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My Groups
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First Nations Studies

First Nations Studies

17 Items, 11 Members

This is a closed group of Radney's students in First Nations Study courses.

Science Writing

Science Writing

57 Items, 22 Members

This is a group of university students who are writing science and technical materials for others. It is a closed class, and outside members will not be given permission to interact with the group.

MOODLE for Teachers

MOODLE for Teachers

601 Items, 31 Members

This is a group of people interested in learning more about using MOODLE with people who need to learn. It need not be limited, but it was started as an initiative of Group Seven (G7) within the second session of the MOODLE for Teachers course of the IT4ALL (

Radney's Critical Thinkers

Radney's Critical Thinkers

80 Items, 1 Members

This group is for social bookmarking in Radney's PHIL 1110 Critical Thinking class at TRU.

Radney's Business Group

Radney's Business Group

427 Items, 59 Members

This is a group of very intelligent students learning to write for business situations.

Radney's English Group

Radney's English Group

362 Items, 14 Members

This is a group of Dr. Radney's English students.

Radney's Study Skills Group

Radney's Study Skills Group

9 Items, 1 Members

moodle gardening

moodle gardening

26 Items, 3 Members

moodle cooking

moodle cooking

31 Items, 4 Members