Librarian's toolbox [OCLC - Home] - 29 views
updates and offers Subscribe to OCLC distribution and discussion lists Home : Librarian's toolbox Librarian's toolbox Links to popular OCLC resources Our web statistics indicate that these links represent the most-often used resources on our web site. Logon links CatExpress Connexion FirstSearch and WorldCat Resource Sharing FirstSearch administrative module OCLC Policies Directory Online Service Center Product Services Web Usage Statistics WorldCat Registry Cataloging tools Authorities: Format and Indexes Bibliographic Formats and Standards MARC Code Lists Connexion documentation Connexion Browser Connexion Client Dewey Decimal Classification updates Quality control Searching WorldCat Indexes Tools for cataloging electronic resources RDA and OCLC Expert Community FirstSearch tools Database information ECO publishers and journals Periodical titles Resource Sharing tools Custom holdings Document suppliers WorldCat
Librarian's toolbox Access pre-recorded Web sessions Subscribe to OCLC updates and offers Subscribe to OCLC distribution and discussion lists Home : Librarian's toolbox Librarian's toolbox Links to popular OCLC resources Our web statistics indicate that these links represent the most-often used resources on our web site. Logon links CatExpress Connexion FirstSearch and WorldCat Resource Sharing FirstSearch administrative module OCLC Policies Directory Online Service Center Product Services Web Usage Statistics WorldCat Registry Cataloging tools Authorities: Format and Indexes Bibliographic Formats and Standards MARC Code Lists Connexion documentation Connexion Browser Connexion Client Dewey Decimal Classification updates Quality control Searching WorldCat Indexes Tools for cataloging electronic resources RDA and OCLC Expert Community FirstSearch tools Database information ECO publishers and journals Periodical titles Resource Sharing tools Custom holdings Document suppliers WorldCat
2012 Facebook Statistics - 6 views
World Clock - Poodwaddle - 20 views
Mapping Worlds - 0 views
Get the Latest Statistics | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project - 8 views
OverDrive eBook statistics show student lending on the rise - 10 views
Digital Research Tools - 23 views
"Bamboo DiRT is a tool, service, and collection registry of digital research tools for scholarly use. Developed by Project Bamboo, Bamboo DiRT is an evolution of Lisa Spiro's DiRT wiki and makes it easy for digital humanists and others conducting digital research to find and compare resources ranging from content management systems to music OCR, statistical analysis packages to mindmapping software."
Thank you for sharing this, Cathy! This is a wonderful tool. So often I have teachers asking: "What can I use to do this?"....... I will send on the link to all staff.
Free Technology for Teachers: Beyond Google - Improve Your Search Results - 20 views
" Beyond Google - AddThis Posted by Mr. Byrne at 2:12 PM Labels: Google, Internet search, teaching technology, Teaching With Technology, Technology Integration, web search, web search strategies 5 comments: SIS Media Specialist said... Geesh Richard, another great resource; like your posts are not enough. Many, many thanks. I have followed your blog for about a year and have learned SO MUCH. I understand you are from CT. Any chance we can get you to the joint annual CASL/CECA (Connecticut Association of School Librarians and Connecticut Educators Computer Association) conference next year? October 24, 2009 10:35 PM Mr. Byrne said... Yes, I am originally from Connecticut. In fact, I went to CCSU for freshman year. I'd like to come to CASL/CECA. Can you send me an email? richardbyrne (at) freetech4teachers Thanks. October 25, 2009 6:47 AM Linux and Friends said... Thanks for the amazing document. I am aware of a few of the resources listed in the document. However, many of the others are new to me. I will definitely check them out. November 2, 2009 9:45 PM dunnes said... I visited and bookmarked four sites from this post! Thank you for the great resource. Students want to use Google rather than stick to the school library catalog, but they need more instruction on how to do this. I have seen too many children search with ineffective terms, and then waste time clicking on their random results. November 8, 2009 12:38 PM Lois said... Beyond Google is a great resource. I wish I had your skills for taking what you learn and putting it together as you do. I love reading your daily blog. November 15, 2009 10:04 AM Post a Comment Links to this post Beyond Google: Improve Your Search Results While working with some of my colleagues in a workshop earlier this week, I was reminded that a lot of people aren't familiar with tools
13 Mind-Bending Social Media Marketing Statistics - 6 views
Study: Exploring the link between reading fiction and empathy - 21 views
Abstract Readers of fiction tend to have better abilities of empathy and theory of mind (Mar et al., 2006). We present a study designed to replicate this finding, rule out one possible explanation, and extend the assessment of social outcomes. In order to rule out the role of personality, we first identified Openness as the most consistent correlate. This trait was then statistically controlled for, along with two other important individual differences: the tendency to be drawn into stories and gender. Even after accounting for these variables, fiction exposure still predicted performance on an empathy task. Extending these results, we also found that exposure to fiction was positively correlated with social support. Exposure to nonfiction, in contrast, was associated with loneliness, and negatively related to social support.
Welcome to Education Services - 15 views
UNdata - 11 views
SCIS | Seven strategies to develop your advocacy toolkit - 0 views
Karen Bonanno provides a series of advocacy activities that can help school library staff influence policy, advising that to bring about change requires consistent and persistent effort to shift perceptions. She advocates maintaining regular positive activity which can be supported by strategies such as identifying a memorable message, capturing killer statistics, gathering startling facts and statements and leveraging the network.