constant need to acquire new books
Do School Libraries Need Books? - Room for Debate Blog - - 0 views
more efficient to work online
went beyond stacks and stacks of underutilized books.
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Librarydoor: Information Trumps Technology in the Common Core - 17 views
next time you ponder what to do with technology, consider the following essential questions: What information can my students communicate with technology? What information can I embed into this project? Can my students access information to synthesize, critically? Are my students information literate as well as tech-savvy? Am I asking my students to JUST find information? Or, have I asked them to do anything with that information? Synthesize? Create? Debate? Transform that information into a position, problem solve, etc,?
What will the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement mean for copyright? | Inside Story - 9 views
"The positions of the Australian negotiators have been mixed. In relation to some provisions they are acting in accordance with domestic developments, including the recommendations of the IT pricing report on parallel importation and the abusive assertion of IP rights; on other issues, such as the extension of the term of copyright and the omission of "fair use," their position is not so strong. On these matters, and on the proposed cooperation between ISPs and copyright holders - which is controversial domestically and represents a significant change - the treaty terms ought to be open to public debate. *"
News: 'Too Much to Know' - Inside Higher Ed - 0 views
at root managing textual information is about selecting or summarizing items of interest, and storing and sorting them in a way that makes them retrievable at a later date and possibly by other people
The potential to gather more information than we can comfortably manage has probably been around since writing first allowed for the accumulation of more material than could be remembered, but overload has not been a universal experience. In many times and places scholars have experienced a dearth of books rather than overload
Are You An Internet Optimist or Pessimist? The Great Debate over Technology's Impact on... - 21 views
The Library, Through Students' Eyes - Room for Debate Blog - - 15 views
SXSW 2011: The internet is over | Technology | The Guardian - 20 views
His take on the education system, for example, is that it is a badly designed game: students compete for good grades, but lose motivation when they fail. A good game, by contrast, never makes you feel like you've failed: you just progress more slowly. Instead of giving bad students an F, why not start all pupils with zero points and have them strive for the high score?
a consultant on cyber-crimefighting speaks with undisguised joy about how much information the police could glean from Facebook, in order to infiltrate communities where criminals might lurk. Asked about privacy concerns, she replies: "Yeah – we'll have to keep an eye on that."
Until recently, the debate over "digital distraction" has been one of vested interests: authors nostalgic for the days of quiet book-reading have bemoaned it, while technology zealots have dismissed it. But the fusion of the virtual world with the real one exposes both sides of this argument as insufficient, and suggests a simpler answer: the internet is distracting if it stops you from doing what you really want to be doing; if it doesn't, it isn't.
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Fascinating article about the next generation of the ubiquitous web and the implications. Good definition of "gamification." This is excellent background information for strategic planning and discussing the potential implications on education.
Fascinating article about the next generation of the ubiquitous web and the implications. Good definition of "gamification." This is excellent background information for strategic planning and discussing the potential implications on education.
eBooks Vs. Books: A publishing smackdown - 13 views
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