dropped in a local chat as they had done a research project in it
Vasili Gian

#UnschoolingRules: Are books white bread for the mind? - 0 views

    presenter dropped this blog into the local chat when they were talking about Clark Aldrich and referencing his methods and theories being used
Vasili Gian

Free Moodle: Login to the site - 1 views

    lms Learning Management System presenter dropped link into local chat
Vasili Gian

TILT Magazine Issue 7 - 0 views

    Online Therapy Institute's online magazine filled with corporate coaching and training techniques that can be used for education Provided in local chat by someone in the VWBPE Social Area
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