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John Pearce

Scratch - wesfryer - 1 views

    Wes Fryer's great Scratch resource wiki has tutorials video and an assessment rubric.
John Pearce

Wikispaces for iPads - 0 views

    "Wikispaces now works even better with iPads! With our latest release for mobile devices, you'll find a sleeker interface, seamless navigation, and the same rich wiki functionality you've come to expect from Wikispaces."
John Pearce

Are kids really motivated by technology? | SmartBlogs SmartBlogs - 0 views

    "As a guy who delivers two-day #edtech workshops during my breaks from full-time classroom teaching, I'm often asked the same questions again and again: How can teachers use technology to motivate students? What digital tools do kids like best? My answer often catches participants by surprise: You can't motivate students with technology because technology alone isn't motivating. Worse yet, students are almost always ambivalent toward digital tools. While you may be completely jazzed by the interactive whiteboard in your classroom or the wiki that you just whipped up, your kids could probably care less."
John Pearce

critical-thinking - home - 0 views

    "Join Howard Rheingold and other noted educators in creating a world-class resource for teaching critical thinking and Internet literacies. We are building a framework in the pages linked in the menu to the left. Get started by adding to the list of tools and the list of important vocabulary. Check out the latest bookmarks on the Diigo Resources page. You can join the Diigo group and subscribe to the RSS feeds."
John Pearce

copyrightfriendly - home - 2 views

    Joyce Valenza has created this wikispace list of all manner of copyright free searches and portals. As well as images and music their are pages related to avatar makers, concept mapping and clipart.
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