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Chih-Hsiung Tu

Expository - 2010 Spring ETC647 - 5 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      One complete entry includes synchronous and asynchornous postings.
    • Steve Arizona
      Do recommend highlighting text we are adding a sticky to?
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Not necessary. You can use either sticky note or slitck note with highlight to make your comment and feedback.
    • Steve Arizona
      Very frustrating as I cant see all the stickies. Somehow I don't think this is networked properly. Are others experiencing issues as well?
    • Marta Herrera
      I think you have to move your stickies to the place you are commenting to. Mine were placed randomly and I just dragged them in the right place.
  • Learner-Learner interaction
    • Steve Arizona
      If the students can interact with eachother while conducting the interview, I think this would be interactive not expository. Seems like a great application.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Steve, Good point! For NLE instructional strategies, I think just learner-learner is not enough to be on Interactive level.
  • Field experts use USTREAM to deliver live a live informative talk.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Why is related NLE? It sounds more like distributed learning?
    • Chris Brown
      It is more interactive then meets the eye. Comment and and forum fields are present to allow some degree of two way Synchronous communication. This is not nearly as advanced as Elluminate but I wanted to attempt to incorporate a different tool that isn't as popular. Could you see/sugguest any ways to more efficiently use this technology in a NLE? 
  • ...39 more annotations...
  • Technology: Webspace/Html
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Why is this NLE?
    • Chris Brown
      I wanted to be a bit broader and encompassing. Surely HTML technologies include wiki and many other of the web 2.0 technologies. It is NLE depending on how it is used. It can certainly fit in wilth PLE tools including snap shot page viewers, etc. Here I am implying more of a wiki style use without the need of a company like Wetpaint to place banner adds everywhere.
  • Instructional strategies: Chat room, Online meeting application such as Elluminate
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      These are not instructional strategies.
  • Technology: Online broadcast system: Adobe Connect
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Can we consider it as NLE technology?
  • No PLE/NLE involved
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      If no NLE/NLE invovled, could call it as NLE/NLE instruction?
  • Required Online readings for online classes.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Why is this a NLE/PLE instruction?
    • Marta Herrera
      This can be NLE/PLE because the instructor or other class members can tag different articles to share with the rest of the class.
  • Communication/collaboration- learner-instructor, learner-learner
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      What are your NLE instructions? Why collaboration?
  • Asynchronous:
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      What are NLE/PLE technologies?
  • Instructional Strategies: Learner-Content; no instructor interaction No NLE/PLE integrated.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Is it possible NLE instruction without integrating NLE strategies?
    • Marta Herrera
      I think it is possible to do, but the teaching will not be effective. The problem is that with out the strategies learners will not fully grasp/understand/comprehend/analyze the content that is being learned. Strategies are important.
  • Instructional Strategies: learner-content, learner-interface, one way communication-instructor delivering information to students through live lecture.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      How about Learner-instructor interaction?
    • Marta Herrera
      The learner may possible ask questions during the lecture.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      I guess it would be limited learner-instructor interaction.
  • Technology: Ellluminate
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Do you think Elluminate is distributed learning technology or NLE technology?
    • Marta Herrera
      Elluminate is more Distributed learning. I found a site called Slideboom where PPT presentations can be viewed online, worked on collaboratively, embedded into blogs and websites as well as have community feedback and comments added to them.
  • Instructional Strategies: Learner content interaction, Learners have limited interaction with instructors online, learners do not interact with other learners
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Do you think social tagging should be included?
  • Instructional Strategies: Direct lecture, Student content interaction, Limited instructor and learner interaction, No NLE, NLE integrated.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Do you agree in Expository level, NLE/PLE instructional strategies shouldn't be integrated?
  • Assignments posted on School Fusion (Our CMS)
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Why is this considered NLE instruction?
  • Instructional strategies: Students can retrieve missed assignments, post to a discussion board, follow links from the instructor, etc.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      These are not considered instructional strategies. Please update them.
    • Steve Arizona
      So would this be learner-content and leaenr-instructor?
  • Instructional strategies: Real time interaction, just as in a classroom.
  • Instructional strategies: Learner-content interaction; No Learner-Instructor interaction, Learner-Interface interaction.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      How about multi-sensory?
  • Instructional strategies:Lecture; Learner-content interaction; Very little Learner-Instructor interaction, Learner-Interface interaction.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Direct lecture?
  • Asynchronous
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Make sure to provide your NLE instructions first.
  • Technology: Computer tutorials
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      This is not NLE technology.
  • Instructional strategies: Lecture and demonstration
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      I think we have more integrated strategies.
  • Students access wiki to read materials posted by the instructor.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Good example is using NLE in expository level.
  • Instructional strategies: Learner-content interaction
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      I think we more integrated strategies.
  • Technology: DVD is projected with an LCD projector on large projection screen
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Are they consdiered as NLE technologies?
  • Instructional strategies: Learner-content
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      I think we have more integrated strategies. How about direct lecture?
  • Technology: Class resource accessed through the use of a wiki/internet
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      How does wiki relate podcast?
  • Students access class wiki with teacher notes for test revision
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Is this part synchronous?
  • Instructional strategies: learner content, learner instructor
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Many of us are not clear with instructional strategies for you NLE instructions. Be sure to have good understanding in Constructivist & Distributed learning instructional strategies and NLE/PLE instructional strategies.
  • Students use Skype to plan webquest.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Online collaborative task?
  • Technology: NLE; Wiki
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Wiki isn't your synchronous technology.
  • Students use Wetpaint to create webquest
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Is WebQuest instruciton in Expository or active level?
  • Students complete webquests that were created by other students covering all standards from specific chapter.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Do you think this instruction is in expository level? It looks like it is active or even interactive level. Justify!
  • Instructional strategies:
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      You have interview instructions. So you have more integrated strategies. List them.
  • Instructional strategies:
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Do you think it can be considered with NLE strategies if the podcasts are retrieved from iTune?
    • Steve Arizona
      Wouldn't this be interative as learner to learner collaboration is allowed?
  • Instructional strategies:
  • Instructional strategies:
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      I am not we have learner-learner interaciton in this setting.
  • Instructional strategies:
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Does podcast have tagging features?
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      If you do not need the comments posted earlier, don't be panic. It is likely that the browser did not display the comments properly. We can visit ETC647 Diigo group at:
Lauren Hendley

