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Stormye Diller

Lesson plan: Create a family history totem pole - 0 views

    This is an idea I would have never thought of and it relates well to Tipi Village.
    During Tipi tours I was wondering how teachers tie the information into classroom activities and I think this lesson would really work.
Shannon Roland

PowerPoint Lessons - 0 views

    • Darrick Matthews
      I really liked how Mr. Gnas made a jeopardy game of the material the students have been learning in class. The students are able to learn and have fun at the same time!! It's something I would want to use in my classroom one day.
    This was very interesting to me because I made up a Jeopardy game just like this for one of my classes last semester. I think it would be a good idea for a review before a test because it would get students to pay attention since it is fun.
Katie McElroy

Jefferson County Schools, TN - 0 views

  • Jeopardy for Kindergarten, Robin Davis
    • Katie McElroy
      I really like this fun powerpoint. It is a Jeopardy game that can be used for kindergarden and first grade. It is an interactive way for students to learn.
Katie McElroy

Best content in CSC 1305 Bulls | Diigo - Groups - 2 views

    • Bev Morrow
      I chose the EasyBib citation tool. After reviewing and using this site, I found that it is relatively easy to navigate. It is recommended for use by persons ages 18-24 years old. I recommend this site for future citation use. Bev Morrow
    • Stormye Diller
      Citation Builder is a great site for preparing bibliographies or works cited pages. This site is user friendly and convenient.
    • Katie McElroy
      Citation Center is a great site for high school and college students to use. They can use MLA, APA, and Turabian. The cite gives step by step intructions are very helpful which makes the site very easy to navigate through.
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  • use it is
maira casas

Power Points - 0 views

    I really like this website it had so many different powerpoints to pick from to help you as a teacher open up a lesson or to help review something you have already taught.
Amanda Earles

Powerpoint Presentation Lesson - 0 views

    I love this powerpoint because it is, and would be, so easy to use as a cross-curricular activity. It could be changed up to meet the curricular focus of the teacher. For example, if the class is studying about math facts, they could put addition facts as 5+5+5=15 then go to 5X3(how many 5's listed)=15 also.
Tommy Notgrass

Powerpoint Lesson Plan - 1 views

    I liked this website for powerpoints because it not only gives you one lesson but many that go along with a chapter and it tends to keep you interested from a teacher or students standpoint and helps to keep the students interactive with the lesson.
Tiffany Greenwood

Power Point Lesson Plan - 1 views

    This is a great site for lesson plans. I found one where an English teacher had each student enter a vocabulary word and definition on separate slides in Powerpoint, then put them all together into a slideshow as a way to study for a test. Great way of implementing technology.
Bev Morrow

Power Point Activity/Lesson Plan - 0 views

    Author: No author Describe the lesson plan: Have the 2nd graders learn to use power point. The students must research dinosaurs to add the information to the power point presentation. The students must create four slides in power point. Use the internet to find pictures of dinosaurs. Use to add facts about dinosaurs to your slides. List the skills and concepts that the students should be learning in this lesson or the purpose of power point as described in your source: The students will learn to research the internet for information. Once the research is done, the students will have to use their power point skills to add pictures. This lesson will teach the students to create a project on their own and let them use their imagination while working on this project. Conclude with a short description or example of how you would use this lesson in your classroom: I would use the power point in my classroom as a way to change up the lessons. I feel that the power point would let the children us their imagination and research skills. I would pick a topic that the students find interesting and I would have them research and create a power point presentation on that subject.
Justin Villanueva

Exploring Mean, Median, and Mode - 0 views

    I really think this spreadsheet lesson can help students comprehend probabilty.
Taylor Ward

Math Jeopardy Games - 0 views

    I really liked this lesson because it can be applied to any subject area and it gives the children a fun game to play, while learning!
Haley J

Lesson over spreadsheets....."On what day was I born?" - 0 views

  • On What Day Was I Born? Find What Day of the Week You Were Born On in Excel 2007
    • Haley J
      I like this because its fairly simple to use for a lesson. Students in the second grade need to take baby steps and this lesson is perfect for that. It lets you dive into Excel slowly to understand how to use a spreadsheet. This is perfect because I was one of those kids who had a hard time using spreadsheets
    • Haley J
    I like this because its fairly simple to use for a lesson. Students in the second grade need to take baby steps and this lesson is perfect for that. It lets you dive into Excel slowly to understand how to use a spreadsheet. This is perfect because I was one of those kids who had a hard time using spreadsheets.
Shannon Roland

Group Graphing - 0 views

    • Katie McElroy
      I like this lesson, because the students can use it to poll whatever they want as a group. They will be able to put the information from their class into a graph.
    I think this is very interesting because it uses things students are interested in. Graphs are a good way for students to visualize what they are trying to say and understand.
Stormye Diller

Microsoft lesson plan website - 0 views

    I found this site to be pretty useful. There are lesson plans for all Microsoft programs not only Excel.
Taylor Ward

