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Revenu de base

Revenu de base

2939 Items, 50 Members

VEILLE PARTAGÉE AUTOUR DU REVENU DE BASE Ce groupe vise à organiser la veille médiatiques sur les sujets liés au revenu de base. Il permet d'alimenter en contenu nos réseaux sociaux, ainsi que de permettre au pôle plaidoyer de surveiller l'actualité politique. TYPE DE CONTENUS • Articles de press...

Web 3.0 Fr

Web 3.0 Fr

436 Items, 83 Members

Groupe de veille sur les futurs du web : web sémantique, web symbiotique, web ubiquitaire, web temps réel, internet des objets, machine to machine, linked data, web squared, web 3D, P2P, internet 3.0, intelligence artificielle, sciences cognitives, nouveaux usages...

Collective Intelligence theory research

Collective Intelligence theory research

1064 Items, 45 Members

a repository for papers, books, research concerning the theory and practice of Collective intelligence, and the future of the internet and social networking practice

Global Education Conference

Global Education Conference

921 Items, 38 Members

This group is going to be archived shortly as we are consolidating redundant resources. All bookmarks as of April 7, 2012 have been moved to Please join us at the official Global Education Conference Diigo bookmarking group! Thanks!

Global Voices Online

Global Voices Online

52 Items, 18 Members

The world is talking, are you listening