Integrating NLE's Into Education Home - Integrating NLE's Into Education - 0 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question I: NLE Strategies Applied Please discuss three most important strategies of NLE in your unit. Please be sure to justify why they are effective NLE strategies and how you assess them. Remember NLE strategies are not just your contents or "technologies," such as wiki, Blog, Twitter etc. It is integrated soft technologies. Hint: Four components of technology integrations: Content; Technology; Instructional Strategies; Assessment.
    • Milissa Holder
      I integrated the use of Google Docs as a means for collaboration - which is supporting a constructivists environment. I also incorporated Delicious for student to share resources which supports a connectivists environment. And the class Ning site for discussions.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question II: NLE Please justify why your unit integrating NLE, not just online learning environments (OLE). Be sure to distinguish NLE from OLE. Provide the examples from your unit to justify your responses.
    • Milissa Holder
      Not sure I understand your question - my unit integrates NLE's such as wetpaint, Google docs, ning, delicious which are all part a network learning environment. I also utilize other software such as MS docs, research tools etc.
    • Lauren Hendley
      Milissa, what a great unit! I really think that this is a unit that could easily be used with teachers wanting to learn and utilize NLE technology with their teaching. Your NLE strategies and technologies complimented your topic perfectly. Besides your final project that I had a few questions about, I believe your unit was able to meet your objectives and goals nicely. The way you had your learners connecting their Web 2.0 technologies throughout the unit really proved that your unit was designed to demonstrate true NLE. Thank your for sharing! :) P.S. Do you plan on using this unit for your Capstone? If so, who is your intended audience? Just curious:)
    • Milissa Holder
      HI thank you for the comments - No this is not for my capstone - my intended audience is teachers at my school.
Steve Arizona