M & M GRAPHS Math Lesson Plan, Thematic Unit, Activity, Worksheet, or Mathematics Teach... - 1 views

  • I used this as an introductory lesson on creating spreadsheets and graphs with 4th graders as a collaborative project with the classroom teachers for a math unit. The lesson was done in the Technology/Computer Lab and students were allowed 2 (35 min.) class periods to complete the project. Printed graphs were displayed on the math teacher's hallway bulletin board.
    • Taylor Ward
      This is a great, simple lesson plan to introduce children gradually to using spreadsheets on the computer. It uses a variety of different concepts, such as estimation, counting, and color knowledge.
Tommy Notgrass

Spreadsheet activity - 1 views

    I liked this site and activity because it shows different ways to use the spreadsheet with the grade levels of 3 through 5.
Cassandra Bautista - 2 views

    • Cassandra Bautista
      I chose this website because it offers several examples of how to incorporate spreadsheets in the classroom. I also liked the fact that it offered tips when using excel. This website is perfect for teachers starting out, because it offers examples of spreadsheets.
Tiffany Greenwood

Math Lesson on Probability using spreadsheets - 0 views

    This is a great lesson to use for teaching probability and it incorporates technology as well. This website also has a variety of lesson plans to choose from.
Bev Morrow

Share your Blogging Experience and Tips For Educators New To Blogging - 4 views

  • The use of blogs and wikis in my classroom changed how I look at teaching and learning. Students become participants in the teaching and learning like they never have before.
    • Jeff Caseltine
      I can see how blogging with students could enhance communication in the class room especially with grades 5 and up
    • Darrick Matthews
      Not only do students get to read what their instrutor is writing, they get to read what other students are saying and thinking about the subject.
  • Using one blog as a vehicle through which ESL classes from throughout the world share VoiceThreads and other mixed media projects telling about their countries and responding to each other’s presentations:
    • Jeff Caseltine
      I dig the idea of "global networking" for students. It is amazing that with the click of a button that students can share information from the other side of the planet in near real time!
    • Tiffany Greenwood
      I really like the thought of our ESL students being able to communicate with students in countries where they are from.
  • This has been a great opportunity for students to practice language and technology skills for an authentic audience, plus learn about different cultures.
    • Taylor Ward
      I love the idea of the students blogging for an authentic audience! When a child knows that other people can see, they are going to want nothing more than to do their very best work!
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  • Below is the checklist I give students for the design of their blog. I’m big on checklists…since technology involves multiple directions and my kids are often ELL students, I can glance at their work, and tell them which step to focus on next…it’s easier for them to focus and feel that even though what they’re learning is complicated, it’s also do-able.
    • Taylor Ward
      As as person who is also very big on checklists, I love this idea! Going into something new, like blogging, a person (not just a child) does need some sort of direction in knowing which way to go.
    • Cassandra Bautista
      I love the idea of posting power points onto a blog. I had no idea that you could do this. It seems like a great way to the kids to learn from each other, exchange ideas and get different perspectives.
  • Here is a blog post: “the use of blogs to learn not just to teach”
    • Darrick Matthews
      You are expanding students knowledge in so many differnt ways. Blogging is a really good way to enhance students learning.
  • The fact is that I am not used to letting students take ownership of their learning in this way.
    • Haley J
      This statement to me stands out. This is very true and I think teacher's have a hard time letting their students learn on their own. By blogging students are able to do this. They learn own their own what they are interested in instead of the teacher just telling them what to read and by doing this it allows the student to go further in the topic then what a teacher might go over in class.
  • This past school year, my AP English Language students used blogs throughout the year. Two projects were very rewarding: 1) One quarter they did weekly blog posts on a current issue. Each student created a Google Reader account and subscribed to several news sites. Reading current issues regularly, they had to select a topic of their choice each week and write an argument. The last week, they omitted writing a post and “comment blogged”: I required them to visit six blogs and enter a conversation by posting a comment (three had to be blogs outside our school).
  • 2) The last quarter my students created ePortfolios, documenting their progress toward the NETS for Student and the Arkansas English Language Arts Standards. It was one of the most rewarding projects I’ve undertaken. If you visit some of them, you’ll notice several of them used other digital tools–other than the blog–to format their portfolios. But–that’s the beaty: these kids started with the blog, then discovered other tools and used them in combination to create a product they wanted.
  • How do you know when students are learning? When they ask the right questions!
    • Bretni Brooks
      I admire this comment because when students have questions then you know your are getting across too them and they want to know more. Then you are expanding their knowledge on any given subject.
  • I started blogging as a way to provide my students with a purpose and audience for their writing. I have found that many reluctant writers will complete their writing now as they know that there are people out their who read their work. I also wanted to give parents an easier way to access some of their child’s writing and also look at some of the activities we do in class.
    • Katie McElroy
      I think this is a great way to get students to expand their thoughts. Students that have an audience for their writing will push themselves to write better. I like the fact that it is accessible for parents to read as well.
  • We use different pages for grammar revision, audio files, and interactive games and relevant videos.
    • Allie Workman
      I think this is a great idea because students have different learning styles. this is a way to reach the students that don't learn as well from just reading plain text in a text book. If you have different activities and ways of presenting the material, the students are bound to find a way that helps them to learn the information.
  • We publish photos/slideshows of things we do in the class or as a class on the class page of the blog and the students each have their own page attached. Parents, grandparents, friends and blogging buddies can read all of this and the students love to have feedback from other students, family and friends about their blogging.
    • Bev Morrow
      This is a good idea to publish the photos/slide shows of what is done in the classroom. The parents and other family members can see how the student is progressing and what kind of work he/she is doing at that moment.
  • Even though we’re just beginning to use it, students appear to take greater care in their writing because others besides me will read it.
    • Shannon Roland
      I think this is so true. Many students will just try to get by when writing, but with blogging, there's more than just the teacher reading it, so it gives them an incentive to write better.
  • have a live connection by your desk at Parent-Teacher meeting so the students can show the blog to their parents while they wait to speak to you. I also had a slip of paper with the address on to give to them to take away.
    • Shannon Roland
      I think this is a great idea. It allows students to take ownership over their blog and feel proud of how they are doing on it. Parent-teacher night would be good, but maybe parent conferences would be a better time because teachers can spend more time explaining the blog to the parents.
  • a blog for our staff (secondary school) called the Reading Cafe.
    • Shannon Roland
      I think this would be a great idea for school faculty--to have a blog set up where fellow teachers within the same school can share ideas and activities. This would allow busy teachers to have good activities posted by others, while making sure it would go with the district's curriculum.
  • Our family has a blog too which we use to keep in touch with family who are not near and other family members have blogs too!
    • Justin Villanueva
      One can agree that blogging with other people is fantastic. However, it is amazing how one can also blog with a family member who lives miles and miles away, and still keep a connection. I would really enjoy doing this in my classroom.
  • I think the 3 most important tips for educators new to blogging would be: 1. Have a go – there’s lots of help around and if I can do it anyone can. 2. Let the students have a say in what you put on the class blog page and in what format. Depending on their age they can do most of the blogging for you. 3. One of the best things about my journeu into blogging so far is the connections I have made with other educators who blog with their students. There is a whole world out there waiting for you!
    This is for your assignment for the topic: "Blogging with Students".
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    I think this is a great idea because it allows kids who have different learning styles to see information in different formats other than plain text in a textbook. Some children learn better by doing, and if you have different interactive things they can do through the blog, then they are bound to find a way that helps them to learn the information presented.
    We publish photos/slideshows of things we do in the class or as a class on the class page of the blog and the students each have their own page attached. Parents, grandparents, friends and blogging buddies can read all of this and the students love to have feedback from other students, family and friends about their blogging
    I would love to have a class that blogged with another classroom in a foreign country. What a great opportunity for both classes and all the students. So much could be learned from each other.
    I think the 3 most important tips for educators new to blogging would be: 1. Have a go - there's lots of help around and if I can do it anyone can. 2. Let the students have a say in what you put on the class blog page and in what format. Depending on their age they can do most of the blogging for you. 3. One of the best things about my journeu into blogging so far is the connections I have made with other educators who blog with their students. There is a whole world out there waiting for you!
Justin Villanueva

