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John Pearce

Classroom Collaboration Using Social Bookmarking Service Diigo (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) | E... - 0 views

    "While many social bookmarking sites offer some collaboration opportunities, I have found that Diigo (Digest of Internet Information, Groups and Other stuff) combines a user-friendly social platform with bookmarking features, making it an effective research, integration, and collaboration tool for use in the classroom. In this article, I compare the benefits of traditional and social bookmarking websites. Then, using Diigo as a focus, I explore the possible uses and benefits of social bookmarking for research and collaboration in the classroom."
John Pearce

critical-thinking - home - 0 views

    "Join Howard Rheingold and other noted educators in creating a world-class resource for teaching critical thinking and Internet literacies. We are building a framework in the pages linked in the menu to the left. Get started by adding to the list of tools and the list of important vocabulary. Check out the latest bookmarks on the Diigo Resources page. You can join the Diigo group and subscribe to the RSS feeds."
John Pearce

How Can Web 2.0 Curation Tools Be Used in the Classroom? | MindShift - 2 views

    ""Curation" may be one of the big buzzwords of 2011. As the amount of information accumulates thanks to the Web, it becomes increasingly important that we use tools to help us find information that's relevant and useful. The role of the curator has always been to help pull together and oversee collections of materials. But just as Web 2.0 has expanded the traditional role of publisher to almost anyone, the role of curator now too is changing. Anyone can "curate" online material, pulling together their own collections."
John Pearce

Little Bird Tales - 2 views

    Little Bird Tales is a great online site, (similar to photostory), for creating digital stories that can be embedded into your site all you need do is "Step 1 Create or upload your artwork to each page. Step 2 Record your voice and add text to each page. Step 3 Email friends and family your finished book. "
    This looks wonderful (and easy!). I've created my account and am going to use it to create a book with my Kindergarten class to share with their families! Thanks John. (Loving Diigo!)
John Pearce

30+ Cool Content Curation Tools for Personal & Professional Use - 0 views

    "As the web becomes more and more inundated with blogs, videos, tweets, status updates, news, articles, and countless other forms of content, "information overload" is something we all seem to suffer. It is becoming more difficult to weed through all the "stuff" out there and pluck out the best, most share-worthy tidbits of information, especially if your topic is niche. Let's face it, Google definitely has its shortcomings when it comes to content curation and the more it tries to cater to all audiences, the less useful it becomes. The demand for timely, relevant content that is specific to our unique interests and perspectives has given rise to a new generation of tools that aim to help individuals and companies curate content from the web and deliver it in a meaningful way. These new tools range from simple, application-specific types such as social media aggregators and discovery engines, to more complex, full-blown publishing solutions for organizations."
    Just when you thought you were getting a handle on all this stuff eh?
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