BrownsGuide2Wetpaint - BrownsGuide2Wetpaint - 0 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question I: NLE Strategies Applied Please discuss three most important strategies of NLE in your unit. Please be sure to justify why they are effective NLE strategies and how you assess them. Remember NLE strategies are not just your contents or "technologies," such as wiki, Blog, Twitter etc. It is integrated soft technologies. Hint: Four components of technology integrations: Content; Technology; Instructional Strategies; Assessment.
    • Chris Brown
      The primary network learning environment strategies that I used in this unit were ones that concerned communication.  Students were asked to interact in a variety of ways.  They were asked to interact on forums, in chat rooms, and to sharing joint wiki pages.  These communications for interactive, synchronous, and asynchronous.  They allow the learners to feel connected with each other as a community of learners and to benefit from the unique skill sets of individual group members.  Content was delivered textually and through audio and video.  These techniques were used for the more cut dry aspects of the unit.  Students however were expected to build on that content and create their own in sharing their thoughts and reflections upon the unit at its content.  Assessment was based on authentic mini projects that had to meet the specifications of the assignment.  As the specifications were clear, goals were measurable, while allowing the individual learner to tailor NLE were necessary for the unit.  Announcements were served via twitter and e-mail.  Assignments were organized using Google calendar.  Finally iGoogle was used as the one piece that tied all the NLE components together into a usable and understandable environment for the learners.  My aim was to create an environment that fosters learning beyond the tools.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      "They were asked to interact on forums, in chat rooms, and to sharing joint wiki pages. " sounds more like online learning strategy, not NLE strategies?!
    • Chris Brown
      To apply more networked learning environment specific terms, learners in this unit were required to engage in specific learning activities.  Learners were asked to create their own webpages and wet paint.  This amounts to user generated content.  This user generated content was then shared with classmates so they could gain insights into how the tool is used and how they can use it in their own practice.  This sharing of the user generated content also amounts to social content sharing for learners are engaged in sharing their resources and developed content.  In demonstrating how to embed videos and widgets in white paint, this unit encourages webpage creation in a mashup style where web development combines online content and resources from external sources.  The practice of sharing, editing privileges of individual wiki pages and engaging in dialogue through comments and forums helps to foster participatory web style learning as the users contribute to each other.  Finally, the sharing of access and editing privileges on wiki pages constitutes a form of cloud computing.  The resources are web applications that are accessed via an internet browser and stored on network servers.  This is the very essence of cloud computing.  These learning strategies combined with the elements previously posted are the core of the network learning environment generated by this unit.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question II: NLE Please justify why your unit integrating NLE, not just online learning environments (OLE). Be sure to distinguish NLE from OLE. Provide the examples from your unit to justify your responses.
    • Chris Brown
      Although my unit has aspects of online learning environments, it is intended to be a network learning environment.  An online learning environment is more static with the presentation of information as its main means of education.  The network learning environment employed in this unit was intended to chain users in a set of skills (much like an online learning environment), but also for the learners to interact with each other and the content in ways that grew and improved learning beyond the text on the webpage page.  Web 2.0 tools were woven together to create an environment that fosters learning and exploration within the aims of the course.  Students were asked to comment upon possible ways the technology could be employed, both for students and educators.  They were then asked to create products and share them with each other to gain the benefits of the cooperative group effort.  The specifics of individual assignments were left open so that teachers could explore the uses of the technology and see how their colleagues did the same.  They were then required to do the work of others and gain further insight through the process.  The environment used goes beyond a collection of Web 2.0 tools and should be thought of as a collection of tools and resources that assist a collaboration of minds working towards similar goal in creating their own content.  It is this distinction that makes my unit a network learning environment.
    • Steve Arizona
      A pre and post measure of effectiveness is not included. The post survey is good to gauge how the participants felt the training was in regard to their learning, but it is not measured against a measurable goal.
  • ...1 more annotation...
    • Steve Arizona
      The content chosen involved learning how to use Wetpaint to work collaboratively and integrating it in a PLE environment assist in management. The content is appropriate for the targeted audience, but a pre-survey should be offered as target audience may have prior knowledge or expertise that should be taken into account
Lauren Hendley

