Hati sorry dont know dont care - 10 views
#2 Ammy EWSIS on 20 Jan 10we're not only griefing over the tragedy that happened to the haitians, but we are also sorry for what we've done to them. Didn't you hear what Mr.Allison said in class yesterday? He said that we owe the Haitians more than we are giving to them. Right now, United States isn't DONATING or doing a good deed, they're doing what they were supposed to do a long time ago, paying back what they owe. If it wasn't for this earthquake, I don't think the United States would care about them. What we're doing right now, is showing the rest of the world, the people who aren't aware of the Haitan history, that we're the good ones.... that we're volunteering in helping those people. what we owe to them is far more than we can imagine. We're the reason they are poor...we're the reason they have to suffer in poverty. I had a conversation with Dominique, and she told me a bit about how United States turn its back on the Haitan when they first gained independence from France. We need to understand that we will NEVER be able to pay back what has been done.