Dealing with student blogs at the end of the school year! | The Edublogger - 1 views

  • I want my students to be able to look back on the work they completed several or many years ago. Students are proud of their blogs and as such the blogs should be allowed to stay.
    • Haley J
      I agree with this statement. Now that I am about to start teaching I wish I would have saved more of my work that I did in school. In the past year I have been saving my work and I am very proud of the assignments that I have finished and done well on. I want to be able to look back at it and remember what was going on in my head at that time and what thoughts and concerns I had while doing that assignment. By saving and looking back on your blogs students will be able to do all of these things!
  • I have encouraged my students to use their blogs as eportfolios. Just like journals and diaries,
    • Bretni Brooks
      I agree, blogging is a more comfortable way to share opinions, comments, and thoughts. We often second guess ourselves when having to speak aloud. Also having it on paper makes it accessable and convinent to look back on past thoughts, and specifically for me, I can look back on blogs for ideas in the classroom.
  • Encourage them to start their own blog and delete the blog they were using for school.
    • Katie McElroy
      I think encouraging students to start their blog is a great idea. It will help them to continue to share ideas and interact with others.
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  • But, what I really love, is that I am able to use the old comments to teach my new students *how* to comment. Already, many of my third graders are commenting on our blog and what they are writing is very good!
    • Shannon Roland
      I like this idea because 3rd graders are still concrete learners and they would probably benefit from seeing previous comments and how they are set up in order to understand how to correctly comment on a blog.
    • Justin Villanueva
      It is good to keep old blogs from previous years. It gives students a better sense of what to do and give them more ideas about what to blog about.
    This is for your assignment for the topic: "Blogging with Students".
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