Interactive - 2010 Spring ETC647 - 7 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      One complete entry includes synchronous and asynchornous postings.
  • develops a summary
    • Steve Arizona
      Great interacive application that really promotes reflection. The ability to send it back to the 'expert' for comment could add a nice bit of learning in which the student group could further comment/refelct as a final task.
    • Steve Arizona
      Great application! To add additional reflection if the 'expert' agrees, consider sending the group project to the expert for comment. The student group can then refelct on the comments to add greater meaning.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      I like the idea shard with ETC Community. How this can be done?
    • Lisa Costello
      Could embed Google docs presentations within a wiki, with comments and reflections being posted in discussion.
  • ...33 more annotations...
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Very good. I think you can include social content sharing as well since it engage learners in sharing.
    • Marta Herrera
      Thanks, Chih, I just added it.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      I wonder in what way you will share with ETC Community.
    • Marta Herrera
      Students can share with the ETC community the different types of Web 2.0 tools that are available for them to use. There are so many tools out there that we are not aware of. Sharing this info with the ETC community will let them be aware of what is there and they will then decide what tool suits them the best.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Could you be more specific on what visual tools that you intend to integrate?
    • Marta Herrera
      The visuals I was referring to are images of the tools being used such as snapshots of the tools in use or maps on how they can be effective to student learning.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      These strategies are more like constructivist instructional strategies. We need to integrate NLE instructional strategies.
    • Janet Coolman
      Ok. I see you are very right. Will edit the post.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      How may visual socialbookmarking, tweeting, visual sharing of content integrated into your instructions? Please describe them.
    • Janet Coolman
      Students will fill Toobla folders with videos to use in group projects. Each student will pass a folder to a person in their group using the Group space in the wiki. The students will view the information in the videos and collaborate with one another using the discussion board of a wiki. By tweeting they will provide the group member with updates to their project. E
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Just learner-learner interaction does not meet NLE instructional strategies.
    • Janet Coolman
      Added learner-interface.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      I think this is in expository level, not interactive. Update it!
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      These are not enought for NLE. We need to integrate NLE instructional strategies.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Do you mean Google Docs' Presentation tool?
    • Marta Herrera
      Yes, I meant the Google Docs Presentation tool...sorry
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Generally, we do not consider threaded discussion as NLE technology.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Generally, we do not consider threaded discussion as synchronous technology.
    • Steve Arizona
      Wouldn't Black Berry chat be syncrohous? I don't see it as a threaded discussion. I should add Learner-Content as well the chat is based on a specific learning task related to curriculum content.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Lacks of NLE instructional strategies.
    • Steve Arizona
      Should this have been included in the Activity: Students participate in chat via a smart phone such as Black Berry or iPhone to compare notes while engaged in a field geography assignment in different locations at the same time.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      There are NLE instructional strategies should be integrated into your NLE instructions.
    • Lauren Hendley
      After reading your description on Community-Community interaction, I believe this is one that I will need to omit from my strategies.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      If we don't record these sessions, can we still consider it as UGC? If we record the sessions, it would be asynchronous, correct?
    • Lauren Hendley
      I was referring to the group blog as the UGC content. :-)
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Great thought! I like that you integrate NLE widgets to blogs. To share with whom?
    • Chris Brown
      They would be shared with the community of students. I just the ETC community as an example. I would hope that NLE implementation elsewhere involves a vital digital community of learners as well.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      I like your real-time collaboration on Google Docs' Presentation tool. Great idea.
    • Chris Brown
      I felt this was a close as possible to being in the same room with computers working together. It is amazing what is possible now.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      More NLE instructional strategies can be integrated.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Great ideas on using Delicious to share! I wonder how actualy can be shared via Delicious. Tag? What tags shoudl be applied.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Why is this related to NLE?
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Could you be more specific on how visual learning integrated into your instrucitons?
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      How these three technologies will be integrated? Be specific!
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Great idea on using Presentation for story writing.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Consider to have more NLE instructional strategies.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Not clear! How to evaluate? what to use to evaluate?
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      You have more integrated NLE instrucitonal strategies. List all.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Why post to blog? Why not to make the Wave public to share with the calss?
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      More NLE instructional strategies should be integrated.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      What timeline? Is the timeline in visual form? Consider to use Dipity to create a timeline.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      More NLE instructional strategies shold be integrated.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Are blogs in public? Shared?
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      More NLE instructional strategies to be integrated.
    • Nicholas Hagemann
      Can you elaborate? Am I missing strategies that need to be labeled? Or does my activity lack enough NLE strategies to be considered interactive? Thanks.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Not clear why is this synchronous? What types of presenations in 2nd life?
    • Nicholas Hagemann
      My thought is that the presentation would create an event where learners would need to present at the same moment. I was thinking that this is the differnce between synchronous and asynchronous but please let me know if I am wrong in that belief.
    • Nicholas Hagemann
      sorry it should read "to be present"
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      More NLE instructional strategies shoudl be integrated.
    • Lauren Hendley
      Suzy, I LOVE this idea. I have actually thought about having my kids create avatars as well. I think it would be neat to link it to a writing assignment where they have to describe their avatar. You could also have them post on VoiceThread and have other students make comments, etc.! Fun stuff! :)
Lauren Hendley

Active - 2010 Spring ETC647 - 10 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      One complete entry includes synchronous and asynchornous postings.
  • Students use a social networking interface (Facebook)
    • Janet Coolman
      Christopher, Thanks for providing me with a new technology to try. Would your evaluation area include observation and criteria?
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Active (Stephen Rothkopf)
    • Steve Arizona
      I see now that both my applications would fit into interacive as learner to learner interaction is ivolved.
    • Steve Arizona
      I see now this is interactive as Etherpad allows learners to directly exchange ideas between each other while interacting with content.
  • facebook chat board and publish a blog of these events.
    • Steve Arizona
      Great to have the student in the "foriegn" country comment on the news story and vice versa. This could work well in an advanced language class as well, in which languages such as French and English are paired for example. If Blogger is used and feed tracking is added to Google then this woud clearly be integrated wthin a PLE.
    • Lauren Hendley
      I love this idea, Lisa! ePals has a great format to follow for book projects between pen pal classes. Might be something to check out! Discussing literature in this way is very active and authentic!
Steve Arizona

Lesson 3 - Accessibility in Your Design - 0 views

    • Steve Arizona
      What a great feature, to be able to add captions. I see your application but this could also be helpful for language learners. Some sort of eveluation and post survey should be included. We only had to complete 3 lessons, but I think this was expected at least the evaluation part.
    I didn't even thing about this for language learners.
Steve Arizona

Lesson 1 - Accessibility in Your Design - 1 views

    • Steve Arizona
      I like activity 3 but could you then get learner to learner reflection of some sort to really stress the social apsect of the Web 2.0 tool you are using?
    I really like the learner to learner idea reflection idea. Maybe I should have the other learners post comments on the blog.
Steve Arizona

Lesson 3 Supporting Digital Citizenship - Digital Literacy for Immigrants - 0 views

    • Steve Arizona
      I like your voice thread reflecito. It reall gets your participants to learn form each other. Evaluation and perhaps a post survery would be helpful.
    • Melanie Del Grosso
      There is a post survey, you can find the link at the bottom of the Lesson 3 page. Or click this link:
Chris Brown

