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Janet Hale

Home Reach The World - 0 views

    While volunteering in under-resourced public schools, Heather Halstead and Marc Gustafson became concerned about teachers' preparedness to meet the demands of the 21st Century and students' isolation from the global community. In 1998, they founded Reach the World, an education nonprofit headquartered in New York City. RTW's mission is to help elementary and secondary school students and teachers to develop the knowledge, attitudes, values and thinking skills needed for responsible citizenship in a complex, culturally diverse and rapidly changing world.
Janet Hale

Social Networking as a Tool for Student and Teacher Learning - 0 views

    "Online social networking includes much more than Facebook and Twitter. It is any online use of technology to connect people, enable them to collaborate with each other, and form virtual communities."
Janet Hale

A thoughtful reply to C21 Upgrading Assessments by Andrea Reinsmoen, a MS teacher - 0 views

    "However, this is what i have seen. Podcasts, even though the students making them get to record them over and over again until they are satisfies, a lot of students are satisfies with little. Plus, they are just as boring to listen to as a presenter reading off cards. As for TV documentaries, I had students record themselves reading off their computer. Like I mentioned, they know how to use the equipment, but we need to teach them how to create a creative and attractive product, and that takes a lot of time if you are the only one integrating it in the classroom. As a MS teacher, I can tell that they do not have much experience in this and we need to be aware of that."
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