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Letitia Dall

Mayan Civilization - 0 views

    • Letitia Dall
      great information for mayan culture and general history. but not so good for divine kings. keep looking, this is not good site for our research... :(
Letitia Dall

Maya King Unearthed - 0 views

    • Letitia Dall
      Now i know how Ancient Mayan Kings were buried! yay! thumbs up for this site!
    • Letitia Dall
      Now i know how Ancient Mayan kings were buried! thumbs up for this site!
  • The king was found lying on his back, adorned with a green jadeite necklace bearing the carved head of a vulture, and ear spools inlaid with obsidian. A jadeite bead the size of a cherry was found in the king's mouth. The green stone was an ancient Maya metaphor for life and breath.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • "The jadeite vulture pendant is particularly significant,"
  • "The bird is the quintessential sign of kingship in the ancient Maya world. We also believe that this is a royal tomb from the sheer complexity of the burial ritual."
  • Unlike most royal burials, however, the La Milpa tomb was not built within a pyramid, but dug into the site's main plaza. Because of its location the tomb escaped the notice of looters who ravaged the site in the 1970s
David Hilton

Multimodal research - 40 views

Hello everyone I've just been reading through the bookmarks people have saved on diigo over the last week. Well done! The comments and sites people have found have been excellent. It's great to ...

11 ancient history egypt mesoamerica mesopotamia multimodal

Letitia Dall

Yucatán Peninsula - 0 views

    • Letitia Dall
      Just gives a helpful hint so that identifying where maya was, is easier.
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