Cyber Warriors - Cyber Warriors - 1 views

shared by Chris Brown on 19 Apr 10 - Cached
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question I: NLE Strategies Applied Please discuss three most important strategies of NLE in your unit. Please be sure to justify why they are effective NLE strategies and how you assess them. Remember NLE strategies are not just your contents or "technologies," such as wiki, Blog, Twitter etc. It is integrated soft technologies. Hint: Four components of technology integrations: Content; Technology; Instructional Strategies; Assessment.
    • Lisa Costello
      The three most important strategies of this NLE were PAR, INFOVIZ, and UGC. With respect to PAR, learners collaborated and created wiki pages. Peer feedback and responses to said feedback were required. This strategy engaged learners in the content area. The evaluation for this portion was covered via rubric and criteria. The INFOVIZ strategy incorporated Wordle and concept maps via Kidspiration. Visual representations of content were created. This allowed an enhancement of content, provided a mental/visual graphic organizer, and allowed each learner to organize concepts in a way which was meaningful to them. This portion was assessed via rubrics. Finally, UGC permitted teams to create and share content via a wiki page. Participants were then required to read through their peers' content and provide feedback. This was evaluated via criteria. This permitted learners to take ownership of their learning. Content effectively fit into a NLE environment. Web 2.0 technology was implemented. Instructional strategies included: learner-learner interaction, reflection, online collaboration, collaborative learning, peer evaluation, creative, etc. Assessments were based on criteria and rubrics.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question II: NLE Please justify why your unit integrating NLE, not just online learning environments (OLE). Be sure to distinguish NLE from OLE. Provide the examples from your unit to justify your responses.
    • Lisa Costello
      A networked learning environment is an environment which contains a system of interrelated components, connections, and people. This system supports and facilitates your own learning experiences, as well as those you are networked with. It is a collaborative model which the instructor streamlines to promote individual accountability in a group setting, as well as learning goals/objectives. This structure allows for more self-reflection and management of one's learning. Traditional online learning might give a schedule, required readings and assignments, scheduled exams, and have not interaction between other learners or the instructor. There is very little sense of community in this model, and definitely no sense of ownership in one's learning. I feel that this unit lends itself to an NLE. It incorporates NLE strategies and technology tools which foster a sense of ownership (e.g. wiki content pages, Web 2.0, etc.), collaboration (e.g. team and community items such as wiki page creation, peer feedback, interaction, etc.), and self-reflection (e.g. reflective paper and blogger).
    • Chris Brown
      Content centrally organized using a wiki structure. The language and design of the unit is targeted specifically to grade school students and as such is appropriate. Students have to structure their own knowledge by using tools like concept mapping, wiki, group blogs, and Gloster. Students use a web quest style to gather information about the content areas. The network focus is primarily on the tools and the contents resources.  Student communities and teams serve as an interpersonal network. The technologies are integrated efficiently and appropriately. The content delivery seems to be more of a traditional style web quest, but it is delivered within a network environment that relies on community and connections. Evaluation is based primarily on products that students create. Rubrics are used to assess these products to ascertain whether the goals and objectives are met. These objectives were measured and aligned to the content.  The unit appears to be somewhat weak in evaluating the instructional strategies of the network learning environment. I think that as a student I could've benefited from a stronger explanation of how to use the navigation and work through the site.  On one of the pages in the discussion board requirement should also been listed as an activity and not merely an objective.The site was very easy to follow, and I loved your topic choice.
    • Lisa Costello
      Thanks for your feedback Chris. I appreciate the depth of your comments:) Have a great evening!
    Creative way to approach a current, important topic. Resources and links broaden your targeted audience 10-15? Outstanding job with terrific resources, use of NLE strategies, and variety of technological assignments, projects, and discussions. The unit was well presented in an organized and easy to follow manner on a crucial, current topic for school aged children.
Lisa Costello

Digital Literacy Home - Digital Literacy for Immigrants - 2 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question II: NLE Please justify why your unit integrating NLE, not just online learning environments (OLE). Be sure to distinguish NLE from OLE. Provide the examples from your unit to justify your responses.
    • Melanie Del Grosso
      My unit integrates NLE not just an OLE. Online Learning Environments simply allow users to use technology tools independently. Often, technology is not required in order to learn content, it is just an add-on. In a NLE, participants interact digitally and learn from their interactions. The technology used supports collaboration. My unit requires participants to collaborate via a wiki, discuss issues through asynchronous discussion boards and voice threads, and share resources via Delicious.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question I: NLE Strategies Applied Please discuss three most important strategies of NLE in your unit. Please be sure to justify why they are effective NLE strategies and how you assess them. Remember NLE strategies are not just your contents or "technologies," such as wiki, Blog, Twitter etc. It is integrated soft technologies. Hint: Four components of technology integrations: Content; Technology; Instructional Strategies; Assessment.
    • Melanie Del Grosso
      Three important strategies in my unit are UGC, community interaction, and social tagging. Participants are presented with the "what" of digital citizenship, but they are the ones that answer the how and why we need it in our school. They contribute UGC to the wiki, which is a very important strategy in this environment because it makes the parents feel as though their input is being valued. Participants interact as a community using discussions and voice threads, and share resources using social tagging on Delicious. These tasks are assessed by self and peer evaluation. Participants also take a post-unit survey to assess the effectiveness of the unit in terms of learning and technology use.
    • Steve Arizona
      Your goals are very timely for your school I am sure! An evaluatio piece on how effecive your endeavor should be included.
  • ...2 more annotations...
    • Chris Brown
      The content is very appropriate for the parents of digital natives.  Directions are clear and the content is aptly delivered using a network learning environment. Feedback Comments: Participants in this course, communicate with each other and create products that demonstrate their learning and research.  Topics are discussed within the community of learners. The discussions and products used allow learners to create their knowledge and make connections to more knowledge and resources.  This focus gives the unit a strong emphasis on networked instructional strategies rather than mere distributed ones. All the network learning environment technologies are used effectively and appropriately. The tools used are wiki, voice thread, wordle, and delicious. all of these tools help introduce the learners to the new world of Web 2.0 learning.  Once again the focus is on the community of learners and not simply the tools used. This course is evaluated through the users, active engagement in discussions and product creation. Learners interact with each other through posts and other Web 2.0 tools. Evaluation is based on these posts and products. Additionally, an end of unit survey is employed to evaluate the effectiveness of the network learning environment employed. The emphasis of the evaluation is on the content and the learning. There is some evaluation of the strategies used to deliver the content as evidenced by the survey. I thought you presented a very clear and understandable unit.  I think this unit helps to fill a void in the understanding of our parent populations.  Well-written unit and excellent examples.  I also appreciated how you always added links for further explanation when expecting users to employ different technologies. 
    • Melanie Del Grosso
      Thank you for your comments.
    • Lisa Costello
      The content for this NLE is appropriate for your target audience of parents and/or teachers. This is a pertinent topic with respect to your learning community. Social content sharing, folksonomy (tagging=Delicious), Information visiualization (Wordle), etc. were all present. I feel that UGC and PAR could have been taken further by allowing participants to collaboratively present content to others and post feedback on said presentations, not just allow for discussion board interactions. Technologies presented: wiki, voice thread, Delicious, and Wordle. All technologies were integrated effectively and appropriately for this NLE and target audience. I enjoyed your implementation and use of the Voice Thread tool. Allows for self-reflection of activities and end-of-unit survey, but was unclear on how individual artifacts/activities would be measured. Overall, your content was relevant and vital to your community at Whittier Elementary. This unit fulfilled a need within your population, and your use of Web 2.0 tools (especially Voice Thread) was ideal:)
Chris Brown

Wiki: Connectivism in a NLE - Wiki: Connectivism in a NLE - 3 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question I: NLE Strategies Applied Please discuss three most important strategies of NLE in your unit. Please be sure to justify why they are effective NLE strategies and how you assess them. Remember NLE strategies are not just your contents or "technologies," such as wiki, Blog, Twitter etc. It is integrated soft technologies. Hint: Four components of technology integrations: Content; Technology; Instructional Strategies; Assessment.
    • Janet Coolman
      Three of the most important strategies of NLE in my unit included social interaction/collaboration in discussion areas, group projects that included collaboration and knowledge creation, and assessing that the learning was really occuring. There was a problem, a need. The need was addressed with content, technologies, instructional strategies, and assessments. Assessments provide the answer to whether or not the instruction was effective and efficient. Assessments also provide ways to build better instruction for the future. I believe these were three of the important strategies of my unit.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Could you explain why "social interaction/collaboration in discussion areas" is NLE strategy not online learning strategy?
    • Janet Coolman
      The social interaction/collaboration is intended as an NLE strategy to have teachers "network" with one another. I am hoping that the online discussion area with be a starting point for collaboration outside of the online workshop. I am also hoping that the teachers will bring information from their individual networks into the discussion area to share those ideas and networks with their groups. I see discussion areas as collaboration areas and do not see them as only online learning strategies.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question II: NLE Please justify why your unit integrating NLE, not just online learning environments (OLE). Be sure to distinguish NLE from OLE. Provide the examples from your unit to justify your responses.
    • Janet Coolman
      Connecting different networks provides ways of managing content, process and support to others in your community of practice. This can be used online or in the traditional classroom. Providing learners with content through building their own personal learning environments also provides them with ways of managing their learning and with ways to share and interact in a community of practice. The formation of groups and group projects provides learners with collaboration, and extends their communities of practice. Social bookmarking extends these communities globally. The creation of a wiki, while an online strategy also provides a tool to use in a traditional classroom as an enhancement for group work and to encourage discussions for building new knowledge and social interactions.
    • Steve Arizona
      I am not assigned to review your project, but it is really good. You have provided a great application but even more useful for me a great summary of essential items covered in our course. Thanks!
    • Janet Coolman
      Thanks, Steve.
  • ...1 more annotation...
    • Chris Brown
      The content is certainly advanced enough to reach your collegiate audience. the content directly relates to organizational learning through network environments, as students not only are learning within such environments, but are actively developing their own. The unit is very constructivist oriented in that students have to design and create within a framework that doesn't detail everything for them. Students are asked to remix multiple content areas and sources to form their own works. Multiple tools are used such as wiki, Google Docs, social bookmarking, and various PLE creation tools. Feedback Comments: The focus of the tools used in this project are at the development of network learning environments.  The tools are used to remix content, and also interact within a network of learners. This unit uses projects like small papers and wiki design as its primary means of evaluation.  Evaluation is guided by the use of rubrics. the unit itself is also evaluated based on an end of unit survey. All the goals and objectives are measurable. They are measurable, however, to varying degrees as different instruments of assessment are employed. The instructional strategies use are evaluated based on the end of units survey. Overall this was a really strong unit.  You covered a large breath of information at incorporated network learning environment thinking. On occasion, I found myself thinking as a novice user and asking functional questions like, where is the discussion area, how do I post my work, and how do I join your site.
    • Janet Coolman
      Thanks, Chris. I find this a real work in progress...always refining and tweeking. I appreciate your comments. Jan
    Content more then adequately supports the audience: teachers. Presented in an organized, easy to comprehend manner. NLE instructional strategies: Integrated in multiple ways supported by excellent and numerous resources. Discuss the effectiveness of projects with the class, not just with the instructor. Collaboration assignments used technology effectively and beneficially. Each activity had a rubric or measured. Wow! Jan, the amount of your Class Resources is amazing! I appreciated the organized nature, magnificent amount of rubrics, and the diversity in assignments. Excellent job.
Lauren Hendley

Story telling in the digital age_Huffman - Story telling in the digital age - 0 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question I: NLE Strategies Applied Please discuss three most important strategies of NLE in your unit. Please be sure to justify why they are effective NLE strategies and how you assess them. Remember NLE strategies are not just your contents or "technologies," such as wiki, Blog, Twitter etc. It is integrated soft technologies. Hint: Four components of technology integrations: Content; Technology; Instructional Strategies; Assessment.
    • Shawn Huffman
      The three most important strategies of NLE are the soft technologies of how to present ideas in a digital age, how to evaluate aspects of a story using technology, and how to find information as a community. Soft technology is the technology that people understand, what they have inside. The community presentations of their artifacts in this unit and the necessity of attending them to evaluate are both critical elements of an NLE. It is not the technology itself that becomes important, but the idea of how to do it as a community that makes it an NLE.Learning how to contribute to a group building a knowledge base is an important NLE strategy. Using each other's innovation as well as providing your own expertise to create a community that is greater than any individual could come up with is the essence of this unit and that is what makes it an NLE and not just a unit with technology embedded in it.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Shawn, You stated: "The community presentations of their artifacts in this unit and the necessity of attending them to evaluate are both critical elements of an NLE." Could you be more specific why it is NLE not online learning?
    • Shawn Huffman
      Because all of their learning is done in a communal form. From my understanding, an online learning would simply send them on a webquest and have them post for evaluation. This unit is centered around them looking at, evaluating, and using each others' work. Because it is all created using a network that they all spread out from and return to it becomes more NLE and less online learning. They are forming a community of other learners and collaborating, even though they are writing different stories.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question II: NLE Please justify why your unit integrating NLE, not just online learning environments (OLE). Be sure to distinguish NLE from OLE. Provide the examples from your unit to justify your responses.
    • Shawn Huffman
      The unit is an NLE because all of the participants have access to all of the information at any time and are required to look at, evaluate, and participate in everyone's project. An OLE involves putting all of the work online, but does not necessarily involve the group feeling. For example, in an OLE, a student would be asked to blog about an experience, but in an NLE, the students would be required to respond and communicate with each other.
    • Lauren Hendley
      Shawn, it was very refreshing to peer review another unit that took NLE and applied it to your real learners (high school/college), instead of adults! :) I also like how you took a language arts class and turned it into an NLE. Not an easy task! I think that your goals/objectives were clear and easy to understand. I think that it would have been helpful to view your School Fusion site since a lot of your unit is focused there. Where did you learn of School Fusion? Would you use School Fusion over a wiki site for your students and why? Sorry so many questions! Also, your NLE strategies were very clear and easy to identify. One last recommendation would be to add come critical evaluation instruments for students to view to ensure objectives are being met. Your unit shows a great understanding of ETC 647. Thanks for sharing!
    • Shawn Huffman
      Thanks for the feedback! School Fusion is our district's cms, kind od like blackboard. It is very easy to use. I would use it over a wiki, simply because I have to, district policy and all that. It does have many features that I love, though. The students are all assigned pseudonyms, for blogging (the teacher can identify them, of course.) I can create an online dropbox for assignments, I can post my class podcasts, etc. It is a fairly comprehensive tool for us. You can check out our school site at Thanks again!
Chih-Hsiung Tu

Making Plagiarism History Home - Making Plagiarism History - 1 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question I: NLE Strategies Applied Please discuss three most important strategies of NLE in your unit. Please be sure to justify why they are effective NLE strategies and how you assess them. Remember NLE strategies are not just your contents or "technologies," such as wiki, Blog, Twitter etc. It is integrated soft technologies. Hint: Four components of technology integrations: Content; Technology; Instructional Strategies; Assessment.
    • Steve Arizona
      I updated it below.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      ?? Be sure to respond to this question.
    • Steve Arizona
      My project is more than just using online resources as it uses multiple tools or resources from the network learning environment to encourage learner to learner collaboration to help participants be active in building their knowledge in a social environment. By developing a PLE, participants are taught how to manage various NLE resources being used. This is in tune with connectivism as students are learning from the teacher, each other and non human mediums. Specific strategies included: * Integrating connectivism into teaching practice by modeling it through team collaboration using Google docs after reviewing OLE resources presented in a Webquest. Specific NLE strategies includes learner to learner reflection about specific tools that may be useful which will be ultimately assessed by a reduction in plagiarism. * Participants will review other team reflections via Google docs and post individually on a discussion board. Addressing the following questions: o Based on your team's reflection created in Google Docs, present your reflection as a response to this post. o Be sure to comment individually on one other team post as to how your reflections were similar and or different. * This allows further self reflection and learner to learner contact which will ultimately be measured against the reduction of plagiarism. * By holding application training workshops and developing a train the trainer model this project will be sustainable. Having teachers develop and use a PLE with Google docs as common tool would be one measure of success. This would include teacher to learner and learner to learner interaction.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question II: NLE Please justify why your unit integrating NLE, not just online learning environments (OLE). Be sure to distinguish NLE from OLE. Provide the examples from your unit to justify your responses.
    • Steve Arizona
      I am using NLE because learners need to connect to each other using multiple resources to build their knowledge. Using OLE alone cannot accomplish this goal. For example, the blogging helps generate learning by reading about what other groups have discovered in which individuals then reflect via Google Docs. The networking of individuals clearly takes this project beyond single OLE without any connections.
Lisa Costello

Lesson 2 What is Digital Citizenship? - Digital Literacy for Immigrants - 0 views

    • Lisa Costello
      I like the Web 2.0 tools you have in place. One item for this lesson might be with respect to the article on Digital Citizenship; it might be helpful to have an actual link to the article as opposed to just an attachment at the bottom of the wiki page:)
Lisa Costello

Accessibility in Your Design - Accessibility in Your Design - 0 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question I: NLE Strategies Applied Please discuss three most important strategies of NLE in your unit. Please be sure to justify why they are effective NLE strategies and how you assess them. Remember NLE strategies are not just your contents or "technologies," such as wiki, Blog, Twitter etc. It is integrated soft technologies. Hint: Four components of technology integrations: Content; Technology; Instructional Strategies; Assessment.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question II: NLE Please justify why your unit integrating NLE, not just online learning environments (OLE). Be sure to distinguish NLE from OLE. Provide the examples from your unit to justify your responses.
    • Steve Arizona
      A very noble cause! The Youtube video is very engaging. I believe and evauation of your network plan should be included.
  • ...1 more annotation...
    • Lisa Costello
      Content supports organizational learning network environment, and is appropriate for the targeted audiences of individuals already possessing an intensive web design background. Linkage design appropriate, UGC&PAR (group wiki pages/needed to require that participants read each other's pages and provide feedback), community-community interaction (Delicious tags), Mashup (course blog), etc. Section for creation of group wiki space was unclear. Did not state to use this space for creating content. Technologies presented: youtube, Delicious, Blogger, video blogging, google docs, podcasting, Wordle...although I was unclear on the Wordle portion. There were no instructions or annotations. Was this meant to be a student activity, or just general information? Evaluation methods: Rubrics and criteria lists. No peer or self-evaluation. Artifacts to be turned in: youtube video, wiki page, essay with accompanying Delicious information. No self-reflection or post-course survey. This was a very interesting unit you created. I, even without intensive web design experience, enjoyed going through it. The initial youtube video was extremely interesting :) Thank you for sharing:)
    • Melanie Del Grosso
      Great idea for a topic, Jason! I especially like that you are targeting the people that know how to design websites already. This unit is expanding their understanding of their job. In terms of the assessment piece, you have evaluation checklists, which are utilized for several activities. There is also a rubric for the accessibility paper. Goals are aligned to evaluation pieces. Delicious, Google Docs, and Blogger seem to be integrated effectively and appropriately. A possible suggestion to make Delicious look more like a "network" technology would be to provide instructions and expectations on the use of tags. Overall, I think this unit is a great idea. I don't know much about technology departments on college campuses, but I am sure they don't spend enough time focusing on accessibility. I think this unit brings to light an important issue in educational technology today. Nice work!
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